
Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

Source: CCTV Finance

Today (August 22nd) is "Tanabata", and the "romantic economy" surrounding this festival has been heating up for the past two days, and gold jewelry as gifts is even more popular.

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

On the weekend before Qixi, the gold jewelry section of a gold jewelry store in Caishikou, Beijing, was crowded. The screen in the store shows the full gold price of 572 yuan per gram for the day. Staff said that recently, consumers have been open from 10 a.m. every day.

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

Beijing consumer: Accompany my girlfriend to see gold jewelry, the most important thing is to see whether she is satisfied with the style, and then to see the weight, the current psychological price is about 30,000 yuan.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Gold jewelry is hot, and store sales are hot

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, gold jewelry counters have also recently ushered in a sales peak. The sales staff said that on the weekend before Qixi, the average daily customer flow of the store increased by nearly half compared with the usual day, and the sales increased significantly.

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

Wu Guimei, store manager of a brand gold sales store in Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Many consumers choose the "Safe and Nothing Brand" to make Qixi Festival gifts. This year, the passenger flow will continue until the day of Tanabata, and the peak will generally be on the 22nd.

Shandong Zhaoyuan: "National Chao" gold jewelry is favored by young people

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

In Zhaoyuan, Shandong, the "hometown of China's gold", gold jewelry of the "national tide" category is favored by young people.

Nearly 600 yuan per gram! Tanabata, it sold out! Post-95 generation has become the main consumption force! The hottest thing is...

Xue Leiyan, deputy store manager of a brand gold sales store in Zhaoyuan, Shandong: Now many customers who enter the store are young people, and they will choose some with national fashion to buy jewelry as gifts for their lovers.

Data show that during this year's Qixi Festival, gold consumption ushered in a small peak, young people represented by the post-95 generation became the main consumption force, and young men aged 18 to 25 increased the fastest in orders.