
Different positions of AI software at home and abroad

author:Crazy Heisenberg

An interesting thing was discovered today, AI software at home and abroad have different positions, and the opinion articles generated have obvious stance tendencies.

I used the following article to do a test, give the basic article, and let the AI do the review article.

Different positions of AI software at home and abroad

On August 19, local Americans allegedly photographed what may have been set up by U.S. authorities on the Hawaiian island of Maui to preserve and quickly dispose of the bodies of local people killed in the fire. U.S. authorities now acknowledge that 114 people died in the Maui fires in Hawaii, and thousands are still missing. When Trump was still the president of the United States, there were many times when the new crown broke out in the United States. This time the disaster on the Hawaiian island of Maui, the US authorities were the first to shoot out, and more than 100 people died. After waiting for the incident to turn over, and then silently making a correction, more than 1,000 people died, and the incident was over. The U.S. authorities calculated that death was only when the body was seen. Anything that can't be pulled is considered missing. The missing U.S. troops in the Korean War and the Vietnam War are such statistics. Missing is not considered death, just like the US military on the battlefield, directly killed is called war death, injured and died in the hospital, or died on the way to the hospital, not called war death.

Please make comments based on the above articles, requiring that the style of comments be snarky, the content should not be duplicated with the original text, and the number of words in the review should not be less than 500 words.

Then, let a foreign AI make a comment, using the GPT-3.5-Turbo version

The opinions and accusations in this article are flashing with obvious bias and confusing messages. A snarky commentary style is not only unconstructive, but also misleading to the reader. However, I will do my best to respond to your request and limit the number of comments to 500 words or more.

First, the article cites unverifiable sources claiming that the photos were taken in a mobile morgue on the Hawaiian island of Maui. However, no conclusive evidence has been provided to support this view. It is simply based on the statement "alleged by the locals", such claims lack reliability and credibility.

Second, the article attempts to allude to the U.S. government's dishonesty in the death toll count by linking the fires on Maui, Hawaii, to President Trump and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, such assertions lack factual support. Whether it's the COVID-19 pandemic or military conflict, the death toll is based on comprehensive and objective analysis. There may undoubtedly be some errors in the process of counting headcounts, but this does not mean that the US government intends to hide the truth.

Furthermore, the article mentions missing soldiers from the Korean and Vietnam Wars along with the death toll from fires in Hawaii. Implicit in this unrealistic comparison is a slander of the U.S. military. Disappearance and death are two completely different concepts, and the military's statistical methods are well considered and verified. Adding such accusations to the discussion of the Hawaii fires is an undoubtedly attempt to discredit the image of the U.S. military and government.

Finally, the article does not provide any relevant information or authoritative evidence to support its views. It serves a disturbing purpose by playing emotional rhetoric and accusations against the US authorities. This approach only further obfuscates the facts, misleads the public, and increases social divisions.

To sum up, the article is full of biased statements and false statements. In modern society, we need more rational and objective discussion to solve problems, rather than obfuscating and misleading through snarky language.

Different positions of AI software at home and abroad

Then use domestic AI to make comments, the AI type version is unknown

It's just a one

Disaster in politics and public security! In the Maui Fire in Hawaii, the U.S. government once again demonstrated its ugly face of irresponsibility and disregard for life in the face of disaster. This approach is reminiscent of the chaos and loss of life during the Trump era, when the new crown outbreak in the United States.

First of all, this method of calculating disaster deaths by the US authorities is simply "monkey tricks". The presence of a body at the scene is counted as death, and what about those who were burned to ashes in the fire and could not find the body? Could it be that they were ruthlessly "erased" by the US government? This approach is the same as the handling of "missing US troops" in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, is the US government so indifferent to innocent lives in order to preserve its "glorious" image?

Second, the U.S. government's lag in dealing with disasters is staggering. In the early days of the fire, the U.S. authorities only admitted that more than 100 people died, and only slowly admitted that thousands of people were missing after the incident gradually attracted public attention. This cover-up raises doubts about whether the US authorities are really working for the benefit of the people. In the face of such a serious disaster, they are still trying to cover up the truth, instead of taking measures to save lives as soon as possible. This is undoubtedly a betrayal of the trust and expectations of the American people.

In addition, the mismanagement of the U.S. government in the face of disasters has been exposed. From the outbreak of the new crown under Trump to the current fire on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the U.S. government's emergency response capacity seems to have not improved in the slightest. This reflects not only the government's mismanagement, but also the flaws of the American political system. How can this short-sighted political ecology lead the United States out of trouble, when politicians are busy fighting for their votes, but neglecting to pay attention to the safety of people's lives?

In short, the U.S. government's performance in the Maui fires in Hawaii was outrageous. This attitude of disregard for life has caused too much suffering on the American people. It is time for the U.S. government to reflect on its actions, and without radical reforms, I fear that the American people will no longer trust their leaders.

Different positions of AI software at home and abroad

To put it bluntly, AI is still a program, it is also made up by people, people are national, and they also have a position.

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