
Category 9 wind + local heavy rain! Pay attention to these after the ambush!

author:Nine Weather Passes

[Source: Dragon Tiger Network]

Category 9 wind + local heavy rain! Pay attention to these after the ambush!

It's out today

The 40-day long "three-volt day" has finally passed

Although said goodbye to "three volts"

But most areas will still be in the heat of summer

It won't cool right away

Everyone should also beware of the "autumn tiger" power




The so-called "autumn tiger"

It is indicated for a short time after volts

Weather that warms up to 35°C or more

Mostly occurs in the annual Gregorian calendar

Late August to early September

The climate is characterized by a cool morning and evening

High afternoon exposure

So still pay attention to cooling and sun protection

After the ambush

Overall temperature drop

But this season

Due to frequent temperature fluctuations

The impact on physical health is also great


Health protection is extremely important at this time

After the ambush

Don't do these five things

1. Don't practice too early

In early autumn, the temperature difference gradually increases. Some people go out for morning exercise at four or five o'clock, when people are easily stimulated by cold, which makes the already high blood pressure rise faster in the morning, thereby increasing the possibility of cerebrovascular accidents.

2. Don't drink too little water

After the ambush, the number of hot weather is still quite a lot, a large amount of body water evaporates, and if the water is not replenished in time, it will lead to an increase in blood concentration. Ordinary people drink 2000-2500 ml of water every day, drink a glass of water before going to bed at night and getting up in the morning, and wake up in the middle of the night can also make up some water, which can reduce blood viscosity and prevent thrombosis.

3. Don't be overly cold

After going out of the ambush, it is cooler in the morning and evening, you should pay attention to keeping warm, add clothes in time, and dress well in the morning and evening to protect the neck, back, and feet. Because these parts are the most abundant places in blood vessels, the stimulation of autumn coolness will cause blood vessels to contract sharply, causing danger.

4. Don't turn on the air conditioner overnight

After the ambush, you should pay great attention to the use of air conditioning, try not to turn on the air conditioner when sleeping at night, even if you want to turn it on regularly, so as not to invade the internal organs, meridians and bones and joints of the air conditioner in the middle of the night, causing colds, diarrhea, neck, shoulder, back and leg pain, joint pain and other symptoms.

5. Don't sleep too late

After leaving the ambush, many people are prone to fatigue, which is often called "autumn fatigue". In order to relieve autumn fatigue, you need to go to bed earlier, and you should generally go to bed at half past ten at night. Go to bed early and get up early, increase sleep by about 1 hour compared to summer, or increase sleep in the form of napping. If you don't get enough sleep after sleep, you are more likely to have blood pressure instability, causing cardiovascular disease.

Citywide weather forecast

The citywide weather forecast released by the Nanjing Meteorological Observatory at 10 o'clock today:

The city will be cloudy from this afternoon to night, with scattered showers or thunderstorms and heavy local rainfall

The southeast wind is 4 to 5, and there are short-term gusts of 7 to 9 during thunderstorms in thunderstorm areas

Today's maximum temperature: 33°C to 34°C

Tomorrow morning minimum temperature: 25°C to 26°C

On August 21, the city was cloudy and overcast, with showers or thunderstorms, moderate rain, and locally heavy rain

Southwest winds of magnitude 4 to 5

Maximum temperature on August 21: 33°C to 34°C

Minimum temperature on August 22: 26°C to 27°C

On August 22, the city was overcast with showers or thunderstorms, moderate rain, and locally heavy rain

Northeast winds of magnitude 3 to 4

Maximum temperature on August 22: 29°C to 30°C

Minimum temperature on August 23: 24°C to 25°C

Category 9 wind + local heavy rain! Pay attention to these after the ambush!

This can be seen in the weather forecast

Thunderstorms have prevailed in recent days

Heavy rainy days

How to travel safely?

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Pedestrian walking

During thunderstorms and lightning, do not make or receive calls, and do not take shelter under large trees.

Heavy rainfall can cause manhole covers to break open and road sections to collapse, you should pay attention to observation and move forward carefully.

Keep a distance from high-rise buildings.

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Travel by bike

Stay away from deep water, away from vehicles, and choose higher ground to drive safely and slowly.

Do not be obstructed by raincoats and affect your hearing, and pay attention to road conditions.

When the road conditions are poor, it is best to push a cart on foot.

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Getting around by car

Avoid sections of roads that are prone to standing water.

The height of the flooding is to the radius of the wheels, and the low gear should be hooked, less fuel, slow and uniform driving.

When wading in front of the obstacle, hang the neutral gear but maintain the engine speed, do not collect oil.

If the car accidentally enters the water and stalls, it must not be started again.

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Low-lying residential area

Build walls or water flaps according to local conditions.

The house is in disrepair or adobe and cannot be left in.

In dangerous places such as mudslides, you should go home after the danger has completely passed.

After the rainstorm, the flooded house should be ventilated in time to keep the indoor dry, and the flooded house should be disinfected, and corresponding anti-mosquito and fly measures should be taken.

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Beware of electric shock

Do not take shelter from rain under overhead transformers, or under tall trees or large billboards close to power lines.

If it is found that the power supply line is broken in stagnant water, it is necessary to call the power supply department in time to notify the emergency treatment.

Once someone is found to have been electrocuted in the water and fallen to the ground, emergency measures must be taken before the person can be rescued.

Source: Nanjing Meteorological Weibo Nanjing Daily

Content editor: Wang Wan, Dragon Tiger Network Official Micro Studio

Category 9 wind + local heavy rain! Pay attention to these after the ambush!

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