
Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

author:Dr. Yang Gaiqin, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Introduction: The spleen and stomach is a very important concept in Chinese medicine, and a weak spleen and stomach is a common health problem for many people. In daily life, we often hear people complain about a bad spleen and stomach, and many people have limited specific understanding of weak spleen and stomach. This article will popularize the basic concept of spleen and stomach weakness and its impact on human health.

Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

What is a weak spleen and stomach?

Weakness of the spleen and stomach is a concept in Chinese medicine that refers to dysfunction or insufficiency of the spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach are considered to be important organs for digesting, absorbing and transforming food in Chinese medicine theory, while a weak spleen and stomach means that there are problems with these functions of the spleen and stomach. The causes of weak spleen and stomach can be poor eating habits, excessive life pressure, emotional instability, etc.

Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

A common symptom of weakness of the spleen and stomach

Weakness of the spleen and stomach manifests a range of symptoms. Common symptoms include indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, fatigue, easy fatigue, pallor, weight loss, etc. In addition, a weak spleen and stomach may also cause other problems, such as insomnia, weakened immunity, and emotional anxiety.

Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

The effect of weak spleen and stomach on physical health

Weakness of the spleen and stomach affects the digestion and absorption of food, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake, which in turn affects the health of the body. Due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach, the human body cannot fully absorb nutrients, resulting in weakness and other health problems, such as decreased immunity, susceptibility to colds, fatigue, etc.

Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

How to regulate weak spleen and stomach?

To regulate spleen and stomach weakness, it is necessary to comprehensively consider diet, work and rest, living habits and other aspects. First of all, we must maintain a regular diet, moderately control the combination of meat and vegetables, and avoid overeating and overeating. Secondly, pay attention to a reasonable work and rest time, avoid staying up late and irregular life rules. In addition, avoid foods and drinks that are too irritating, try to eat less fried foods, and eat more easily digestible foods, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. At the same time, you can also consider Chinese medicine conditioning, which can help improve the function of the spleen and stomach through the adjuvant treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

Popular science explanation: recognize the weakness of the spleen and stomach and its effects

Conclusion: Weakness of the spleen and stomach is a common health problem that can negatively affect human health. Understanding the concept of spleen and stomach weakness and its common symptoms is very helpful in preventing and regulating spleen and stomach weakness. Through good eating habits, regular work and rest time, adjusted living habits and moderate Chinese medicine conditioning, we can maintain the health of the spleen and stomach, improve the overall physical condition, and stay away from the problem of weak spleen and stomach.