
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

author:Zhou Yixin
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Wen Zhou took a break

Editor|Zhou Yixin

On July 23, 2010, Mr. Chen's family welcomed their newborn baby, which was supposed to be a happy day. However, the accident happened on this day. Mr Chen's wife was allegedly stitched with black silk thread by a midwife during childbirth, much to the family's confusion.

Mr. Chen's family questioned Midwife Zhang. The midwife argued that she did not suture the woman's anus, but performed a ligation to stop the bleeding because she had hemorrhoids. So, what are the facts?

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

«——[·Case Review·] ——»

First, new fathers face the midwife's urging for red envelopes

In 2010, Mr. Chen and his wife Xiaolin lived in Luohu District, Shenzhen, China. They look at Xiao Lin's increasingly prominent pregnant belly with joy, and soon they will welcome a new family member and become an enviable family of three.

In order to take care of his wife with reduced mobility, Mr. Chen took a leave of absence from his job to take care of his wife's daily life wholeheartedly. Mr. Chan also started looking for a well-rated hospital to ensure that his wife received the best medical care.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

After careful research, he finally chose a hospital close to home. Although the hospital is not outstanding in terms of environment, it has won many praises and is widely praised for its excellent service. On July 23, Mr. Chen and his wife rushed to Phoenix Hospital in Shenzhen.

They pre-booked a comfortable and welcoming room ready to welcome the upcoming baby. In order to allow his wife to get enough rest, Mr. Chen specially booked a luxury single room with a price of more than 400 yuan.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

He prepared everything he needed for the birth of his baby and waited for his arrival. Just as the newborn baby was about to be welcomed, midwife Zhang Jirong asked Mr. and Mrs. Chen: "Are you ready?" Ready? ”

She then repeated the same question again, even emphasizing: "The first time the child saw me, the importance to him cannot be ignored." Zhang Jirong deliberately paused as he spoke, gesturing to Mr. Chen's pocket with his eyes.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Faced with the midwife's urging, Chen Mo was confused and confused, not understanding what she was referring to. Just as he was about to inquire, Chen Mo's wife suddenly felt severe abdominal pain, which made him have to comfort his wife first.

At the same time, Zhang Jirong saw that Chen Mo had no reaction, so he said directly: "To give birth in the hospital, you need to give the midwife red envelopes. Chen Mo then understood that what she meant by preparation turned out to be red envelopes.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

But because they came to the hospital in a hurry, Chen Mo only wanted to bring his bank card, so he only had 200 yuan in cash in his pocket. So, he handed the midwife Zhang Jirong a 100-yuan bill and said that he would give her a bigger red envelope after giving birth.

However, Zhang Jirong expressed dissatisfaction with this. Subsequently, Chen Mo found a doctor again, but the other party refused to accept it because the amount of red envelopes was too small.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Mrs. Chen was about to give birth at this time, crying out in pain. Mr. Chen had no choice but to go to Zhang Jirong again. At Mr. Chen's urging, Zhang Jirong came to the ward with a little impatience and pushed Mrs. Chen into the delivery room.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Second, the wife suffers from severe pain and abnormal swelling The midwife has a tough attitude

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Chen gave birth to a baby boy safely, and the family was overjoyed. However, at night, after the effect of the anesthetic disappeared, Mrs. Chen began to feel a sharp pain in her butt, which was unbearable.

Chen Mo lifted his wife's quilt and was surprised to find that her anus was swollen into a large bag, and blood oozed out. There is also a circle of black threads sewn around it.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

He quickly sought help from medical staff to find out what was going on. Eventually, Zhang Jirong admitted that she performed a minor operation on Mrs. Chen when she found that the hemorrhoids were bleeding.

Chen Mo was very surprised when he heard this, because he didn't know that his wife had hemorrhoids. Moreover, the wife had just given birth at that time, and her body was still very weak and not suitable for surgery.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

This is Mr. Chen's question: Why did I not have medical staff to inform me that even if the operation is performed, the consent of the patient's family should be obtained before the operation can be performed, not to mention how can midwives have the right to perform surgery on patients?

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Faced with Chen Mo's tough attitude, Zhang Jirong began to deliberately pretend to be a fool, claiming that he found that the mother had hemorrhoids, and by the way, he underwent an operation to cut and suture. She claims that it is free for them. Chen Mo immediately approached the director of the hospital and asked for an investigation into the matter. The dean verbally promised to launch an investigation immediately, but Chen Mo and the others did not receive any reply.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Just when Chen Mo was about to find the dean to learn more about the truth of the matter, unexpectedly, Zhang Jirong took the initiative to come over and apologize to them. Zhang Jirong said sincerely: "At that time, it was wrong for me to deal with it privately, and it was not easy for me to do so many years. Hope to forgive me. ”

Later, she gave Mrs. Chen a massage, and Chen Mo saw that his wife's pain had eased. He promised to give his wife a massage every day until she recovered. Thinking that his family still needed them to take care of them together, Chen Mo decided to forgive Zhang Jirong.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Third, public opinion continues to ferment Husband and wife seek legal explanations

As a result of neglect, the child contracted the wind chill and developed pneumonia. In desperation, Mr. Chen had no choice but to transfer his son to the People's Hospital for treatment. Two days later, Chen Mo was caring for her son suffering from pneumonia at another hospital when she suddenly received a call from his wife, crying and telling Chen Mo that the midwife was forcibly removing stitches.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Chen Mo hurried to the hospital, but found that Zhang Jirong was still removing stitches, and his wife was already screaming in pain. To make matters worse, Zhang Jirong also threatened to remove hemorrhoids completely. After Chen Mo saw her arrogant behavior, he realized that she was obviously trying to destroy the evidence. Chen Mo felt helpless, and he decided to tell several media outlets about his experience.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

The media report quickly sparked widespread discussion among the community, and the impact of the incident expanded, attracting the attention of the local health department, who set up an investigation team to investigate the matter. According to the results of the Ministry of Health's investigation, they announced that the red envelope was sent by the family on their own initiative, and the midwife returned it the next day.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

They found no evidence that the pregnant woman's anus had been sutured. In addition, Zhang Jirong told the media that he did help Chen Mo's wife stop the bleeding, but with her own personality guarantee, she did not touch the needle. The hospital held a press conference on this, but Chen Mo and his wife were not seen at the press conference. Later, people learned that Chen Mo was restricted from moving by the hospital's security guards, and by the time he came out, the press conference had long been over.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Chen Mo couldn't bear it and decided to report the case to the police. After receiving the report, the police organized a judicial examination, which showed that there was no damage around the anus, but there were stitch marks in the anus. This test result neither supports Chen Mo's claim that the anus was sutured, nor does it negate the midwife's claim that the needle was not used.

Suddenly, in August 2010, midwife Zhang directly took Chen Mo and two media outlets in Shenzhen to court on defamation infringement charges. After a court hearing, the court found that Midwife Zhang had suffered serious reputational damage in this matter. The verdict was that Chen Mo had to pay 30,000 yuan as compensation for moral damages and publicly apologize to midwife Zhang.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Chen Mo was extremely angry about this, he thought that he was obviously a victim, but he was forced to compensate the other party, which completely reversed right and wrong.

Therefore, he decided to take Zhang Jirong and the hospital to court. After a decade-long lawsuit, Chen Mo ultimately lost the case because he could not provide evidence that the midwife asked for red envelopes, and the previous investigation and evaluation conclusions failed to prove that the anus was sutured.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

Chen Mo's wife received a serious psychological blow because of this incident, causing her to suffer from severe depression. And Chen Mo himself also involved too much energy because of the incident, and eventually lost his business and had to sell his high-end villa, and his quality of life was not as good as before.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Chen Mo and his wife. Due to the impact of the incident, no patients came to see the hospital and eventually had to close. Midwife Zhang Jirong also lost her job and had to return to her hometown of Shaanxi, where she was in financial trouble and struggling to make ends meet.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

«——[·Interpretation of the Law by Case.]——»

1. Is it illegal for a midwife to perform surgery without the permission of the patient's family?

According to Article 1219 of the Civil Code, medical personnel shall explain their conditions and medical measures to patients during diagnosis and treatment activities. Where it is necessary to carry out surgery, special examination, or special treatment, medical personnel shall promptly explain the medical risks and alternative medical plans to the patient, and obtain their explicit consent; Where it is not possible or appropriate to explain to the patient, it shall be explained to the patient's close relatives and their explicit consent shall be obtained. Where medical personnel fail to fulfill the obligations of the preceding paragraph and cause damage to patients, the medical establishment shall bear the responsibility for compensation.
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

In this case, midwife Zhang Jirong operated on Chen Mo's wife without permission, which included cutting and suturing hemorrhoids in the patient's anus.

It is worth noting that Zhang Jirong did not inform the patient's family throughout the process. In accordance with professional ethics and obligations, she should have communicated and obtained consent from the patient's family in advance, but she failed to fulfill this responsibility.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

2. Why Zhang Jirong believes that Chen Mo has violated her right to reputation

According to Articles 1024 and 1025 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, infringement may be deemed to have violated a citizen's right to reputation if the following constituent elements are met: (1) the infringer has committed acts such as insult or slander, objectively existing facts that damage the reputation of others, and are known to a third party; (2) the infringer is subjectively at fault; (3) The target of the infringement should be a specific person; (4) In terms of consequences, the infringer's behavior has caused serious damage to the victim's reputation, causing the victim to feel an unjust social pressure or psychological burden, mental torture, and psychological trauma.
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

In this case, Zhang Jirong argued that Mr. Chen and the two Shenzhen media had caused serious damage to her reputation, subjecting her to social injustice and psychological pressure.

As a result, Zhang Jirong lost her position as a midwife, so she asked Mr. Chen to compensate her morally.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court
The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court


There is an incomparably important trust and respect in the doctor-patient relationship. As healthcare professionals, we have a mission to protect the health of our patients, and our actions and decisions should be based on the best interests of our patients.

At this time, the observance of medical ethics and professional ethics is particularly important.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court

In the field of medicine, medical staff must always uphold the principles of high professional ethics, and must never use their position power to do whatever they want to patients and harm their rights and interests.

We should do our best to provide reasonable medical care to patients and give them professional treatment and care.

The nurse thought that 100 red envelopes was too little, so she directly sewed up the woman's lower body, and later took the woman to court