
Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

author:Three, four, five film and television

1, The Great Dictator (1940)

"The Great Dictator" is an American comedy war movie written and directed by Charlie Chaplin and starring Charlie Chaplin and Pauline Gaudette. The film tells the story of Charlie, a Jewish barber, who went into hiding because dictator Singhal issued an arrest warrant for Jews. Charlie fled to the border in military uniform, but was mistaken for Singhal by the German troops stationed there, so he took the opportunity to make a big speech in defense of democracy.

The film is Charlie Chaplin's first sound film, filmed during the darkest period of Hitler's reign.

2, Calm as the Sea (1949)

"Quiet as the Sea" is a French war film directed by Jean-Pierre Melville and starring Howard Warnon, Nicole Stephen, etc. The film tells the emotional story between a German officer Vernai and an old man and niece of a French family when the German army invaded France.

Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

3. Submarine Warfare in the Pacific (1958)

"Pacific Submarine Warfare" is an American war film directed by Robert Wise and starring Joel Fluellen, John Gibson, Wayne Dahmer and others. The film tells the story of Richard Desen, a diving who is keen to drive, and brutally trains soldiers in order to find the Allied ships sunk by Japan in the Pacific Ocean in World War II, but Richard Desen does not know that a more fierce enemy has been watching him and preparing a tomb in the water for him.

4. Tunnel Warfare (1965)

"Tunnel Battle" is directed by Ren Xudong, written by Ren Xudong and Xu Guoteng, and starring Zhu Longguang, Daniel Zhang Shou, Liu Xiujie, etc. The film tells the story of the Japanese invaders during the Anti-Japanese War, in order to smash the enemy's "sweep", the people of Hebei and China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, used the newly created way of struggle - tunnel warfare to attack the Japanese invaders.

5. Attack from the bottom of the sea (1981)

"Attack from the Bottom of the Sea" is a French war film directed by Wolfgang Petersen and starring Jürgen Prosno, Herbert Grenemeir and others. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Lo Buchheim, telling the story of the U-boat naval battle launched by Nazi Germany against the British and American fleets in the Atlantic Ocean in World War II, causing damage to the other party while also being in a crisis story.

Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

6. Merry Christmas on the Battlefield (1983)

"Merry Christmas on the Battlefield" is a British war drama film directed by Nagisa Oshima and starring David Bowie, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Takeshi Kitano and others.

The film is adapted from the novel "Seeds and Sowers" by British writer Lawrence van der Priest, which tells the story of Japanese officers in hostile positions and British prisoners of war in a Japanese prisoner of war camp on the Indonesian island of Java in 1942, while colliding on a spiritual level.

7. Field Platoon (1986)

"Field Platoon" is an American war movie written and directed by Oliver Stone and starring William Dafoe and Charlie Sheen. Set in the Vietnam War, the film tells the story of Taylor, an American college student, who was sorted to the front line in Vietnam and began to reflect on the war after observing Elias and Barnes, two people with diametrically opposed views on the war.

8. Schindler's List (1993)

"Schindler's List" is directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley and other American war movies. Based on the novel of the same name by Australian novelist Thomas Kennely, the film tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German in Poland who hired more than 1,100 Jews to work in his factory during World War II to help them escape the slaughter.

Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

9. Red Tide Storm (1995)

"Red Tide Storm" is an American action war film directed by Tony Scott and starring Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman. The film tells the story of a coup d'état in the Soviet Union, when the mutiners took control of a nuclear missile base and threatened to attack the United States. The U.S. government ordered the Alabama nuclear submarine to prepare for a counterattack, but the submarine's communications system failed and the submarine commander decided to launch, but the new adjutant thought the stakes were important and did not hesitate to launch a mutiny to imprison his superior.

10. Red River Valley (1996)

"Red River Valley" is a domestic war romance movie written and directed by Feng Xiaoning and starring Jing Jing , Shao Bing , Ying Zhen and so on. Set in Tibet at the beginning of the 20th century, the film tells the love story of Han and Tibetan sons and daughters, a man who rescued a woman who was prepared by the villagers to worship to the rain god, and the heroic legend of fighting side by side.

11, Saving Private Ryan (1998)

"Saving Private Ryan" is an American war movie directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks, Tom Sezmore, Matt Damon, etc. The film tells the story of Ryan, an American paratrooper during World War II, trapped behind enemy lines. More unfortunately, all three of his brothers died in the war, and if he also died, the old mother at home would be helpless, and the US General Command of Operations knew about this situation and resolutely decided to organize a small detachment to the rescue.

Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

12, Stuba 300 Warriors (2007)

"Spartan 300 Warriors" is an American war movie directed by Zack Schneider and starring Gerard Butler and Lena Heidi. The film tells the story of Leonidas, the king of Sparta, led 300 elite soldiers of the city and more than 4,000 people of the coalition army to guard, due to the betrayal of traitors, the Greek army was copied by the Persian army behind to form a siege, Leonidas in order to preserve the strength of the coalition army, let the coalition army retreat first, and led 300 elite soldiers to die after the hot spring was closed.

13. Dunkirk (2017)

"Dunkirk" is a war historical film written and directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Finn Whitehead and Tom Green-Carney. The film is adapted from the historical event "Dunkirk Retreat" in World War II, telling the story of British soldier Tommy who met Gibson and Alex in the process of fleeing the beach, while the civilian ship owner Mr. Dawson and his son Peter and 17-year-old George also left the UK to go to Dunkirk to rescue soldiers.

Thirteen classic war movies, not to be missed!

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