
Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

author:Red Net

Beef meatballs are a well-known home-cooked dish, and most of the methods require mincing the beef to make meatballs to achieve the effect of Q bomb. In Sichong Village, Fenshi Town, Linwu County, there has always been a unique hometown flavor "Sichong Beef Balls", which is not only fresh in meat, but also the size of a tennis ball, which makes people eat happily, and is a main dish that local villagers must make when entertaining guests, to reflect the host's boldness and hospitality.

Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

Make ingredients

The production of "Terachong beef meatballs" is extremely demanding on beef, and it is necessary to select fresh beef that is freshly killed every day. Local yellow beef has a stronger meat, so choose snowflake beef with beef legs. Ma Wencheng, a chef at Wolonggu Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. in Linwu County, has been working as a chef for eight years, and "Sichong beef meatballs" is the first dish he learned from local villagers in Sichong Village. "Prepare a pound of beef, the ingredients are five green peppers, ginger, salt, chicken essence, MSG, eggs and green onions. One pound of beef can make about 13 to 15 beef meatballs. The beef is sliced first, and then chopped, basically chopped into particles the size of the tip of chopsticks. ”

Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

Mince fresh beef

After chopping the beef to the right size, finely chop the green pepper, ginger and green onion leaves, put in an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, beat the egg and mix well, grab one hand, and squeeze into a ball in your hand.

Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

Pinch into large meatballs

The main beef of "Terachong beef balls" does not need to be beaten into minced meat in order to maintain the original unique taste of the beef to the greatest extent, the meat grains should not be too small, and the large particles can leave gaps in the meatballs, so that the large meatballs can be cooked in a short time, and they will not be cooked.

"Turn it around and let it heat evenly. Be careful not to push too hard, the balls are easy to fall apart if you push too hard. Then simmer slowly over low heat and simmer. Cook for about a minute, cook the inside thoroughly, and then put in the fresh spices that have just been picked. Ma Wencheng said.

Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

Villagers pick fresh spices every day

Fresh spices, fresh green peppers, fresh green onions, these seasonings are all picked on the day to highlight the original and umami taste of beef. Fresh ingredients and controlled heat are the two main points of making "Terachong beef balls". Fresh "Temple Chong beef meatballs" out of the pot, although the size and meat grains are large, but the beef balls are not lacking in elasticity, the mouth beef is full of grain, a bite of the soup is full of mouth, the meat aroma soup is fresh, making people have an endless aftertaste.

Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"
Linwu Cuisine: Eat "Temple Chong Beef Balls"

Eating beef meatballs is a traditional food custom of local villagers entertaining guests

"This beef meatball is a special gastronomic delicacy in Terachong Village, and it is used to entertain distinguished guests." Lei Hailin, chairman of Linwu County Wolonggu Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., introduced that in order to express the simplicity, enthusiasm and generosity of the villagers, they will make beef meatballs very large, which is also the biggest highlight and feature of "Sichong beef meatballs".

"Terachong beef meatballs" has been in the local area for nearly 100 years, it can become a unique local cuisine, inseparable from the continuous improvement and innovation of each inheritor, today this dish in the hands of each chef has different characteristics, but its common point is to ensure the original taste of beef meatballs.

"This dish is passed down from the older generation. When several of us chefs and bosses are okay, we will sit together and discuss how to improve this dish, so be persistent so that it will slowly improve. "Ma Wencheng continues to innovate and improve to keep the beef balls fresh and in line with the taste that the public likes, while insisting on taking its essence and preserving the soul, so that traditional dishes do not lose their highlights."

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