
Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

author:A humble ball

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In today's rapidly changing international arena, the world faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

As countries become increasingly interconnected, international cooperation has become particularly important.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

In this era of uncertainty and complexity, we must approach global issues with an open mind and an inclusive attitude.

Message 1: Very straightforward! Chinese diplomat: American lackey, Chinese diplomat angrily rebuked the Canadian prime minister

Recently, Li Yang, China's consul general in Brazil, made a fierce criticism of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on social media, calling him a puppet of the United States.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

The remarks quickly drew widespread international attention and prompted a direct and frank scrutiny of whether diplomatic rhetoric was needed.

China's diplomacy has long been steady, restrained, but Li Yang's rhetoric has been blunt, emphasizing that polite diplomatic language is no longer effective, and that only a firm statement can attract attention.

This attitude echoes the attitude of the Chinese ambassador to France not long ago, highlighting the firm side of China's diplomatic determination.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

The society's reaction to Li Yang's words was mixed.

On the one hand, many people believe that Chinese diplomats should respond more directly to external pressure and provocations against China, and should not be too vague.

They argue that if Western politicians cannot understand in a gentle and friendly way, then it may be necessary to use what they can understand.

On the other hand, some people have expressed concern about the statements of Chinese diplomats, fearing that such a resolute and tough tone may exacerbate the instability of Sino-foreign relations.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

However, it is undeniable that in the international political arena, straightforward expression and firm positions are necessary in some cases.

But at the same time, smart diplomatic exchanges need to take into account flexibility and wisdom.

Diplomats' language should not only convey their own views, but also take into account the understanding and acceptance of the other side and avoid unnecessary tension.

The complexity of China-Canada relations is also a factor that cannot be ignored.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Canada's close relationship with the United States has been in the spotlight, and the Sino-Canadian relationship has also been heavily influenced by the United States.

Despite China's attempts to repair relations between the two countries in a variety of ways, such as resolving trade disputes and actively participating in pandemic cooperation, the candid criticism of Li Yang, China's consul general in Brazil, has sparked widespread controversy.

Whether it's support or concern, we need to recognize that diplomacy is an integrative art that needs to be balanced between multiple factors.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Diplomats' rhetoric should not only accurately convey their own position, but also pay attention to moderation and flexible use, so as to create a positive atmosphere and promote the stability and development of bilateral relations.

News Two: Chinese mainland Has Changed Its Taiwan Policy The Americans are ready to withdraw, and Taiwan Island politicians: The two sides of the strait will be reunified

Recently, Chinese mainland policy toward the Taiwan issue has aroused heated discussions in international attention.

Against this backdrop, the views of high-profile expert Jin Canrong have attracted much attention.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

At the same time, a series of U.S. actions in the region reveal subtle political changes, while instability within Taiwan's politics highlights the intricacies of factions on the island.

Jin Canrong's observation and analysis not only profoundly revealed the real pattern behind Taiwan's political parties, but also provided important clues for Chinese mainland policy adjustment.

However, his views also extend beyond Taiwan to Chinese mainland's Taiwan policy.

He pointed out that in the past, Chinese mainland pinned their hopes on resolving the cross-strait issue through political dialogue, which was called the "small cross-strait" solution.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

However, he believes that Chinese mainland is gradually realizing that the political forces on the island are not actively promoting reunification and need to deal with the intervention of the United States on the Taiwan issue.

Therefore, Chinese mainland gradually shift to more pragmatic military preparations to weaken US influence on Taiwan.

Although this concept, known as the "big cross-strait solution," is still being speculated, the trend of Chinese mainland in recent years does seem to be developing in this direction.

Recently, the remarks of Wu Chengdian, chairman of Taiwan's New Party, have also attracted widespread attention.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

He stressed that Taiwan has independent values and advocated the inevitable reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the end.

This may reflect the tendency of the people on the island to have a more pragmatic understanding of achieving peaceful reunification.

As this voice grows, U.S. influence in cross-strait affairs may weaken, injecting more hope into the prospects of China's peaceful reunification.

However, Taiwan also faces real challenges internally, and a genuine "reunification" concept is needed.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Kim's views suggest that Chinese mainland is working to awaken more Taiwanese people and politicians to reality through a variety of means, including military, diplomatic, and economic.

Ultimately, this perception of reality may create a more favorable environment for China's peaceful reunification.

Taken together, these developments show that with the changes in the international situation, views and attitudes toward the Taiwan issue are also undergoing subtle adjustments.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Chinese mainland seems to be re-examining its Taiwan policy, and Taiwan is moving in a more pragmatic direction internally, gradually freeing itself from some old ideological shackles.

However, achieving peace and stability in cross-strait relations still requires rational dialogue and pragmatic action.

By comprehensively considering various factors, China and Taiwan are expected to create a more positive environment and promote the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

News 3: Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

With a 24-hour countdown to the upcoming third prime ministerial election, the political landscape in Thailand is about to undergo major changes.

Particularly striking is the fact that the Pheu Thai Party has managed to win 337 votes and is about to release its ruling list, a result that heralds a subtle change in the direction of Thai politics.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

More thought-provoking, however, is the emergence of the pro-American radical Peta in Thai politics.

His words and actions sparked widespread discussion, and he became the reason why the military chose to end its 22-year confrontation with its faith camp.

The move also hints at a new crisis and change in Thailand's political situation.

Meanwhile, is there some kind of political subtling behind former Prime Minister Thaksin's decision to return home on election day? His return seems to have a profound impact on Thailand's domestic politics.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Does this decision involve a tactical intervention in the direction of politics to shape the new political landscape?

Thaksin's decision to return home may contain political wisdom in an attempt to influence the political situation through his own existence, thereby strengthening his influence.

It could also be some kind of attempt at political change to achieve personal political goals.

Thaksin's return will set off waves in Thai politics and may even trigger new political shocks.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Thaksin's return home may have been based on his longing and longing for his family.

In addition to political considerations, he may also want to be reunited with his family, especially with his grandchildren.

This human factor may also influence his decision-making to some extent.

Whatever the reason, the impact of Thaksin's return will be profoundly reflected in Thailand's political reality.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Whatever the future holds, this political change will be an important chapter in Thailand's history.

At the same time, changes in Thai politics have also attracted widespread attention.

Thaksin's return home and the performance of the Pheu Thai Party could leave a lasting mark on Thailand's political map.

At the same time, the rise of the pro-American radical Forward Party Pita has also raised expectations for changes in Thailand's political future.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

In short, Thai politics is facing important changes, and a series of actions, including Thaksin's return to China, will profoundly shape the direction of Thai politics.

With the announcement of election results and the interaction of various political forces, the outlook for Thai politics is full of uncertainty and possibility.

This is a time of challenge and opportunity, and both Thailand and the international community will closely watch the development of this historic moment.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

News 4: Suddenly, a US-flagged merchant ship was attacked by Russian missiles in the Black Sea, and many people jumped into the sea

Recently, a remarkable event quietly played out on the international stage:

A U.S.-flagged Ukrainian merchant ship was hit by a missile attack by Russian forces in the Black Sea, forcing several crew members on board to escape by jumping into the sea.

The incident has not only reawakened geopolitical tensions, but also highlighted the importance of international cooperation.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

How to interpret this incident and how to face the challenges brought about by geopolitics has become a topic for the international community to think about.

Ukraine, as a country at the junction of Europe and Asia, has always been under great geopolitical pressure.

From the Ukraine crisis in 2014 to the present day, tensions between Ukraine and Russia remain difficult to quell.

The missile attack on Ukrainian merchant ships has pushed tensions in the region to a climax and aroused widespread concern in the international community.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

NATO and other countries have strengthened their military presence in the region, making the situation in the region more complicated.

In the face of geopolitical disputes, calm and restraint are imperatives.

All parties should abide by international laws and norms, resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation, and avoid the escalation of conflicts.

International law and rules are not only the cornerstone of geopolitical stability, but also a solid framework for international cooperation.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

Through consultation and cooperation, the common interests of all parties can be realized and peace and prosperity in the geopolitical region can be promoted.

The Black Sea region has attracted much attention for its rich resources and important strategic position, and it is imperative to maintain stability in the region.

All countries need to strengthen coordination and work together to maintain regional stability and development.

By strengthening cooperation and exchanges, building trust and understanding, we can build the cornerstone of regional peace and prosperity and create conditions for geopolitical harmony.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

The missile attack on Ukrainian merchant ships reminds us once again of the indispensability of geopolitical tensions and international cooperation.

In today's complex and ever-changing international landscape, all parties should respond calmly and resolve their differences through dialogue and cooperation.

Stability and development are the foundation of peace and prosperity in the geopolitical region, and we call on the international community to work together to build a stable, secure and prosperous geopolitical region.

Thai election ends: high! It's really high! Pro-American pita became an instrument of Thaksin to end exile and seize the prime minister

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