
"Crystal Core COA" exploration strategy Explore the gameplay

author:A great collection of casual games

The reason why I say this is because this exploration gameplay does not need to continue fighting, and it is also a way to relax when you are tired of the competition. The tour mission is to find the required scenic spots, the main location to look for is five cities, Rumi Village is the first city to find, Rhine City is the second mission city, Marvelland is the third mission city, the ancient giant tree is the fourth mission city, and the military factory is the last city.

"Crystal Core COA" exploration strategy Explore the gameplay

Of course, it is not blind to explore without any prompts, on the introduction of each city, partners will be given specific exploration points, there will also be black and white photos for reference, the scenery of the location will be described to prompt, so by giving this information to find the specified location is not difficult, when the location of the friends is accurate, then friends can see that the game interface will have a small camera icon, which means that now enter the photo mode, you can take pictures of the task, However, it is not possible to shoot casually, the lens still has to be adjusted accordingly, the exploration of taking pictures is accurate even if it is completed, specifically if the angle of this photo is accurate, there will be a systematic prompt sound, so don't worry.

"Crystal Core COA" exploration strategy Explore the gameplay

Now let's explain the specific location of the photo in Lumi Village, the first photo to be taken when I first arrived, the location is obviously easy to find, find the location of the teleportation point at the entrance of the village; Although the sparrow is small is the second task, you can see it in the village, "let's go out and break in" is the third task, the location is on the outskirts of the village, the mountain eating task location is in Ore Town, there is a lost wilderness in Madhansi Town, under the trees there is a photo spot, there is no hole for task five, find ore town mine cave, task six is the breath of history, in the grass pile in the atrium of the ruins, her story is task seven, the upper layer of the ruins is the specific location, the end of the song is the eighth, the bottom layer of the ruins is the location.

"Crystal Core COA" exploration strategy Explore the gameplay

Next, let's talk about collecting gameplay, the task of collecting gameplay is to collect eternal cards, generally collected on the map in the wild, this task is simpler, when opening the gameplay, the map is prompted and guided, according to the guidance can be turned on automatic pathfinding, no need to click all the time, can automatically find the way, and then walk to the corresponding map of the location, although this does not need to compete with real people, but which are not threatening wild monsters still have to be meaningfully fought a dozen, after the wild monsters are taken away, You can go to teleport.