
Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

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A major technological breakthrough of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, targeting the US military, can immediately end US hegemony

Carl Schuster, former director of the U.S. Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center in Hawaii, boasted in April:

"The United States has an unquestionable advantage over China in submarines" and "the combat effectiveness, survivability and concealment of American submarines can be used to effectively counter the Chinese Navy."

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 1)

In fact, American nuclear submarines are analyzed by many military experts as the most difficult submarines in the world to detect. Its advanced acoustic and shock absorption systems allow the submarine to blend in perfectly with the ocean background, making it difficult to detect with traditional methods.

And then at some point, the missile is launched without anyone noticing, destroys the target, and then uses its own hideout to quickly escape.

But no one expected that in the past two months, the problem of difficult detection of US nuclear submarines has been solved by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The South China Morning Post called the discovery "a direct threat to U.S. maritime supremacy."

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 2) reported by the Observer Network

So, how does this CAS study end the hegemony of the Americas Ocean? Is it really worth so much to find American nuclear submarines?

American supremacy at sea

If you want to understand this study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, you should know one thing: how did the United States achieve maritime supremacy?

Whoever controls the ocean controls the world.

This is the creed long held by Western politicians, strategists and military scientists, and it is also the theoretical basis of Mahan, the master of thought of US naval power.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 3) Mahan's theory of sea power

The famous US President Roosevelt was deeply influenced by Mahan's ideas, so he was the first to propose the use of aircraft for naval operations, that is, there is no naval command without air command.

At his insistence, the US Navy finally began to test how to carry fighters on warships, which is the origin of aircraft carriers.

So far, the United States, with its powerful fleet and the number of aircraft carriers that dominate the world, has become a real maritime hegemon. At the same time, they also went towards Mahan's words.

Whoever controls the ocean controls the world.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 4) USS Roosevelt

Sea power is different from land power. The army is not only inferior to sea transport in terms of military power and resources, but also constantly faces the constraints of threats from its land neighbors. The army was scattered from the very beginning and behaved negatively.

Spain seized naval power, he controlled the American continent.

Britain mastered naval power, and he became an empire that never sets. After the end of World War II, the United States controlled the world's oceans from the Caribbean to the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, eventually becoming the current ruler of the seas and the only superpower today.

(Figure 5) U.S. aircraft carriers

Through its maritime hegemony, the United States continues to plunder resources around the world, wantonly interferes in other countries' internal affairs, infringes upon the territorial sovereignty of other countries, and beautifies itself in the name of "freedom of navigation".

For example, seven years ago, China and the United States almost fought over the South China Sea issue.

The incident arose from the Philippines' involvement in a South China Sea arbitration case specifically against the mainland.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 6) South China Sea arbitration

In 2013, the Philippines unilaterally submitted a China-Philippines sovereignty arbitration case in the South China Sea to the International Court of Justice, but the mainland did not respond at that time. In 2015, the International Court of Justice ruled on jurisdiction and respect for reason.

The mainland immediately issued a statement:

China does not participate, do not accept or recognize

The South China Sea is vast and beautiful. It was our ancestors who went through a lot of hardships to leave our footprints here. It has been our inherent territory since ancient times.

Where in our region is irresponsible remark allowed? How can one's own territory be surrendered to someone else because of a premeditated "trial"?

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The outcome of the International Tribunal's trial was, of course, in the victory of the Philippines. The Philippine government issued a statement without authorization, expressing its "welcome" of this "result".

The reason why the Philippines dares to be so confident is nothing more than relying on the US Navy to support itself.

Before the final ruling of the International Court of Justice in July 2016, the United States sent two aircraft carrier battle groups, the USS Reagan and USS Steiner, to brutally introduce a large number of cruisers and destroyers into the South China Sea and quickly launch a fighting posture.

This is clearly an attempt to force China into submission, which is equivalent to pointing a gun at us and making us acknowledge the results of the process.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 7) U.S. fleets deployed in the South China Sea

And the mainland reacted quickly. The three ace fleets of the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the North Sea were ready to go, and the four governors gathered in the South China Sea.

A missile force on the mainland is also combat-ready along the southeastern coast. Dongfeng Express is ready to go.

On July 12, the day the so-called arbitration result was announced, the situation in the South China Sea continued to heat up. All the fighters of our army have already written a suicide note, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 8) Chinese missile forces

The end result was the orderly withdrawal of all U.S. fleets from the South China Sea.

Although the gap between our naval power and that of the US military was too large, we still had missile forces to back it up. According to the situation at that time, our military has learned the specific coordinates of the two US aircraft carriers, which can be seen from the officially released photos of strategic bombers flying over Scarborough Shoal away from training positions.

Aircraft carriers are a big killer, based on the principle of detection and destruction. If war does break out, two aircraft carriers may not be so lucky.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 9) Air Force passing through Scarborough Shoal

But it must be admitted that the United States only sent two aircraft carrier battle groups at that time, so we had to force ourselves to send all our resources.

The United States has 11 such aircraft carriers. If it weren't for our geo-superiority and missile power to help us, the United States might not have withdrawn so quickly in the 2016 standoff.

(Figure 10) U.S. aircraft carriers

Although aircraft carriers have the advantages of long-range strikes, air supremacy and improved ocean-going operations, their shortcomings cannot be ignored.

First of all, the aircraft carrier battle group has many physical characteristics such as huge array, electromagnetic, infrared, sound field, thermal field, etc., which are extremely easy to expose and attack.

Therefore, satellite positioning, mine interception, long-range strikes, electronic countermeasures, etc. are all effective means of dealing with aircraft carrier battle groups.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 11)

For example, the Eagle Strike 21, commonly known as the Eagle 21, which is currently in service on the mainland. Of course, netizens prefer to call it an "aircraft carrier killer".

According to information published by the Ministry of Strategic Support, this is an anti-ship missile flying at Mach 6, what is the concept of 6 times the speed of sound? This speed is enough to break through most interceptor missiles.

In addition, the YJ-21 has a final breakthrough speed of 10 times the speed of sound, that is, hitting the target warship at a speed of 3400 meters per second. Even if this speed does not explode, it can penetrate the target warship with the kinetic energy generated.

We can also understand him as a scaled-down version of the Dongfeng 21D.

(Figure 12) Rocket

Judging by the data, the Eagle-21 is an almost defenseless weapon, which can still attack large ships on the surface, such as aircraft carriers.

This hypersonic weapon, which can pose a serious threat to aircraft carriers, will not be unique to China in the future. The so-called happiness of loneliness is not available to everyone. At the Zhuhai Air Show, we also exhibited the foreign trade version of YJ-21E.

Although its performance is certainly not as good as for self-use, it is enough to defend the coastline and deter enemy aircraft carriers.

Now there are very few countries in the world with aircraft carriers, and everyone who is afraid will know.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 13) Eagle 21E at the Zhuhai Air Show

While this has slowly dismantled U.S. maritime supremacy to some extent, it is not enough, as the United States still has the most advanced underwater nuclear submarines in the world.

The ultimate trump card of the United States - underwater nuclear submarinesToday, everyone knows about nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, missile forces and nuclear weapons. All the discussions about nuclear missiles over the last century have accumulated a lot of ink, but few have gone deep into nuclear submarines.

But the world's most powerful and fearsome weapon is the nuclear submarine.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 14) U.S. nuclear submarines

In modern warfare, nuclear attack is the most deterrent, and nuclear weapons can strike the enemy in only three ways: ground, air, and underwater attack.

From a defensive point of view, aerial throws are the easiest to intercept, followed by ground launches, and finally underwater attacks.

This is calculated based on the missile's airspeed and flight range.

If one day in the future the situation in the world becomes very bad, then nuclear submarines will have to be responsible for ending the war.

(Figure 15) Nuclear submarines launch missiles

First of all, the advantage of the nuclear submarine is obvious, that is, its concealment.

Plus, nuclear submarines don't stay in a certain area for long, they always keep moving. Combined with the top-notch technology equipped with nuclear submarines, this is why nuclear submarines are the most powerful and deterrent weapons in the world.

It can be said that nuclear submarines are the most striking and survivable weapons in a country's navy, land and air systems, and they are also the last trump card of modern warfare.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 16) Underwater submarines

In general, high-end nuclear submarines have extremely high attack power and very powerful firepower. Take the Continental Type 091 nuclear submarine, for example. It is armed with deep-sea torpedoes, high-precision guided missiles and nuclear missiles with a warhead.

If a fully loaded 091 nuclear submarine launches a nuclear strike against a specific country or region, it can instantly return developed countries like the United States to before World War I.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 17) 091 nuclear submarine

When it comes to nuclear submarines, the United States is undoubtedly top-notch, especially the Ohio-class nuclear submarines, known as the "king of modern submarines". Known for its great firepower and great stealth capabilities.

Ohio-class nuclear submarines can dive underwater for months without being detected and tracked by the enemy. It can secretly lurk on the other side's coast, probing the opponent's military installations and fortifications.

And secretly launch nuclear weapons without the knowledge of the other side, so that the other side does not have time to intercept.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 18) Ohio-class nuclear submarine

Of course, such a powerful nuclear submarine also has its drawbacks. The nuclear submarine is like a full-level assassin that can give you a fatal blow at close range.

But once detected in advance, all his advantages will cease to exist, and he will face an endless stream of torpedo missiles.

The new achievement of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' research and development is how to detect and track US nuclear submarines.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 19)

The most difficult article for China's new technological breakthrough "The Evolution of Submarine-induced Electromagnetic Signals under Natural Cavitation" was published in "Chinese Ship Research".

The paper shows that existing technology can be used to detect submarines.

Due to the difficulty of the paper, the editor will only briefly describe it in the vernacular.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 20) China Ship Survey

The paper mentions that when an object moves forward in a fluid, a low-pressure region is formed behind, and the fluid flows, and this low-pressure region is eventually refilled by the fluid.

But if the object moves fast enough, the water pressure behind it will be less than the saturated vapor pressure, creating tiny cavitation bubbles.

As the submarine moves underwater, these cavitation bubbles create complex turbulence in the surrounding seawater as the submarine advances, creating electric and magnetic fields.

And we can pick up these weak signals from magnetic and electric fields to determine the position of the submarine, and we can also analyze the direction of the submarine through data analysis.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 21) Illustration of the paper

Regardless of the materials and technologies used, high-speed submarines cannot prevent cavitation.

To stop cavitation, it is necessary to go to a stationary state or move at a low speed, but once the submarine stays in a certain area for a longer period of time, the chances of detection increase significantly.

The South China Morning Post bluntly said in its commentary on the 13th that this new discovery of the Chinese Academy of Sciences directly threatens the maritime hegemony of the United States.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Figure 22) South China Morning Post

If the mainland combines this technology with supersonic missiles, any warship or submarine will be destroyed as long as it locks on the target, which will also greatly improve the mainland's national defense construction.


Recall the 2016 China-Philippines South China Sea arbitration case, the United States wanted to subdue China by force, and specially sent two aircraft carrier groups. Seven years on, China and the Philippines have fallen into conflict over territorial sovereignty.

Major technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may target the US military or affect US maritime supremacy

(Fig. 23) Ren'ai Jiao boulder ship in the Philippines

But now China is no longer the China it was seven years ago. We have our aircraft carriers, we have our carrier killers, and we will have submarine killers in the future. We have slowly become stronger.

But our strength is for peace, our strength is for defending the territorial sovereignty of our country from infringement, and our strength is for national rejuvenation.

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