
After cabbage is colonized, it is necessary to prevent this disease, cut the root, spray something, and the cabbage grows quickly without disease

author:Straight towers
After cabbage is colonized, it is necessary to prevent this disease, cut the root, spray something, and the cabbage grows quickly without disease

After cabbage is colonized, it is necessary to prevent this disease, cut the root, spray something, and the cabbage grows quickly without disease

With the improvement of people's living standards, vegetables have become an indispensable part of our table. Among all kinds of vegetables, cabbage can be described as one of the essential ingredients for every household. However, in order to grow tender and green cabbage in your own garden, in addition to proper watering and fertilization, you also need to pay special attention to pest control. This article will tell you how to effectively prevent and control a common cabbage disease after cabbage colonization, so that your cabbage grows fast and healthy and disease-free.

## 1. The threat of disease

During the growth of cabbage, it is often attacked by a parasite called "root-knot nematode". This tiny nematode parasitizes the roots of cabbage, causing sluggish growth and yellowing and shrinking leaves, ultimately affecting yield and quality. If measures are not taken in time, this disease may spread in cabbage fields, causing considerable economic losses.

## 2. Scissor the cabbage root

The first control measure after cabbage colonization is to prune the roots with scissors in the early stages of cabbage growth. Although this process may seem simple, it can effectively reduce the parasitism of root-knot nematodes.

After cabbage is colonized, it is necessary to prevent this disease, cut the root, spray something, and the cabbage grows quickly without disease

**The steps are as follows:**

- Wait for the cabbage seedlings to grow to a certain height, usually about 10-15 cm.

- Using sharp scissors or pruning shears, cut off the roots of cabbage seedlings by about 1-2 cm, cutting off the parasitic nematodes.

- Be careful not to cut too deep so as not to hurt the growth point of the cabbage.

This simple scissor pruning can significantly reduce the parasitism of nematodes and lay a good foundation for subsequent control work.

## 3. Spray something

Scissor pruning is only the first step in controlling root-knot nematodes, and spraying is also required to further ensure the healthy growth of cabbage. Choosing the right pesticide is essential to control nematode disease, so it is advisable to consult a professional agricultural technician or your local agricultural agency to determine which pesticide is suitable for your area and cabbage variety.

When using pesticides, be sure to follow these precautions:

- Operate strictly in accordance with the instructions for the use of pesticides, and do not abuse or overuse.

- Wear protective equipment, including masks, gloves and gowns, when using pesticides.

- Avoid using pesticides in windy or hot weather to avoid pesticide drifting or volatilization.

- After spraying, the sprayer and other tools should be thoroughly washed to prevent residues from causing harm to the environment and health.

## 4. Growth management

In addition to scissor pruning and pesticide control, scientific growth management is also crucial to the growth and health of cabbage. Here are some management recommendations:

- Reasonable spacing: When planting cabbage, make sure that there is sufficient spacing between each cabbage plant to allow sufficient air circulation and sunlight exposure to reduce the breeding of diseases.

- Moderate fertilization: During the growth of cabbage, the right amount of organic fertilizer can provide the necessary nutrients and enhance disease resistance.

- Regular monitoring: Regularly patrol cabbage fields, observe the growth of plants, and deal with abnormalities in time.

## 5. Boosts immunity

Finally, to make cabbage more resistant to pests and diseases, you can also take some measures to boost your immunity. This includes:

- **Choosing disease-resistant varieties:** When purchasing cabbage seeds, try to choose varieties with certain disease resistance, which can reduce the risk of disease.

- Biological control: The use of natural enemies insects or microorganisms to control pests and diseases is environmentally friendly and does not leave residues on vegetables.

- Crop rotation: Avoid continuous cabbage planting on the same plot, and using crop rotation can help reduce the growth of pests and germs in the soil.

In general, the disease control after cabbage colonization requires the comprehensive use of a variety of means. Scissors repair

Shearing, spraying treatment, scientific growth management and strengthening immunity are all important links. Only in this way can you cultivate tender and green cabbage in your own vegetable garden, ensuring a healthy table for your family. I hope these methods will help you grow your cabbage and make your cabbage grow fast and free from diseases.

After cabbage is colonized, it is necessary to prevent this disease, cut the root, spray something, and the cabbage grows quickly without disease