
"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?

author:Shangguan News

It's the beginning of the school year again

Inevitably, there will be another stage in front of the kindergarten

"Life and Death" repertoire:

Some parents cry with their children to tear their hearts;

Some parents turned away "ruthlessly",

Don't dare to look back.

The transition from family to society is required in the path of young children's growth, and more than half of children in this period will have separation anxiety psychological problems due to changes in their lives.

"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?


What is separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety belongs to a type of anxiety disorder in young children, and preschool age is a frequent period. Young children's separation anxiety is mainly when young children and attachment objects (such as parents, elders) need to be separated for some reasons, such as anxiety, fear, anxiety, tension, etc., these emotional problems are collectively referred to as separation anxiety. The anxiety period generally lasts one to four weeks, because there are differences between children's own conditions and their environment, so the specific performance of new kindergarten is different.

"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?


What are the causes of separation anxiety in young children?

1. Changes in different lifestyles of the family will cause the discomfort of children entering the kindergarten;

2. The environment and atmosphere of kindergarten different from family will lead to children's lack of security in kindergarten;

3. Teachers treat all children equally and get along with each other equally, which will reduce children's sense of belonging and self-esteem.

"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?


What are the main types of separation anxiety in young children?

After the toddler leaves the attachment object, there will be a brief crying, but once there is other things to attract, it will be improved;

On the surface, this kind of young child seems to be separated from the attachment object without any emotional reaction, but it is actually afraid of the new environment, forming a superficial self-protection;

Rejection separation anxiety:

It is mainly that young children begin to cry loudly and get angry when they are separated from the attachment object, and when the attachment object reappears, young children refuse to communicate with him.

"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?


What can you do as a parent?

In the case of "I go to kindergarten", parents and young children need to be mentally prepared.

First of all, parents can read picture books related to "I go to kindergarten" with their children, visit the kindergarten on the spot, and jointly understand the environment and daily life content of the kindergarten, so as to help children eliminate strangeness.

Secondly, parents should understand the kindergarten schedule and daily diet in advance, gradually adjust the child's home work and rest time and diet, and guide the child to learn the skills of getting along with peers, such as looking at each other when taking the initiative to greet each other, shaking hands politely, and taking the initiative to introduce himself.

Finally, parents should do a good job of psychological construction for children, such as combining the children's behavior records released by teachers every day, carrying out parent-child conversations at appropriate times such as before going to bed and before meals, and talking about "I go to kindergarten" to stimulate children's interest in kindergarten, so that children realize that they should insist on going to kindergarten every day, parents are very concerned about their own kindergarten, and relieve children's anxiety.

2. Appropriately configure your child's "attachments"

It is recommended that the child bring a favorite toy from home to kindergarten, which is called an "attachment object". In contrast, the symbol of soft, plush attachment is more direct, soft, soft, like the mother's loving touch, the child will reduce the anxiety when leaving the familiar environment and familiar people in the soft touch. When leaving their parents, children will feel insecure, and with the company of beloved toys, insecurity will also decrease.

3. Learn to grab your child's "attention"

Some children do not want to integrate into the group after entering the kindergarten, often cry in the corner, and when asked why, they always cry and say: I want my mother (dad)...

When this happens, parents can exercise their children's "attention" in advance, and can attract their attention through some singing or activities, so that they forget the reason why they are crying at the moment, relieve sadness, and guide them to clap their hands or participate in activities together. At the same time, constantly change the content of the activity, attract them into the activity, and learn to grab the child's "attention".

4. Cultivate children's good living habits and basic self-care ability

Children are always by the side of their parents until the age of 3, and most parents are often responsive to the needs of life. The family takes care of all the children's self-care, eating, dressing and undressing, toileting, etc. are all helped by adults. Some children like to throw out all the toys, throw them all over the house, and never clean up.

In kindergarten, obeying the rules of collective life will make many children have a strong sense of discomfort. As parents, we should look at children with a developmental and appreciative perspective, dare to let children "do their own things", including washing hands, brushing teeth, going to the toilet, eating, putting on and undressing pants and shoes and socks, cleaning up toys, etc., cultivate children's good living habits and basic self-care ability, and minimize the gap between children's family life and kindergarten life. Especially when the child makes a request, it is necessary to cultivate the child's sense of "waiting" and try to avoid them crying to get satisfaction.

"Jing" to enjoy health丨School is about to start! How to properly deal with the separation anxiety of young children entering kindergarten?

School is about to start,

This is a treasure trove for relieving separation anxiety

Please check for parents!

Reporter: Yu Tingyuan

Image: Figureworm Creative

Editor: Xu Yuelin

Source: District Health Commission, District Mental Health Center

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