
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

author:Visual healing
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

The earliest tribal chieftain title in China

10,000 years ago: Zeke Jiangyang

7200 years ago: Lihua Jiang Yang (Nuwa Alliance)

7000 years ago: Buda Jiangyang (Bengbu clan)

6500 years ago: Huaxu Jiang Yang (Flintstone)

6000 years ago: Weiyi Jiangyang (Fuxi clan)

5,500 years ago: Saling Jiangyang (Gonggong clan)

Nuwa tribal alliance 7200 years ago

There are three tribes

Make up for suffering, bashu, bohengba

(Information from Sina Weibo: Pulu)

Tribes are the most basic social units of primitive societies

Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

Wei Yi Jiang Yang bottle

In 1973, a fine clay red pottery vase with a height of 31.8 cm, a diameter of 4.5 cm and a bottom diameter of 6.8 cm was unearthed in Dadi Bay, Qin'an, Gansu. The faience bottle has a human head-shaped mouth, short hair and forehead, a straight nose and a small mouth, straight facial features, and small holes for hanging ornaments in both ears, just like a girl in a flower dress. It is as if we see a short-haired goddess standing on the banks of the Yellow River, praying for the happiness and well-being of her people. Such a shape is not outdated even today, so we can know that as early as more than 5,000 years ago, our ancestors already had some hazy aesthetics for shapes.

According to archaeological experts, this human head-shaped faience vase was produced about 5500-5900 years ago, belonging to the middle and late Yangshao culture, during this period China is in the stage of matrilineal clan society, social production mainly relies on female collection, marriage relationship can be polyandry, "only know their mother, do not know their father" is the social norm, women enjoy a high social status in society. It can be said that the human head-shaped faience vase is the product of female worship brought about by the economy and reproductive status.

Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

Companies with primitive tribes


It is the social organization produced by industrial civilization

The company is a form of enterprise organization formed to meet the needs of socialized large-scale production of market economy.

A company refers to an enterprise legal person that is established for the purpose of profit, invested and established by a single shareholder or jointly invested by a specific number of shareholders, and the shareholders are responsible to the company within the limit of their investment, and the company bears civil liability with all its assets. Once a company is incorporated, it has legal personality. In the modern form of enterprise, the company is the most typical enterprise organization entity with the most assets and the largest operating scale. The types of companies established vary greatly from country to country, influenced by legal and cultural traditions.

【Primitive tribe】

The leader of the society formed by the primitive society

The primitive clan tribe is a union of clan organizations, formed by the union of several clans, clans and marital clans, with different kinship within the tribe, its own name and territorial scope, common beliefs and languages, and in fact a large kinship group.

Tribes have chiefs (chiefs), military chiefs (military chiefs), and tribal councils.

Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

The difference between a corporation and a modern tribe

1. The goals are different

The company is the only pursuit of profit (the real profit is a few)

Modern tribes are the only pursuit of life (happy life is the common goal of everyone)

2. Values are different

The value of a company comes from maximizing the benefits of capital

The values of the tribe lead tribal members to live happy lives

Happiness (Body, Mind, Mind, and Soul Integration)

3. Different concerns

The company is interest-caring

The tribe is the care of life

4. The power structure is different

The company is the shareholders' meeting and has decision-making power

Tribes are the participation of the whole people in decision-making

5. The connection link is different

The company's employee bond is profit

The bond that connects tribal members is faith and responsibility

6. Beliefs are different

The company's belief is "money"

The tribal belief is "heaven"

7. The final ending is different

The company eventually split

The tribe eventually moved towards unity

Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

Why return to tribal culture?

Because industrial civilization is constantly amplifying people's fears and desires, making human beings fall into mania and panic, resulting in excessive dependence on materials, human beings enter the competition without moral bottom line for resources, wars, plagues are all for wealth and death. Today's world is like hell, and people are in dire straits. We think we can control everything, but in front of nature we can't do anything, we are just a dust in the laws of the universe.

It is human beings themselves that can save mankind, only by awakening more people, so that everyone can take everyone back, return, turn back from desire and fear, return to aesthetics, faith, truth, unity with the Tao, let go of hatred, jealousy, let go of complaints, return to self, I am the source of everything, accept me, let go of me, and be one with me.

Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

Return to tribal culture

It's about connecting with our ancestors

Human beings today are like lost lambs, looking at the predicament in front of us, looking at karma behind, we don't know where to go?


Stop looking outward to exhaust your body and mind

Close your eyes

Listen attentively

come from

The voice of an ancestor with survival wisdom 10,000 years ago

Tribal Culture:




Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!
Businesses are outdated! The horde is returning!

Female awakening aesthetic tribe

Awaken more mature women

In a society devastated by industrial civilization, only motherhood, love and compassion can heal wounded hearts.

Back to the matrilineal clan era,

Motherhood nourished the human body in the past,

Motherhood today will save the soul of humanity!