
After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

author:Joy Drew 0h5

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text| Tao Rui

Edit| Tao Rui

Good health is the cornerstone of our youth's struggle. Today, however, the younger generation has gradually ignored this fundamental. In the past, when the company provided medical examinations for employees, everyone rushed to participate, but now young people are indifferent to this.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

They know that their condition is so bad that they can even be described as in desperate need of repair.

Let's go back to September 2021, a 21-year-old post-00s girl was admitted to a hospital in a city. When she walked into the hospital, her intestines were ulcerated and perforated and she was in critical condition. In less than a month, the girl passed away. During her hospital stay, she told her doctor that her cause was excessive addiction to 857 seven times a week.

However, what exactly is 857? This term can make the intestines of a 21-year-old girl ruin to the end, what kind of harm is hidden in it?

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

Why didn't she enter the hospital until she was dying?

The story originates from this young girl named Xiao Bi, who was born in the era of change and has always been considered a well-behaved and sensible person. Since elementary school, she has been at the top of her class and is respected as the envy of everyone.

Xiao Bi was at the first crossroads in his life, that is, the time of the college entrance examination. After a stressful review in the third year of high school, I was looking forward to relief after the exam, but the college entrance examination results did not meet expectations. Despite this, she decided to attend a local computer school with her current grades.

After graduating from his bachelor's degree, Xiao Bi devoted himself to his internship career. Although her college entrance examination results were not perfect, she did not encounter many employment twists and turns.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

However, the pressure of the workplace made Xiao Bi depressed.

Despite working day and night, she was repeatedly snubbed and even condemned for her lack of competence.

Wages are not equal to payouts. Under such circumstances, Xiao Bi wanted to resign and return home, but she had to hide all kinds of pressure in her heart for her parents' expectations and ambitions. Gradually, she became suspicious of this life.

Xiao Bi's friends noticed her plight, and although they were attached to her, they could not really help. Persuasive words did not come in handy.

Xiao Bi often stays up late to chase dramas for the easy way, and there are few other loose ways.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

One day, however, she asked her colleagues about relaxing. Although Xiao Bi did not know the specific relaxation method, he believed that even if it could be talked about openly, it must not be a violation. So she decided to get to the bottom of the matter.

After researching, Xiao Bi learned that what his colleagues meant by indulgence actually referred to nightclub carnivals.

Nightclubs are not new to Xiao Bi, but she has not shown strong interest in them in the past. However, as the relationship with his colleagues progressed, Xiao Bi learned the mystery of 857 from his boyfriend.

However, 857 is not a couple's term, it is an Internet buzzword, similar to 996 and 007.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

At first, Xiao Bi wondered what 857 was, and began to discover that 857 did not refer to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, but to nightclub carnival, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., seven times a week indulgence.

The words of 857 reached Little Bier, causing a change in his state of mind. Lifestyle may seem tempting, but it is difficult to have such a lifestyle yourself.

However, as the pressure of work increases and the urging of parents to marry, Xiao Bi's pressure becomes heavier. Finally, one day after work, she found her boyfriend and mentioned that she was willing to go to a nightclub with him. In the nightclub, Xiao Bi was difficult to adapt at first, but under the leadership of her boyfriend, she began to dance to the music.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

She was shocked to realize that bungee could bring pleasure, and twisted her dance to get rid of the troubles in her heart.

Since then, Xiao Bi has been involved in nightclub carnival every weekday. She is persistent and punctual to participate even when she has work. However, Xiao Bi is not superhuman, although she is young and powerful, occasionally indulge once or twice or tolerate, but in the long run, even the iron man can not bear.

Xiao Bi gradually realized this and made a decision. She understood that work could not be abandoned, 857 could not be ignored, so she had to give up her rest time. Since then, Xiao Bi has been working every day

The company worked, did not eat at noon, only took a short break, and continued to work until the night.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

or continue to take a nap due to drowsiness; Or because they are full of energy, they will eat and then indulge in nightclubs again at 8 or 9 pm.

This life lasted for about half a year. Until one day, Xiao Bi noticed that his abdomen often tingled. Colleagues and friends advised her to keep an eye on her health and stop partying in nightclubs, and advised her to seek medical examination.

However, Xiao Bi is not interested in seeking medical treatment, she is confident and young, even if she is unwell, she can rest for a few days to recover. She believes that she can maintain a good attitude without knowing her condition, and that a good attitude is good for her physical and mental health.

However, before she could think deeply, she changed.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

Although the number of indulgences decreased, it did not stop completely. Eventually, during a nightclub party, she passed out in pain, and was taken to the hospital by a friend.

The doctor told her that long-term irregular work and rest, irregular diet, and nightclub drinking all caused intestinal ulceration. The doctor even issued a critical illness notice, telling her that being young is not an indulgent capital, and that her body is the cornerstone of the revolution.

Xiao Bi Fang realized that Fang had one in twenty, but he had been notified of his critical illness, and then regretted his indulgent life. However, regret could not turn back, and eventually due to excessive physical weakness, his condition deteriorated during hospitalization, and he died young.

In short, this story tells us that even if life is stressful, it is not an excuse to indulge oneself.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear

Young people should value their health and not see it as an optional tool. Even if you are busy with work and life, it is important to ensure adequate rest and sleep. Indulgence is not short-term pleasure, health is the place of long-term happiness.

Let's cherish our bodies together and value our health. Don't let the pressures of work and life endanger your body and mind. Let's all be responsible for ourselves, maintain a positive attitude and take care of our bodies. Only in this way can we move towards a healthy and happy life.

Once again, I declare that the article I created was only published in Toutiao, not published on other platforms, and any theft will bear legal responsibility.

After 00, the girl "857" 7 times a week, the intestines rotten and died: the consequences of indulgence, you simply bear