
Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

author:Health Science Popularization Dr. Zhang

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Xiaoli is an ordinary office worker, who rests at home all day except for work, and life at two o'clock is very boring.

Xiaoli feels that her body is always sleepy, and she wants to eat something when she is tired, and she always can't bear to be gluttonous.

Looking at Xiaoli's spirit, it was really not good, and at the same time introduced a nearby Chinese medicine hall and suggested Xiaoli to take a look.

Xiaoli was idle after work this day, so she came to the Chinese medicine hall recommended by her colleagues, and the old Chinese medicine doctor first looked at Xiaoli's complexion and asked about her recent situation.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

Finally, he took his pulse again, looked at the tongue, and combined with the recent situation that Xiaoli had just said, told her that this situation was caused by insufficient qi.

There is a saying in Chinese medicine called "Essence is not enough and desire, Qi is insufficient and food is enough, God is insufficient and insomnia is insufficient." Do these three sentences have any deep meaning? How to adjust it?

1. Essence and blood

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, "jing" is the origin of human life, and the narrow sense of essence refers to the kidney essence hidden in the kidney, which is used for self-growth and development and the development and maturation of reproductive functions.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

Essence is also divided into innate essence and acquired essence, and innate essence is the surprise that exists when our parents give us life. The acquired essence is the essence accumulated during continuous growth and development.

Qi is refined and is one of the substances that sustain the human body and constitute the basic life activities of the human body.

The qi of the human body, like the concept of the essence of the human body, is the most basic substance that constitutes and sustains life activities.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

Qi is composed of refined biochemistry, and there are also innate qi and acquired qi. It has the effect of stimulating and promoting the human body, and will also promote the functional activities of the internal organs and the circulation of blood and fluid, and can also defend against external evil spirits and solidify semen.

And blood mainly comes from Mizutani essence and essence, it can also be said that the induced qi in Mizutani essence plus jin liquid is blood.

The operation of blood requires the promotion and fixation of qi to nourish the whole body, deliver nutrients to various organs of the body, and make people look more moisturized and muscles stronger.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

Second, the essence is insufficient and desireful

Many people feel that their bodies are weak, they have little energy, and they get tired easily.

And often eating supplements can not make up, but always get on fire, feel that the physical condition is getting worse and worse.

There are also often symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency and cold hands and feet.

What is more difficult to talk about is that the physiological function in that area will become worse and worse, and the duration will be shorter and shorter.

However, the desire for husband and wife life is getting stronger and stronger, and it is easy to think about wrong at night. And many people dream spring when they dream at night, and the phenomenon of wet dreams occurs.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

This situation is a typical manifestation of sperm deficiency and desire, because the human body lacks essence, if you want to supplement, you can eat some Liuwei Dihuang pills or ginseng deer antler pills to replenish the kidney and improve sperm.

Third, insufficient qi and more food

Qi is divided into innate qi and acquired qi, innate qi is given by parents, and acquired qi is formed by the biochemistry of eating water valleys.

Insufficient qi means that the body's mobilization function is reduced, and qi can be embodied to a certain internal organ, such as spleen deficiency, lung qi deficiency, kidney qi deficiency.

The main movement of the spleen, the main opening and closing of the lungs, the main regulation of the kidney channel, the deficiency of spleen will lead to abnormal water transport in the body, people are easy to show fatigue, and the digestive system will become weak.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

Therefore, when the human body's qi is insufficient, it will especially want to obtain energy from food, which is a typical manifestation of insufficient qi and food.

If there is such a lack of qi, you can take some Bazhen pills to make up for it.

Fourth, insufficient blood and sleep

It is very understandable that there is not enough blood and sleep more, that is, you often feel sleepy and lazy.

But this kind of coming is generally not physical exhaustion, but psychological laziness and not wanting to do things.

Blood is mainly in the heart, hidden in the liver, unified in the spleen, and distributed in the lungs, which shows that blood is very important for all organs in the body.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?

People with blood deficiency are not really lazy, but because the body is too weak, it is difficult to get up diligently, many things are more than enough and lack of strength, and they always want to sleep when they are physically sleepy.

Blood deficiency can also affect mental aspects, for example, patients with blood deficiency will often have financial insomnia and dreams.

If you want to improve this situation, you can take more blood tonic drugs, such as ginseng spleen pills and spleen soup, to nourish blood and calm the spirit.

Why does Chinese medicine say that "the essence is not enough and desire, the qi is not enough, the food is more, the blood is insufficient and the sleep is more"?


Traditional Chinese medicine is a cultural treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years and a shining pearl in Chinese culture. We should carry it forward, not bury it.

In the theory of Chinese medicine, essence qi and blood are the basic substances that constitute the human body and maintain human life activities.

There is also an inseparable relationship between the three, and under the functional activities of the internal organs and the domination of God, they are interdependent, mutually transformed, and closely related.

Therefore, I hope that everyone can pay more attention to Chinese medicine in daily life, in fact, many inexplicable diseases can be diagnosed and treated by Chinese medicine, and only more and more people believe that Chinese medicine can carry forward the culture of Chinese medicine.