
What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

author:Yukai Sports
What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

The trajectory of life is sometimes like a coincidence, and the arrangement of fate is always full of unknown variables. Once the golden boy and jade girl, Feng Shaofeng and Zhao Liying, their stories seem to go in different directions after the end of their marriage. However, when a news suddenly came, it seemed that their respective lives were intertwined again, making people sigh at the mystery of fate.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

The breakdown of the former marriage seems to have taken away their careers. Zhao Liying devoted herself to the filming of movies and TV series, and her persistence and hard work have created wonderful roles. Feng Shaofeng, on the other hand, chose another path, quietly "lying flat" and dedicating most of his time to home parenting. Perhaps, his affluent background allows him to choose such a life, but there are also concerns about whether he will lose himself in the path of his career.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

However, fate often paints a new picture of life for people at the most inadvertent moments. Just when people began to understand Feng Shaofeng's attitude of "lying flat" to life, an exciting news came - he will star in a costume drama called "Burning Wind". The official announcement of this work is like injecting new vitality into his life, which has once again attracted people's attention and heated discussion.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

The name of the TV series "Burning Wind" is like a breeze that gently blows past people's ears and arouses infinite reverie. Feng Shaofeng will perform this brand new story together with Jing Tian and Xu Haiqiao. Not only did they announce the good news on social media, but they also interacted with fans on the special day of Tanabata Festival and shared their inner excitement. Perhaps, this is their long-awaited opportunity, through this interaction, not only to promote the work, but also to convey gratitude and expectations to fans.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

On August 22, the sunny Qixi Festival, Feng Shaofeng and Jing Tian appeared on social platforms together and officially announced that they would star in "Burning Wind". They plan to sweep buildings on a certain wave platform and goose factory, and interact with fans through live broadcasts across the Internet. This news undoubtedly added another bright color to the careers of Feng Shaofeng and Jing Tian. Perhaps, it is their long-awaited opportunity, through this interaction, not only to promote the work, but also to seek more support and expectations.

At this event, Feng Shaofeng was extremely excited, and he was passionate about promoting this new work. His words are filled with love and confidence in his work. Although Jing Tian's declaration is short, it reveals her expectations and longing for her new work. Perhaps, it is this focus and persistence that makes their acting career shine again.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

However, on the other side of public opinion, Zhao Liying still does not seem to be completely relieved. Once an important person, after the divorce, she still seems to have a trace of concern in her heart. On this special Tanabata Festival, she chose to stand alone on the balcony, holding a wine bottle, as if communicating with her heart. This picture conveys a lonely emotion, which makes people feel emotional.

Perhaps, Zhao Liying is also waiting for a warm companionship, especially on this special day. Although some time has passed since the divorce, she does not seem to have found a suitable partner. At the same time, she interacts frequently with Feng Shaofeng to take care of the children together, and this tacit understanding and closeness seems to convey more information. People speculate that perhaps the story between the two is not over, and there are still too many possibilities for the road ahead.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

However, for Zhao Liying, should she return to the past and repair the old? Now she is a woman with a successful career, and she can live a wonderful life on her own. Although Feng Shaofeng's "lying flat" was worrisome, his enthusiasm and concentration in returning to his career was also impressive.

What's the situation? Feng Shaofeng Jingtian Qixi officially announced the good news, Zhao Liying balcony alone balcony to drink alcohol

Everyone's life trajectory is full of choices and opportunities, and the future is unknown. For Feng Shaofeng and Zhao Liying, whether they come together again or not, they hope they can find their happiness.

Perhaps, the most important thing is to bravely face the challenges of life and find your own answers. In any case, their stories will always be a topic of conversation and a part of everyone's entertainment life. The intertwining of fates doomed their story to continue.

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