
Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

author:Health Shenzhen


It is a topic that people cannot avoid

"Don't eat more

How do you have the energy to work and study? ”


Eat too full, eat too well

This brings the problem of overweight and obesity

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

According to the White Paper on the Health of Shenzhen Residents (2020 Edition)

Total population of Shenzhen residents in 2018

Overweight rate (rough rate) of 32.11%

The total population of Shenzhen residents

The obesity rate (crude rate) is 8.65%

2020 citywide primary and secondary school students

The obesity rate is 9.20%

And all have a rising trend year by year

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

A fat and sick student

Overweight and obesity are

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, etc

Major risk factors for chronic disease

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

How can I tell if I am obese?

If so, how can it be improved?

For this

Yangshengjun summarized the following

Common judgment and improvement methods

For your reference


▶ Methods for determining obesity

1. Body mass index (BMI)

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)²

This is the most common clinical method, Chinese BMI reference range: 18.5~23.9kg/m² is normal.

Adults with a BMI that is as low as possible in the normal range is more conducive to health. A BMI greater than 28 is the standard for obesity, but if the BMI is greater than 24, it means that you are overweight, and you should be vigilant not to increase your weight to the point that it is difficult to control.

2. Ideal weight method

Now the most commonly used and simplest method in clinical practice is: naked height (unit: cm) -105 = standard weight (unit: kg), ± within 10% is normal.

Weight measurement is recommended to be done in the morning on an empty stomach, this method is easy to learn, if your weight is not within the normal range, you need to think about whether you need to lose weight.

3. Waist circumference (waist-hip ratio method)

Generally, the suitable waist circumference is within 90cm for men (preferably within 85cm) and 80cm for women.

It is best to put your hands naturally down on your waist on an empty stomach, relax your breathing, relax your waist, and then circle around the narrowest part of your waist and read out the numbers to compare with the standard waistline, so there is a saying: the longer the belt, the shorter the life.

▶ Types of obesity

There are many types of obesity:

First, eat a lot and fat, such people like to eat high salt, high fat, high sugar and other "three high" heavy taste food, eat without moderation.

The second is metabolic obesity, mainly abdominal obesity, abdominal obesity, protruding belly, drowsiness and cold, low metabolism.

The third is stress-type obesity, stress, easy to overeat, poor sleep quality.

The fourth is lazy obesity, lazy to exercise, less mobile and fat.

▶ Treatment of obesity improves

Some types of obesity can be improved by traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the Department of Endocrinology of Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Shenzhen Hospital has long been committed to the integrated diagnosis and treatment of obesity, and has achieved certain curative effects.

1. Abdominal acupuncture therapy

Abdominal needle through acupuncture of certain acupuncture points in the abdomen, to weaken gastric peristalsis and inhibit gastric acid secretion, prolong gastric emptying time, prolong satiety; It can also accelerate energy metabolism, effectively regulate lipid metabolism, increase the body's energy consumption, and ultimately make weight loss continue.

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

2. Thread therapy

Meridian thread weight loss is the extension and development of acupuncture weight loss, thread weight loss is based on the individual differences of patients, different symptoms, different obesity mechanisms, reasonable and effective differentiation of acupuncture points, in the corresponding acupuncture points buried protein magnetization lines (thread instead of needles), to achieve the role of "strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, unclogging meridians, harmonizing yin and yang qi and blood", thereby adjusting the patient's autonomic nerve and endocrine function.

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

3. Moxibustion for weight loss

For patients with puffiness, the effect of reducing weight is achieved by stimulating acupuncture points to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but the rate of weight loss is usually slower and requires long-term persistence. Moxibustion can stimulate acupuncture points to warm the meridians, regulate the whole body system, and its own temperature can accelerate the catabolism of subcutaneous fat, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

△Image source: Internet

▶ Introduction to Endocrinology

Obesity is not harmful, and an article teaches you to determine improvement

【General Overview】

The Department of Endocrinology, Shenzhen Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (Futian) is a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment center integrating endocrine system diseases, metabolic disease diagnosis and prevention, is a national standardized metabolic disease management center, a demonstration base for the characteristic diagnosis and treatment of diabetes prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, a department relying on the "three projects" of Shenzhen medical and health "three projects" Academician Tong Xiaolin TCM metabolic disease team, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine "13th Five-Year Plan" key specialty, Futian District clinical key specialty, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine diabetes unit management center, Lingnan traditional Chinese medicine diabetes alliance unit, Member unit of Shenzhen Type 1 Diabetes Alliance, Shenzhen Endocrine and Metabolic Disease Standardized Management Specialist Alliance Unit, Park Chunli National Grassroots Famous Old Chinese Medicine Expert Inheritance Studio.

【Department Environment】

The department consists of a general ward, a national standardized metabolic disease management center (MMC studio), 3 consultation rooms, traditional Chinese medicine characteristic treatment rooms, and specialized testing rooms in the outpatient clinic. The department has the most advanced visceral fat detector, arteriosclerosis detector, sensory threshold measuring instrument, Doppler limb blood flow chart and other endocrinology and metabolic disease specialized equipment for early screening, evaluation and diagnosis of diabetes and complications. At the same time, comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is carried out, and insulin pumps, transient (real-time continuous glucose monitoring), 3C therapy (real-time continuous glucose monitoring CGM, insulin infusion CSII and diabetes information management CareLink) and other equipment are used to control blood glucose smoothly.

【Department Specialty Therapy】

According to the theory that the onset of diabetes is divided into four stages of "depression, heat, deficiency and damage", Academician Tong Xiaolin uses unique TCM diagnosis and treatment methods such as "Kaiyu and Heat Clearing Method", "Removing Cream and Reducing Turbidity", "Bitter Acid Modulation Method", "Detoxification and Channeling Method", and is equipped with a variety of TCM non-drug therapies such as "Tong Jing Regulating Visceral Abdomen Acupuncture Therapy", "Tong's Wen Jing Sugar Paralysis External Washing Formula" and "Pulse Energy Channeling Method", which have remarkable efficacy in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine and metabolic diseases.

【Scope of Treatment】

Traditional Chinese medicine is combined with internal and external treatment, and traditional Chinese and Western medicine are integrated for diagnosis and treatment

  • Diseases of glycolipid metabolism (diabetes and diabetic complications such as diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver).
  • Disorders of purine and electrolyte metabolism (hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis, hyponatremia, hypercalcaemia, hypertension with hypokalemia).
  • Diseases of bone metabolism (postmenopausal women, osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, etc.).
  • Pituitary disorders (assessment of pituitary tumor function, acromegaly, hyperprolactinaemia, Cushing's disease)
  • Thyroid-related disorders (postoperative management of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis, thyroid-related eye disease)
  • Adrenal disorders (assessment of adrenal function, Cushing's syndrome, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, etc.)
  • Gonadal disorders (polycystic ovary syndrome, perimenopausal syndrome, etc.)
  • Growth disorders (short stature, etc.).

【Featured advantages】

The department adheres to the treatment concept of "comprehensive, individualized, equal emphasis on prevention and treatment, and both lifestyle intervention and drug treatment" for patients with endocrine and metabolic diseases, uses pure Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine to prevent and treat endocrine and metabolic diseases, and adopts an integrated comprehensive assessment and treatment mode combining drug therapy and non-drug therapy, and combining internal and external treatment. Specifically, it has the following advantages:

1. Diabetes and its complications, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic foot, diabetic cardiovascular disease, etc.: regulate physical fitness, improve symptoms, reduce insulin resistance, eliminate seven factors that are difficult to control blood sugar through traditional Chinese medicine, achieve stable blood sugar fluctuations, reduce the dosage of oral drugs and insulin, protect the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, etc., and delay the progression of the disease. The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of diabetes and its complications has outstanding advantages such as excellent efficacy, high safety, low cost and short course of treatment.

2. Patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus with obvious hyperglycemia: We give short-term insulin intensive hypoglycemic reduction, combined with internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, which can quickly and smoothly control blood sugar, improve insulin β cell function, and induce longer-term blood sugar relief in some newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes.

3. Outpatient treatment of inset diabetes, thyroid nodules and other endocrine and metabolic diseases.

4. Science popularization and follow-up management of diabetes and complications, metabolic syndrome and thyroid disease; Attach importance to the health education and guidance of patients with metabolic diseases, set up diabetes rehabilitation club, thyroid disease rehabilitation club, carry out diabetes club activities once a week, regular science popularization, large-scale free medical activities, and carry out a series of education and free diagnosis activities around the theme of United Nations Diabetes Day and Thyroid Day every year to improve the health and disease prevention awareness of the whole people.

5. Carry out ultrasound-guided thyroid biopsy based on TCT combined with gene mutation detection technology, improve the diagnosis rate of malignant thyroid nodules, reduce the number of multiple punctures of patients, and have a full-course management clinic for thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer after surgery.

【Endocrinology team visit time】

Chief Physician Park Chunli: Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning (famous Chinese medicine hall);

Chief physician Li Tong, Deputy Chief Physician Li Pei, Deputy Chief Physician Zhao Xiaohua, Deputy Chief Physician Wu Xuemin, Attending Physician Lai Xingrong, Attending Physician Gao Shengnan, Attending Physician Du Lin, Attending Physician Wang Li, Physician Zhang Naiwen; Deputy Chief Physician Zhang Yi, Attending Physician Xiao Xiaoli, Attending Physician Fang Miaoshan, the visit time is detailed in the following table.

_ morning Afternoon

Park Chun-ri

Zhao Xiaohua

Zhang Yi

Li Pei

Zhao Xiaohua

Zhang Yi


Wu Xuemin

Zhao Xiaohua

Li Pei

Zhao Xiaohua

Li Pei


Park Chun-ri

Li Pei

Li Tong

Zhang Naiwen

Li Pei



Park Chun-ri

Zhao Xiaohua

Wang Li

Zhao Xiaohua

Li Pei


Zhao Xiaohua

Xiao Xiaoli

Zhao Xiaohua

Gao Shengnan


Park Chun-ri

Wu Xuemin

Zhao Xiaohua

Gao Shengnan

Wu Xuemin

Zhao Xiaohua

Gao Shengnan


Li Pei


Fang Miaoshan


Fang Miaoshan