
The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

author:Lingyun Sports

With the finalization of the XXIII Olympiad to be hosted in Paris, France in 2024, the changes in the domestic sports sector and its impact have attracted widespread attention. This Olympic Games, several of our country's strengths have changed, including the men's 50km race walk, windsurfing, etc., which will make it difficult for our country's athletes to get a good place in Paris.

The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

First, the cancellation of the 50km men's race walk event attracted quite a bit of attention. Although the mainland has not yet won a gold medal in this event, we have played well in the last few Olympic Games. The emergence of Sister Cheyang Shi, Chen Ding, Liu Hong, and a batch of Olympic gold medalists has increased our competitiveness in race walking. However, because the Paris Olympics reforms have decided to stay in the sport, our athletes will no longer be able to shine on the international stage. This change has enabled us to achieve a better ranking in the number of gold medals at the Paris Olympics.

The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

In contrast, the cancellation of windsurfing RSX class events has a greater impact on domestic athletes. At this year's Tokyo Olympics, Lu Xiuyun and Bi Kun won a gold medal and a bronze medal in the women's and men's categories, respectively. But by canceling the project in Paris, we have deprived our country of two promising opportunities to win gold. This is undoubtedly a step backwards for the development of our national sailing project.

The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

Although weightlifting has not been abolished, the Paris Olympics have drastically reduced the number of athletes. According to the above regulations, the Paris Olympic Games will retain 120 participation places in 10 levels, which is significantly less than the 15 levels and 235 participation places in the Beijing Olympic Games. At the Tokyo Olympics, we won seven gold medals and one silver medal in eight events.

However, the reform of the Paris Olympics has had a certain impact on weightlifting, which has made it more difficult for mainland athletes to achieve ideal results in this event. However, challenges also mean opportunities, and this reform will prompt mainland sports to pay more attention to all-round development and find new breakthroughs.

The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

In addition to race walking, windsurfing and weightlifting, men's boxing will also be cut at the Paris Olympics. Boxing used to be a major advantage in the mainland, contributing many gold medals to the mainland Olympic delegation, and emerging Olympic champions such as Zou Shiming and Zhang Xiaoping. However, this reform has determined that the men's boxing program will face greater challenges. Despite the poor results in recent years, men's boxing has always been an important part of mainland sports, and this cut will prompt the mainland sports community to re-examine the development direction of boxing and find new breakthroughs.

The Paris Olympics cancelled a number of events, China's gold points plummeted, and the main dominant events were greatly reduced

The reduction or cancellation of advantageous events has undoubtedly brought certain difficulties to the mainland delegation to achieve the ideal ranking in the gold medal list of the Paris Olympics. However, this is also the transformation path of sports development in the mainland. We need to re-examine and adjust to find new directions and breakthroughs. Perhaps, this reform will stimulate greater innovation vitality in the mainland sports industry and promote the mainland's sports industry to move forward to a broader field. Whether it is the adjustment of advantageous projects or the rise of emerging projects, we believe that mainland sports will show more strength and potential in the future.

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