
You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

author:U2 odd

Recently, a high-profile incident attracted widespread attention: a large number of Japanese marine protection ships passed through the Chinese Strait in groups. The Japanese claimed that this move was to avoid the coming typhoon. However, this explanation is clearly not plausible to many, because according to common sense, choosing to cross the Chinese Strait in order to avoid a typhoon is not a wise route choice. Such a situation is actually very rare, so people began to speculate about Japan's true intentions.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

After Typhoon Mawa ravaged military installations on the US island of Guam, the typhoon did not dissipate, but continued to move northwest. However, before the typhoon arrived, Japan sent seven armed law enforcement ships to the Taiwan Strait on May 29, apparently to avoid the impending typhoon.

However, as at 30 May, these law enforcement vessels had not left the Strait area, and a large number of ships remained around the Strait. This situation has aroused alarm, and many discerning people do not believe the reasons claimed by the Japanese side. After all, if they already knew that a typhoon was coming, why would they risk sailing into the strait?

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

Even more doubtful, the ships were divided into four groups and passed through the strait one after another. This is only the information that can be queried on the public platform, and for some ships that do not have a public signal, it is impossible to know their true movements, which seems to be in line with Japan's usual style.

China is particularly concerned about the passage of Japanese vessels through the Taiwan Strait, because even under normal circumstances, the presence of Japanese ships in the Taiwan Strait attracts attention. And now, large numbers of ships are passing through the strait in batches, which raises more suspicions. Earlier, Japan openly stated that the Taiwan issue is Japan's business, which actually shows that Japan is consistent with the United States on the Taiwan issue.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

And the position of the United States on the Taiwan issue is well known, they frequently use Taiwan to provoke China and push the Taiwan issue to the international stage. In addition, the United States has also built momentum on the South China Sea issue by wooing countries such as the Philippines, and there is no shortage of military exercises and other actions. However, these moves all appear to serve U.S. strategic interests.

At the same time, Japan and the Philippines are geographically close, and win-win cooperation with China would have been a wise choice. However, their choice to side with the United States and work with the United States against China is somewhat expected.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

The relationship between China and Japan has a long history, and the contradictions between them are also deep-rooted. The way Japan once treated China is remembered by every Chinese, and the wounds of history cannot be erased. As an ally of the United States, Japan is on the side of the United States in many international affairs. Japan and the United States have worked closely to exacerbate cross-strait contradictions and escalate tension in the Taiwan Strait to benefit from them. The United States is also putting pressure on China in areas such as technology sanctions, and Japan is not far behind.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

However, China has always been committed to maintaining world peace and stability and advocating multipolar development. Cooperation with Japan is a reasonable option, but Japan seems more willing to side with the United States and work with the United States against China.

Japan's move through the Taiwan Strait clearly challenges China's bottom line of sovereignty. China took immediate action, using advanced technology to quickly detect the location of Japanese ships, and then a powerful coast guard arrived to drive away the ill-intentioned Japanese coastal protection vessels. Despite Japan's attempts to cover up its intentions by acting in batches, China quickly and decisively blocked their actions.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

Through this incident, China has demonstrated to the world its firm position and clear attitude that no infringement is tolerated. China's actions demonstrate the wisdom and determination of Chinese people and send a clear warning to countries that seek to touch China's bottom line.

In short, Japan's large-scale crossing of the Taiwan Strait has aroused widespread concern and misgivings. Although they tried to explain their actions by dodging the typhoon, the explanation was clearly untenable. China's decisive response shows that China's determination to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity is indestructible. We should always be vigilant to prevent similar incidents from happening again, and hopefully those

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

The state can rationally view the current situation and should not be used by forces with ulterior motives to harm its own interests. Although we hope to be able to coexist peacefully and cooperate with other countries in the world, if someone tries to touch China's bottom line, we will not hesitate to take action.

In this incident, China showed its calmness and decisiveness, accurately grasped the movements of Japanese ships through advanced scientific and technological means, and then quickly took appropriate actions to intercept and drive away. This textbook approach not only sends a clear signal to Japan, but also shows the world China's firm position on defending territorial sovereignty.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

It is worth noting, however, that this is not the first time Japan has taken provocative actions, and its close cooperation with the United States is no accident. Japan's historical unfriendly attitude toward China and its alliance with the United States set the stage for the incident. Although we hope to improve relations with Japan, facts have shown that historical and practical contradictions between the two countries still exist.

On the whole, Japan's large-scale crossing of the Taiwan Strait has aroused the attention and concern of the international community. China's firm response not only upheld the dignity of the country, but also conveyed a strong will to maintain peace and stability. In the future, we hope that all countries can resolve their differences through dialogue and cooperation and jointly safeguard regional and world peace.

You dare to stop me! A large number of Japanese sea protection ships passed through the strait in batches, and China staged textbook treatment

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