
The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

author:Youyou's original intention
The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Ancient beauty lips that are 100 times more beautiful than "kiss lip makeup" must have your heart!

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Recently, the Palace Museum has launched a series of intoxicating makeup gift boxes, as if to present the style of ancient beauties. Exploring the trajectory of women's lip makeup in China through the ages is truly amazing. From ancient times to the present, women's pursuit of lip makeup is not only a symbol of beauty, but also an interweaving of history, culture and aesthetics. From the early "lip biting makeup" to the current "gradient lip" and "jelly lip", history has forged countless wonderful lip makeup styles.

Origin of the Zhou Dynasty The first attempt at makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Dating back to the Zhou Dynasty, women began experimenting with makeup, marking the beginning of the history of makeup in China. Powder and cinnabar became the first makeup materials, and women used it on their lips and cheeks to give themselves a rosy color. Animal blood and mineral dyes are also gradually integrated into the raw materials of cosmetics. Throughout history, women have used "lip fat" made of cinnabar, "lip fat" mixed with mineral wax and animal fat, and transparent and viscous "grease", and even used rouge to apply to specific papers, forming a rich form of lip makeup.

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

It is rumored that the original intention of women's makeup in ancient times was to stand out from the crowd and attract attention, but also evolved into a symbol of specific social status. This may provide historical support for the modern popular concept that "women who don't buy lipstick have no future".

The tedious process of lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

The makeup process was extremely elaborate in ancient times and was usually divided into seven steps: applying lead powder, applying rouge, painting eyebrows, appliqué, dotting the face, tracing red, and applying lip fat. The color of lip fat is mainly red, with shades and shades, and the color numbers are full of poetry, such as pomegranate jiao, wanjin red, holy tanxin, tianguan qiao, luo eryin, light red heart, etc.

Colourful lip makeup through the ages

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Throughout history, the aesthetic concepts of different dynasties have shaped a variety of lip makeup styles.

Han dynasty trapezoidal lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

The Han Dynasty was in turmoil, and the aesthetic tendency was relatively simple. During the reign of Emperor Wudi of Han, the rule of virtue rose, and women's aesthetics became restrained. At that time, lip makeup was shaped like vertical dots, small and large, almost triangular, and was called "trapezoidal lip makeup". The drawing method is relatively simple, by drawing the outline of the lips and filling them with color, you can create a trapezoidal lip effect.

Wei Dynasty petite lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, metaphysics developed, aesthetic concepts improved, and lip makeup evolved into a fan shape. Small lip makeup is popular, similar to modern lip biting makeup, but more prominent. The drawing method is relatively simple, starting from the middle of the lips and drawing a fan shape according to the lip shape, creating the charm of small lip makeup through the small m of the upper lip and the gradient of the lower lip.

Tang Dynasty Butterfly Lip Makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

During the Tang Dynasty, lip makeup styles were diverse, among which cherry and flower shapes were the most popular. Butterfly lip makeup has become a popular trend, and there are many ways to draw it. The first method of painting is to paint the lip color, use lipstick to outline the shape of the heart, the lower lip is like butterfly wings, vivid and flexible; Drawing method 2: On the basis of liquid foundation, by drawing small M and gradient lower lip, it presents a delicate effect; The third drawing method highlights the sharp corners of the heart and creates an artistic butterfly lip shape.

Song Dynasty oval lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

In the Song Dynasty, the aesthetic turned to fresh and elegant, and the dotted lip style was reduced compared with the Tang Dynasty, and oval lip makeup was the mainstay. The drawing method is relatively simple, with liquid foundation to draw a small oval on the upper lip and a large oval on the lower lip, showing the elegance of oval lip makeup.

Ming dynasty inner wide lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

During the Ming Dynasty, dotted lip styles were rich, but the inner wide-lip makeup was the mainstay. The drawing method is relatively simple, using liquid foundation to draw small lip contours, fill in the color, and create a light and delicate inner lip makeup.

Qing dynasty petal lip makeup

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

In the Qing Dynasty, upper-class women preferred orange color bright makeup, and the dotted lips were mainly bright red, and the application part was small. Folk women mostly retain the dress of the Ming Dynasty, mainly light lip makeup. The drawing method is relatively simple, through lip moisturizer, liquid foundation, lipstick, etc., to create the feminine effect of petal lip makeup.

A heritage of beauty

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

The development of women's lip makeup in China is not only a process of beauty, but also the inheritance of history and culture. From the earliest rosy lips to the innovative styles of different dynasties, each lip makeup has witnessed the changes in the aesthetics of the society at that time. In contemporary times, people can still draw inspiration from ancient women's lip makeup to create a variety of beauty styles. The history of beauty is like a wonderful picture, showing the beauty and wisdom of ancient women.

The beauty of lip makeup A charm that transcends time and space

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

The lip makeup style of ancient women is not only an aesthetic presentation, but also a witness of social change and cultural inheritance. These ancient lip styles are still fascinating in modern times and have even had a profound impact on today's beauty trends.

Ancient and modern fusion The inheritance of trends

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Ancient lip makeup styles are integrated into modern aesthetic trends, such as modern "lip biting makeup", "gradient lips", "jelly lips", etc., all have the shadow of ancient lip makeup. Historical lip makeup is not only a symbol of beauty, but also part of the aesthetic heritage. Nowadays, people borrow from ancient lip makeup to create a variety of styles, adding more creativity and possibilities to modern beauty.

Lip makeup and cultural heritage

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

Each type of lip makeup contains the imprint of the society and culture of the time. The trapezoidal lip makeup of the Han Dynasty reflects the simplicity and restraint of that era, the butterfly lip makeup of the Tang Dynasty highlights the elegance of the literati, and the oval lip makeup of the Song Dynasty reflects freshness and elegance. These lip makeup styles are not only an expression of beauty, but also the inheritance of the culture of the times.

The charm of beauty is timeless

The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

As an important part of beauty, lip makeup still has a strong appeal after thousands of years. The lip makeup of ancient women is not only a symbol of their beauty, but also a display of their unique personality. This spirit of pursuing beauty has run through time and space and continues to this day. Whether it is the trapezoidal lip makeup of ancient times or the diversified lip makeup of modern times, it has given women beauty and confidence at different times.


The lip makeup of Chinese women of all generations is also too good-looking and avant-garde!

The evolution of women's lip makeup in China is full of cultural charm and aesthetic changes. Each type of lip makeup is a mirror of the times, showing the beauty and wisdom of ancient women, and also influencing the development of contemporary beauty. From the powder lips of the Zhou Dynasty to the petal lips of the Ming and Qing dynasties, each style has its own unique charm. Lip makeup is not only a part of makeup, but also a carrier of culture, witnessing the passage of time and the inheritance of beauty. No matter how the times change, the beauty of beauty is timeless, connecting the past, present and future, across time and space, and enduring.

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