
Retribution has finally come! More than 4,000 Japanese companies were bankrupt and bankrupt, and China issued an eviction order!

author:So Bureau of Science Popularization

Japan has issued a 23 semiconductor export ban against the mainland, cooperating with the United States to contain the mainland semiconductor industry. This move is considered to be a manifestation of trade bullying and has caused a great threat and impact on the mainland semiconductor industry.

What Japan did not expect was that it was they who ultimately paid for this time. China responded very firmly, halting supplies of rare metals and imposing restrictions on Japanese companies. This move has dealt a huge blow to Japan's economy. Continental is the world's largest supplier of two rare metals, gallium and germanium. These two metals play a vital role in semiconductor manufacturing. The Chinese government stopped supplying rare metals to Japan, leaving Japanese companies struggling with semiconductor production. In this case, China sent a strong signal to Japan: we are not easy to bully, and the cost of challenging China will be huge.

Retribution has finally come! More than 4,000 Japanese companies were bankrupt and bankrupt, and China issued an eviction order!

Containment of the semiconductor industry in the mainland is undoubtedly a wrong decision of the Japanese government. China's semiconductor industry is in a stage of rapid development, with strong strength and potential. However, the Japanese government chose to cooperate with the United States and tried to suppress the development of the mainland by restricting the supply of semiconductor materials to the mainland. This practice not only violates the principle of fair competition, but also damages the economic relationship between the two countries. However, faced with the challenge of China's rise, they chose the wrong response. By imposing a ban on Chinese imports, they tried to weaken the competitiveness of China's semiconductor industry, but failed to anticipate the Chinese government's resolute counterattack, stopped supplying rare metals to Japan, and restricted the development of Japanese companies in the Chinese market. Rare metals play an important role in the semiconductor industry, and China's move has left the Japanese industry in a difficult position. Due to the lack of access to the supply of rare metals, Japan's semiconductor industry has been seriously affected!

Retribution has finally come! More than 4,000 Japanese companies were bankrupt and bankrupt, and China issued an eviction order!

This time Japan's retribution has finally come! The Chinese government issued this "customer eviction order" to sanction Japanese companies involved in the containment of the mainland semiconductor industry. The decision will leave more than 4,000 Japanese companies in serious operational difficulties and even bankruptcy. This is the result of their provocation of a trade war, as well as their own retribution. This incident once again highlights the importance of the Chinese market for Japanese companies. As the world's second largest economy, China has a huge consumer market and strong manufacturing capabilities. Many Japanese companies have always regarded the Chinese market as an important growth point, but this incident has caused them to miss out on business opportunities. The Chinese government's "eviction order" prevented them from entering the Chinese market, resulting in huge losses. In today's global economic integration, cooperation and mutual benefit among countries is the only correct choice. Cracking down on other countries' industries through bans and restrictions will only lead to retaliation and harm to one's own interests. Japan's experience is a profound lesson!

Retribution has finally come! More than 4,000 Japanese companies were bankrupt and bankrupt, and China issued an eviction order!

This incident once again proves a truth: do not easily touch China's bottom line. China's economic development has made great achievements and has strong market and supply chain advantages. Any attempt to suppress China's development will come at a heavy price. Although this incident has brought huge losses to Japanese companies, we do not want to see any country or company in trouble. On the contrary, we hope that all countries can cooperate in an equal and mutually beneficial manner to jointly promote the prosperity and stability of the global economy.

Retribution has finally come! More than 4,000 Japanese companies were bankrupt and bankrupt, and China issued an eviction order!

This time China issued an "eviction order", more than 4,000 Japanese companies suffered bankruptcy, and this incident also reminded Japan that it should adhere to the principles of openness, fairness and cooperation to promote the development and prosperity of the global economy. At the same time, it also calls on governments to remain rational and calm in dealing with trade disputes to achieve a win-win outcome. Only in this way can we jointly build a harmonious and stable world. It is hoped that Japan will learn from this incident and re-examine its China policy. Only through equal and mutually respectful cooperation can we achieve common development and prosperity for both sides. Retribution will come eventually, and we should take this opportunity to reflect on our actions and find a better direction for future cooperation.

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