
What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

author:Xia Moyan

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What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Text/Xia Mo

Editor/Xia Mo


Summer is a wonderful season for girls.

Because of all kinds of skirts, they can show their feminine charm and youthful vitality.

In the sophomore girls' dormitory, Xiaoya looked at the girlfriends in the same dormitory wearing long skirts or skirts, one by one, not to mention how envious!

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

"Xiaoya, why don't you wear a skirt! Wrapped so tightly every day, don't you feel too hot! Xiaomei said to Xiaoya.

"Yes! You are so tall, you are simply a natural hanger, quickly find out your skirt and put it on, sisters take you dashing and take you fly! The grinning Xiaoli also echoed on the side.

"Actually, I... I don't wear a skirt because the hair on my legs is thicker. "Xiao Yazhiwu, finally told his girlfriend his little secret.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Xiaomei and Xiaoli were stunned at first, then looked at each other and laughed.

Xiaoya stood in place, her face flushed, and she thought that they were laughing at herself.

At this time, Xiaomei explained: "Xiaoya, sisters will take you to a place on weekends to ensure that you can wear a beautiful skirt in the future." ”

What factors are related to whether women have strong body hair or not?

1. Genetic factors

For the problem of strong body hair, you don't have to worry too much, because it is largely related to genetics.

For example, people in European and American countries generally have more body hair, while people in African countries are generally born with less body hair, and yellow people have medium body hair length.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Of course, there are some special individuals in a large group. This is because the exuberance of body hair is also affected by genetics.

We all know that not only men have a small amount of estrogen in the body, but women also contain a certain amount of androgens.

Androgens can affect the growth of human hair. Female male hormones are substances secreted by the adrenal cortex and ovaries.

Because of genetic factors, some people's hair follicles are more sensitive, and a small amount of androgens can make some parts of the body grow thick. Some people's hair follicles are insensitive, and even if they secrete more androgens than normal, the hair is still small and thin.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

2. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disease caused by endocrine and metabolic abnormalities, which is considered to be one of the most common endocrine diseases in women, and is a clinical syndrome characterized by reproductive disorders, endocrine abnormalities, metabolic disorders and psychiatric problems.

After the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome, patients will have symptoms such as hair loss, hirsutism, and menstrual disorders, if such symptoms occur, they should seek medical attention in time and do not delay the condition.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

3. Strong secretion of male hormones

Strong secretion of male hormones, which can cause human hair to grow too fast, it is a normal physiological phenomenon, but also the main cause of body hair vigorous.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

If the secretion of male hormones is excessive, it will cause female hair to grow too fast, and even symptoms such as thick body hair and small beards will appear.

And this situation can have an impact on physical health. Therefore, for women, if the body has abnormal symptoms, they should scientifically and reasonably regulate the level of male hormones in the body under the guidance of a doctor.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

4. Stay up late for a long time

Staying up late for a long time is a very harmful behavior and is extremely detrimental to physical health. Staying up late can lead to endocrine disorders in the human body, which will affect the normal secretion of hormones in the body.

Therefore, female friends must develop good work and rest habits and avoid staying up late for a long time.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

5. Poor eating habits

Diet is also one of the important factors affecting human hair growth, if you usually eat some spicy and stimulating food, it is easy to lead to an increase in androgen levels in the body, resulting in strong body hair.

For female friends, if you want to avoid excessive body hair, you can adjust it from the aspect of diet. Female friends can eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as lean meat, eggs, milk, etc.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

In addition, you should pay attention to developing healthy eating habits, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat less spicy and stimulating foods.

6. Drug stimulation

Nowadays, more and more women pay attention to their skin and figure, and various health products are popular. This is understandable, but there are some health products sold by unscrupulous businesses, which contain a large number of hormonal drugs.

There are also women who take hormonal birth control pills for a long time to avoid pregnancy.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Long-term use of products containing hormone drugs will cause certain stimulation to the endocrine system in the human body, resulting in endocrine balance, which in turn will increase the abnormal amount of body hair.

Contraceptive pills cannot be taken for a long time, must follow the doctor's advice, safe medication, must not be taken at will.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Body hair is strong or body hair free, which is healthier?

It is a normal physiological phenomenon that the human body has body hair.

For women, as long as it is caused by genetic factors, whether it is armpit hair, leg hair, dense or bare hair in the intimate area, there is no need to worry too much, and it will not have adverse effects on the body.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

So what harm will excessive female body hair cause to the body? Excessive body hair in women can affect appearance and thus personal image.

What many people don't know is that body hair also plays an important role in the human body, such as helping to regulate body temperature.

When the human body is affected by the external environmental temperature, sweat will be secreted on the skin, and body hair can play a role in regulating body temperature.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Female body hair is a normal physiological phenomenon, if there are no other abnormal manifestations of the body, generally do not worry too much. But if the body has the following manifestations, it should be paid attention to.

Do armpit hair have to be shaved?

Since armpit hair exists, it has the meaning of existence. Don't look at its appearance, but it actually has the following effects:

(1) Armpit hair can act as a buffer zone to reduce friction between the skin and armpits.

(2) Armpit hair can play a certain protective role to prevent the invasion of bacteria and dust on the skin.

(3) Armpit hair is conducive to the evaporation of sweat and keeps the armpits dry.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Since armpit hair is so useful, why do many women want to remove armpit hair? Mainly for the following reasons:

(1) In the Middle Ages in Europe, religious asceticism was forcibly instilled in the hearts of the people. Under the influence of this extreme culture, armpit hair is seen as an element of seductive fantasy.

(2) After World War I, women in European countries gradually became the main force in the consumer market. In order to cater to customers, Geely launched a women's razor, and sleeveless skirts were also popular at this time. In order to wear beautiful sleeveless skirts, many women have shaved their armpits.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

(3) In order to expand sales, savvy merchants not only promote the unhygienic performance of armpit hair, but also associate the removal of armpit hair with elegance.

In fact, armpit hair has no other disadvantages except for aesthetics. Therefore, armpit hair does not necessarily have to be removed.

What is the use of intimate hair?

In both men and women, hair on the intimate area grows after puberty. Some people are ashamed of the exuberant hair in the intimate area, and there are rumors that the thicker the body hair, the stronger the physiological desire, which is actually nonsense and has no scientific basis.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Hair in the intimate area has many benefits for the human body, and if there are no special circumstances, generally do not shave the hair in the intimate area. This is because:

(1) Pubic hair can maintain the constant temperature of the appreciation organs, which helps to improve the survival rate of rice green seeds and eggs.

(2) There are many sweat glands in the intimate parts of the human body, and whenever sweating, sweat can attach to the hair, thereby accelerating the volatilization of sweat and avoiding sweat flowing into the human body.

(3) Reduce friction and protect the skin. In the process of husband and wife life, the body will inevitably have friction and collision. Without hair protection, it is easy to cause damage to the skin in the intimate area.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

Correct hair removal recommendations

1. Shaver

Before hair removal begins, wash the hair removal area and keep it dry and clean. Then, apply the lubricating substance evenly to the areas that need to be removed, and after that, choose the tool that suits you, carefully removing it, taking care not to scratch the skin.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

In addition, the razor should be used exclusively by special personnel, and it should be cleaned after each use, and it is strictly forbidden to mix with others. At the same time, the blade also has a useful life, it is best to replace it regularly.

2. Hair removal plaster

Hair removal cream is generally suitable for people who are afraid of pain, and its hair removal principle is very simple, in fact, it is the use of chemicals to dissolve hair.

Compared with the labor pain of beeswax hair removal, it is simply a boon for people who are sensitive to pain.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

However, this approach has certain limitations.

The main component of hair removal cream is chemicals, so a patch test is required before use.

If the skin has mild irritation, then hair removal cannot be used using this method. Moreover, hair removal creams cannot remove hair permanently, and hair removal is repeated every once in a while.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

3. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal can completely remove hair, but it takes 3-6 times to achieve the effect once and for all.

Compared with the other two hair removal methods, laser hair removal is the most expensive, mainly because it uses photothermal kinetic energy to destroy hair follicles, which has relatively high scientific and technological content.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

What needs our attention is that after hair removal, we need to pay attention to the care of the skin and keep the skin fresh and clean.


For women who love beauty, strong body hair will bring a lot of troubles to their lives. In the eyes of these people, the best way to solve this problem is to shave the armpit and leg hair that are obstructing the eyes.

What benefits will women gain from these 3 hairy places? Doctor: Don't be ashamed to know

However, there are many reasons for the vigorous body hair, and it is not possible to simply remove the body hair, so that the rule of law does not cure the root cause. We need to first find the root cause of the problem, and then make targeted responses.