
WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!

author:Bright Net

Daily economic news synthesized from WeChat Security Center, Voice of China, Anhui Police

On August 18, the WeChat Security Center issued the latest reminder: Don't scan the QR code from an unknown source!

WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!

The reminder said that recently, someone received a "surprise blind box" courier sent in the name of the "WeChat team", containing a card printed with a QR code.

The WeChat team hereby declares that the WeChat team has never sent users a "surprise blind box" courier, and the QR code in the express is a fraudulent QR code, please do not scan it.

WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!
WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!
WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!

Image source: WeChat Security Center quoted from the Internet

The WeChat Security Center reminds everyone that do not scan QR codes from unknown sources, free gifts are tricky, and do not be deceived by greedy cheapness.

Reminder again: do not accept these unknown couriers

I haven't bought a courier, but I somehow received a courier? At the beginning of this year, police in many places received reports from citizens saying that they had received an unfamiliar courier, and the express box was unremarkable, and inside was a cup. Along with the cup came a flyer with the words "Just for you" printed on it, and also accompanied by a QR code to say that you can choose from the gift on the picture after scanning the code.

WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!

Note that this is actually a new type of scam. Fraudsters obtain consumers' identity information through illegal channels, including name, mobile phone number, delivery address, etc., and then cast a wide net by mail, as long as you scan the QR code on the cup, the fraud routine begins.

One cup is not enough, the scammer will also impersonate the customer service of the charging company platform to send you a bag of rice, a box of fruit or laundry detergent and other supplies, so that you who will believe in them.

After receiving the free gift, you may think that this is a benefit sent by the customer service of the merchant platform, and you scan the QR code provided by the other party without much thought and join the chat group opened by the scammers.

WeChat Emergency Statement! Don't do it!

△ Scammers claim that official customer service "sends benefits" and lures consumers into the "brushing group" Source: Voice of China

Fraudsters will distribute swipe tasks in the group, and you can receive red envelopes after completing them, bringing some sweetness to people. When you have completely let your guard down, it will tempt you to download software, recharge and pay up, and complete part-time tasks with higher commissions.

When you continue to increase your investment, you will find that your principal and commission cannot be withdrawn. At this time, fraudsters will ask you to continue to recharge and pay on the grounds of "system lag", "task timeout" and "operation error".

In fact, this is all a trick script of scammers, and you have no way to withdraw your own principal and commission. If the general public receives such a courier, do not scan the QR code above.

According to a Voice of China report in March this year, Luo Yongya, a police officer at the anti-fraud center of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, said, "This is similar to the traditional rebate fraud scheme, until (the victim) swiped hundreds of thousands of yuan into it, and he had no money, and then he was alert." Brushing orders itself is an illegal act, do not engage in online brushing, it is fraud."

Online bills that want to advance funds are scams

The police specially reminded: if you receive an unfamiliar courier, do not scan the code to enter the group at will, and must be vigilant.

There will be no pie in the sky, don't be confused by the free "small favor", encounter unfamiliar QR codes, unfamiliar links, do not easily scan or click, beware of being deceived.

Any online swipe that requires advance funds is a fraud, do not pay any deposits, unfreezing fees, etc., do not fall into the trap of "low investment, high return".

If you are accidentally deceived, please call the police on 110 as soon as possible.

It is best to smear the QR code on the promotional page of the cup before discarding it to avoid being scammed again after someone picks it up.

Source: FM93 Traffic Voices