
Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

author:Historical events


As we all know, in this era of technology, satellites are essential for a country. No matter what industry, it is inseparable from the support of satellites.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

According to the data pushed by the mainstream navigation map Gaode Map, the Beidou satellite navigation system has more than 300 billion positioning times in a single day, successfully surpassing the GPS of the United States with 90 billion data, and once surpassing the United States to become the king of satellites in the world.

Beidou satellites are widely used by international countries because of their powerful performance, and so far, nearly 140 countries have used mainland Beidou satellites.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

However, as our "good neighbor", India did not use the mainland's Beidou satellite, but also threatened the world: we in India build our own satellites, and the future development will definitely be better than the performance of Beidou and GPS.

So, what is the situation with this "good neighbor" of ours? Has it been successfully developed?

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

History of the development of Chinese satellites

The history of the development of Chinese satellites can be traced back to the end of the 19th century. At that time, China's development of science and technology was still in a relatively backward state.

However, with the advent of the 20th century, China began to pay attention to and devote itself to the research and development of satellite technology.

In the early 60s of the 20th century, China began to enter the field of research in the field of satellite technology.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

In 1970, China officially announced the successful launch of its first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong 1.

This important milestone marks China's becoming the fifth country in the world to have satellite launch capabilities, and it has also laid a solid foundation for China's satellite industry.

With the continuous progress and development of technology, China's satellite technology has been rapidly improved. On April 8, 1984, China successfully launched the Dongfanghong 2 satellite, achieving the first breakthrough in long-distance telemetry control of satellites in China.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Since then, China has successfully launched a series of satellites, including those in the fields of communications, meteorology, earth observation and scientific research.

In 1994, China launched the self-developed Beidou satellite navigation system, which took an important step in the field of navigation.

However, China's satellite technology does not stop there. In October 2003, China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V.

This feat marks China becoming the third country in the world with independent and reliable manned space flight capabilities.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Subsequently, China has successfully launched manned spacecraft and space laboratories, further improving the level of satellite technology.

Today, China has become one of the world's leading satellite countries. China's satellite technology plays an important role in communications, navigation, weather forecasting, resource survey and other fields, and has made great contributions to the country's development and improvement of people's livelihood.

In general, the history of the development of Chinese satellites has experienced continuous efforts and continuous innovation.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

From the initial exploration to today's leading position, China's satellite industry has achieved remarkable results. In the future, with the continuous progress of science and technology, it is believed that China's satellite technology will continue to achieve more brilliant achievements.

Why India does not use the mainland's Beidou satellites?

As we know, India has been committed to continuously developing and advancing its satellite business.

Although the mainland has a powerful Beidou satellite navigation system, there are many reasons why India chooses to develop its satellite business independently, and the next Xiaobian will explain it in detail for you.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

The first point: national interests

As a sovereign nation, India is anxious to establish an independent satellite navigation system to ensure the country's security and technological independence.

For India, relying on other countries' satellite systems may pose a series of security implications and political dependence issues, which pose a potential threat to national interests.

Therefore, in order to safeguard its sovereignty and safeguard its national interests, India has made the decision to develop its satellite business independently.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Satellite navigation systems are a key area of technology that is essential for the country's security and economic development.

By building its own satellite navigation system, India will be able to better meet the needs for accurate navigation and positioning at home and abroad.

This will not only improve the country's military defense capabilities, but also promote domestic development in areas such as transportation, agriculture, resource exploration and disaster management.

By developing its own satellite navigation system, India will no longer be limited by other national systems.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

By mastering this critical technology on its own, India will be able to better safeguard its national security and reduce its reliance on external systems, thereby avoiding possible security breaches and risk of failure.

The second point: accumulate relevant knowledge and experience

The independent development of satellite technology is an opportunity for India to reserve technology and technological innovation.

By developing and building satellite systems in-house, India can accumulate valuable experience and knowledge, and make important scientific research and technological breakthroughs in related fields.

This is not only beneficial to the development of India's satellite industry, but also of great significance for technological upgrading and innovation in other fields.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

The independent development of satellite technology is an important step towards India's transformation into a scientific and technological powerhouse. By developing and building satellite systems in-house, India can reduce its dependence on imported equipment and services by eliminating dependence on foreign technology and resources.

This will provide strong support for India to establish its own satellite industry and further promote the development and application of domestic high and new technologies.

At present, India has made remarkable achievements in the independent development of satellite technology.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

The Indian Space Research Organization has successfully launched a number of satellites and has made breakthroughs in satellite communications, Earth observation and navigation.

Through independent research and development and mastery of satellite technology, India has not only enhanced its position in the international space field, but also provided valuable experience and technical support for technological upgrading and innovation in other fields.

The third point: enhance your position in the international arena

India's own advantages in developing its own satellite navigation system can not only be reflected in its own country, but also help India to achieve a more advantageous position in international cooperation and negotiations.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Advanced satellite technology makes India an important partner in international cooperation.

The sharing of satellite data and cooperation in satellite applications have become an important platform for international exchanges and cooperation, and India, as an important country in satellite technology, can exert greater influence in this field.

By sharing satellite data and technology with other countries, India can play a more active role in international cooperation and enhance its standing and influence on the international stage.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Fourth: promote economic development

The independent development of satellite technology is also beneficial to India's economic development. The application of satellite technology covers a wide range, including agriculture, communications, navigation and other fields, and its application prospects are broad and have huge economic benefits.

By independently developing and applying satellite technology, India can promote the development of its own industry, economic growth and job creation.

First, India can monitor crop growth with the help of satellite technology to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

High-resolution satellite images can help farmers accurately assess factors such as soil moisture content and vegetation growth, and help decision-makers formulate scientific agricultural development strategies to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products.

Secondly, the construction and application of navigation satellite systems will also bring revolutionary changes to India's transportation, logistics and tourism.

Modern navigation technology will improve the safety and efficiency of transportation, reduce logistics costs, and also attract more international tourists and promote the development of tourism.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

To sum up, India's independent development of satellite technology will inject new impetus into economic development in agriculture, communications, navigation and other fields, promote industrial upgrading and increase employment opportunities, and lay a solid foundation for India's future development.

Disadvantages of the Indian autonomous satellite IRNSS

Although India's autonomous satellite navigation system is India's global satellite navigation system, it has a series of shortcomings:

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

First, IRNSS has limited coverage. Compared to GNSS GPS, IRNSS coverage is limited to India and its environs.

This means that the use of IRNSS on an international scale is limited and cannot provide global positioning services.

Second, there are problems with the reliability and accuracy of IRNSS. Due to the relatively short history of the IRNSS system, its performance and stability have not been fully verified.

In some user tests, IRNSS has not been positioned as accurately as other mature navigation systems, which may affect the user's navigation experience.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

In addition, IRNSS service coverage at sea and at high latitudes may be limited to some extent.

Because IRNSS's satellites are relatively sparsely distributed and do not provide continuous coverage, signal loss or instability may occur in these areas.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

Finally, the use of IRNSS is limited by the need for specialized equipment. IRNSS has relatively low device compatibility compared to other commonly used navigation systems, such as GPS in the United States.

This means that users need to purchase equipment that is specifically compatible with IRNSS, increasing the cost and inconvenience of using the system.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

In summary, IRNSS disadvantages in India include limited coverage, issues of reliability and accuracy, limited service coverage, and low device compatibility.

However, as technology continues to evolve, these issues are expected to be solved, and IRNSS may be further refined and improved in the future.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both


Although India has not yet achieved results comparable to China's Beidou and US GPS in the independent development of satellite navigation systems, India's efforts are still worthy of recognition.

Through independent research and development and innovation, India has made certain breakthroughs in the field of satellite technology and made positive contributions to the development of science and technology in the country.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

In the future, with the continuous advancement of satellite technology and the strengthening of international cooperation, it is believed that India's satellite navigation system will gradually develop and grow.

India can learn from the experience and technology of countries such as China and the United States, increase investment in satellite technology research and development, and actively carry out international cooperation to improve India's satellite navigation technology.

Self-developed satellite positioning system, refusing to use China's Beidou and American GPS, and clamoring to be stronger than both

To sum up, although India has not yet achieved satellite navigation systems that surpass China's Beidou and US GPS, India's efforts and development potential cannot be ignored.

With the advancement of technology and the enhancement of economic strength, it is believed that India is expected to become an important player in the field of satellite technology in the future and make greater contributions to the world's satellite navigation industry.

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