
Did you "disc" today? Come and see this restaurant in Yangpu

author:Shangguan News

Practicing the "CD-ROM Action" and eliminating "waste on the tip of the tongue" is an important part of Yangpu's work to create a national civilized urban area. How has the restaurant been implementing since the CD-ROM initiative? Let's take a look at this restaurant in Yangpu.

Walking into the Hong Kong Conrad Restaurant, which has been awarded as a civilized restaurant, the spacious and bright dining environment is eye-catching, you can see that the table is labeled with disc action, and there are also obvious disc action posters and promotional slogans in the corridor of the restaurant. The bowls and spoons on the table are arranged in an orderly manner, and chopsticks and spoons are also set up in the surrounding dining area to facilitate customers to divide their meals.

Did you "disc" today? Come and see this restaurant in Yangpu
Did you "disc" today? Come and see this restaurant in Yangpu

The reporter saw that under the guidance of the clerk, the on-site customers basically ordered more appropriate food. "When customers order, we will verbally remind them to order according to the amount of food in advance, and when we feel that the customer has almost enough to eat, we will remind the customer that there is a need to add more." Store manager Li Chengfang said.

Did you "disc" today? Come and see this restaurant in Yangpu

The CD-ROM initiative is not only conducive to promoting traditional culture, but also nourishes people's moral cultivation and protects the global environment. "In our daily life, we will also advocate savings, and generally try to do CD when ordering food outside, and will not waste." One customer said, "If there are really too many dishes left, they are packed according to the number of people and then processed at home, rather than wasted." ”

Since the implementation of the CD-ROM initiative, it has played a significant role in reducing wet waste. According to reports, before the implementation of the disc operation, the store could produce two buckets of wet garbage a day, but now only half a barrel.

Implementing the "CD-ROM Action"

Eliminate "tip-of-the-tongue waste"

Let's act together

Text/Image: Luo Jia

Video: Guo Xinhua

Editor: Xi Yuxuan