
Desperate, again with a pay cut

author:Tong XII

Hello everyone, I'm twelve.

Desperate, again with a pay cut

Whenever I talk to my readers, I always want to record their stories. Because behind the individual, there is often a group of people.

Yesterday I met a reader who consulted a side hustle, she is a designer in the engineering and construction industry.

In the past two years, due to the impact of the industry environment, the company's business volume has fallen off a cliff, and their salaries have been reduced three times, most recently at the end of July. Today, she only gets a little more than 3,000 a month, which is nearly 10,000 less than more than 10,000 at her peak.

Her husband is also in the construction industry, and his income has also dropped a lot.

At present, the wages of the couple, after paying off the mortgage, are only enough for the daily expenses of the family, and they basically have moonlight every month, and their lives are tight.

After being cut this time, she lost sleep all night for three consecutive days. The thought of 25 years left on the mortgage and two children and four elderly people to raise immediately gives goosebumps and despair.

So, she came to me to consult a side hustle to see if there were any suitable projects to do. At the same time, I also hope that I can give her some advice to get out of this situation.

I have compiled parts of our exchange and shared them with you, and although some of the points have been mentioned many times in the article, I still feel the need to make them.


Don't quit on your own initiative

The first is about salary cuts.

The reason why this reader's salary has been reduced again and again, from more than 10,000 to more than 3,000. From their boss's point of view, such a decision is made for two main purposes.

First, reduce operating costs. This is an open account, originally more than 10,000 to support a person, now only a few thousand, the cost of employing people has been greatly reduced, and the pressure on the company's operation will be much less.

The second is to force employees to leave in disguise. This is the little calculation behind it. Use salary reductions, job transfers and other means to force employees to leave by themselves.

Why do you want to do this?

Because of their own voluntary departure and company layoffs, the nature is completely different.

If an employee voluntarily leaves, the company does not need to compensate a penny, but if the company lays off employees, it needs to pay compensation. Especially for those with long working years and relatively high basic salary, then the amount of compensation is not a small amount.

This reader has been working for this company for more than eight years, and if the company wants to lay her off, it is impossible to do without tens of thousands.

Therefore, I said to her, although it is difficult to accept the salary cut, but if you do not have a particularly good next station, then you should not easily submit your resignation, temporarily consume like this, at least there is still some salary every month, after all, your family's economic pressure is not small, thousands of dollars are also money.

This is also my advice to readers who have had similar experiences.

Don't compromise and walk away because the company has done all kinds of disgusting things. This is especially true if you have more compensation and greater financial pressure.

Face is a person, and Lizi is a family.

Really powerful people, or people with responsibilities and responsibilities, usually put their feelings back.


It's never too late to change

Not easily resigning and leaving, and the company consumes, not to let you fish in the company every day, lie flat, nor to let you find ways to work against the company and the boss every day, this is not the purpose of our work, nor should it be.

This kind of consumption is meaningless and worthless. What we should really do is to actively make changes and take action.

This kind of change and action is so that we can have more confidence to leave the current quagmire and find a new way out as soon as possible.

So, my second piece of advice to this reader is to use the free time right now to either learn a skill or do a side project.

A positive example is also a reader's story.

A few years ago, a reader came to me to chat with her leader who was a difficult lord to serve, bullying them at every turn, and making her very miserable. But because I don't have any skills, I don't know what I can do after leaving here, so I am very entangled and don't know what to do.

At my suggestion, she decided to take the public exam.

Frankly speaking, the risk of her entrance examination was still relatively large, and she was more entangled at that time. Mainly because she was 33 years old at the time, leaving her only two or three years, you must know that many people may not be able to pass the exam after four or five years, or even longer.

The advantage is that she has a strong learning ability, and the work at that time is relatively idle, there is a lot of time to study, and there are people at home with children, and energy can be guaranteed.

In the end, it took her two years to successfully land ashore.

She said this to me:

Twelve, thank you very much for your advice and encouragement and guidance along the way. In the past, I didn't believe in the phrase "as long as you work hard, it's never too late", thinking it was chicken soup, but it wasn't until I actually experienced it myself that I realized that life is really like this, as long as you want to change, there is always a chance.

In fact, I have been a public account for so many years and have met many such readers.

They are not satisfied with their current job, or salary, or relationships, or out of a sense of professional crisis, etc., in short, they want to change. But unlike many people, they are more about action and effort than just complaining and complaining.

Some people silently took the qualification certificate, some quietly took the postgraduate examination, the public examination editor, and some quietly started a side business ...

Finally, when the time comes, decisively turn away.

Yin Ye said that the stupidest thing in the world is that a person can endure decades of unhappy life, but is unwilling to spend a year to change himself.

I agree with that. Many times, one or two years is really enough to change a person's career and life trajectory.

Therefore, don't deny that you are not suitable for doing it just because you have not been exposed to a certain industry and do not know a certain skill.

If you can't learn, you can't accumulate experience, and if you act and change one day earlier, you will have the opportunity to get out of the current sea of suffering one day sooner.


Action, bring hope

The other day, I brushed a short video saying that when people are happy, the heart secretes something called peptide, which can kill 97% of cancer cells in the human body.

Regarding the authenticity of this statement, I did not consult the information later, so I do not know whether it is true or false. But one thing is certain, that is, mentality and emotions are really important to a person.

The same 2 million in debt, some people are desperate to want to kill themselves, while others are not so anxious and still full of confidence in the future.

What is the difference between this world-wide difference?

On the surface, it is a matter of mentality, whether the heart is strong or not, the gap between pessimism and optimism in the face of things.

But in fact, in my opinion, there is actually a gap in capabilities, projects, resources, and so on.

How to understand it?

For example, ability, a person's annual income is five or six hundred thousand, then he is in debt of 2 million, although there is also a lot of pressure, but often not desperate to suicide. Because he has the ability to make so much money and turn things around.

On the contrary, it is difficult for a person to earn 3,000 yuan a month, and if he has a debt of 2 million, then it is difficult for him to have a good attitude. After all, the pressure of reality is here, unless death does not admit it.

Another example is a project, if you find a good project, know that the project is done well, the benefits are very considerable, then even if you are now burdened with 2 million debts, you feel that it is not a big thing, and life has not yet reached a desperate situation.

Otherwise, it will feel like the sky is falling.

That's why I always advise people to do a side hustle and take action. Because a good project not only brings real change and opportunity, but also brings hope.

Many times, we rely on hope to get out of trouble.

This is the third point I want to share with you, the more difficult the time, the more we must act and change, the way out, the way out, the way out.

Encourage all readers.

Desperate, again with a pay cut

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