
【New Path, New Action】Happy Miyi All the way to the "sun" - a glimpse of the work of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress

author:Sichuan People's Congress
【New Path, New Action】Happy Miyi All the way to the "sun" - a glimpse of the work of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress

  Autumn is in the summer, and melons and fruits are fragrant.

  The car circled all the way on the road of Xinshan Township, Miyi County, the city of sunshine, and drove towards the clouds on the top of the mountain in the late summer and early autumn sunshine. At the first stop of the research visit, the reporter came to the Miyi Lisu rice terrace. At nine o'clock in the morning, in the thick foggy mountainous area, the layers of terraced fields are attached to Longtou Mountain and Longxi Mountain, distributed upward along the steep slopes, sparkling in the sun, and the village is hidden in the terraced mountains and forests along the hillside, like a paradise-like scenery.

  For generations, the Lisu people have grown rice, corn, potatoes and flue-cured tobacco in terraced fields, preserving the traditional ecological farming environment. After several years of development and construction, it has successively implemented rockery sculpture projects and village cultural wall projects along the farm, created characteristic residential accommodations, pastoral landscapes, inherited the Lisu people's intangible cultural heritage such as "barring wine", "spotted dove draft", "Yode Festival", "weaving" and "embroidery", consolidated the achievements of poverty alleviation with industry and rural tourism, and promoted rural revitalization.

The "voice of the people" determines the "people's livelihood" and benefits the people with facts

  As the old saying goes, "To get rich, build roads first." At the Third Session of the 19th County People's Congress held at the beginning of this year, one of the practical projects for people's livelihood in 2023 voted by deputies to the county people's congress was the reconstruction of the section from Panlian Town (Qingpi Village) to Xinshan Lisu Nationality Township (Pingshan Village) in S465 Miyi County.

  "Welcome to my hometown." The reporter met He Chunyan, a deputy to the provincial and county people's congresses and the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Lisu song and dance culture and embroidery, next to the terraces. "Our fruits and vegetables are shipped out, and guests from afar are welcome in, and transportation is definitely the first priority. This time, the road reconstruction project was selected as a practical matter of people's livelihood, which is the best embodiment of listening to the voice of the people and highlighting the will of the people. ”

  It is reported that this is the first time that the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress has implemented the voting system of people's congress deputies for practical projects of people's livelihood, and 10 government people's livelihood practical projects in 2023 have been voted by all people's congress deputies, including the construction project of public kindergartens in Miyi County, the urban water quality improvement project in Miyi County, the high-standard farmland construction project, the continuous construction of supporting facilities and water-saving transformation projects in the medium-sized irrigation area of Qianqu. In order to ensure the implementation effect, the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress will take the supervision of the implementation progress of practical projects for people's livelihood as an important task throughout the year, include it in the annual work points of the Standing Committee, implement all-round supervision of practical projects for people's livelihood in 2023, and focus on suggestions, support, coordination and supervision of the difficulties and problems in the process of project promotion through participating in special supervision, inspection and research, and vigorously promote the smooth implementation of practical projects for people's livelihood in Miyi County.

  "The people's livelihood practical project is related to the expectations of the masses, the solemn commitment of the county government to the people and people's congress deputies of the county, and the specific measures to strive to build a county sample of the high-quality development and common prosperity pilot area of Panzhihua City; It is also a vivid practice of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress in implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and practicing people's democracy in the whole process. In the next step, the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress will continue to make efforts to strengthen supervision and urge the county government and relevant departments to complete practical projects for people's livelihood on time with high quality and efficiency! Dong Mingyuan, secretary of the party group and director of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress, told reporters that it is necessary to make the construction of practical projects for people's livelihood closer to the will of the people and more beneficial to the people, truly do a good job in the practical affairs of people's livelihood, and submit a satisfactory "answer sheet" to the people of the county.

【New Path, New Action】Happy Miyi All the way to the "sun" - a glimpse of the work of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress

A concentric road draws a circle of happiness

  A year of good scenery must be remembered, the most orange-yellow-orange-green time.

  On both sides of the road in Hot Water Village, Wanqiu Yi Nationality Township, the rolling terraces are planted with mango trees, and the fruits bend the branches, and the air is filled with the sweet smell of harvest. This section of the road is the well-known local "Reyi Road", which is the "Tongxin Road" of the hot water village and the Miyi branch of China Energy Construction Yipuli Sichuan Blasting Company.

  Hot Water Village is a mango planting village in Miyi, the local seven communities of people planted more than 1,000 mu of late-ripening mangoes (mu output value of more than 25,000 yuan), because the planting area is a deep gou mountainous area, there is no road to enter and exit the car, which greatly affects the transportation logistics of the fruit, and the local people are distressed by the "deep alley of wine aroma".

  The people have something to say, and I have something to answer. In 2022, Yang Jiagui, a deputy to the county and township people's congresses, actively reported to the township party committee and government, coordinated the work of Ipuli to promote road construction, and organized representatives of the jurisdiction to listen to the opinions of the masses and win the support of the masses. At the end of November 2022, with the joint efforts of all parties, Ipuli Company invested 1.7 million yuan, and the relevant representatives and people of Hot Water Village gave the land free of charge, and built the well-known local enterprises to build the county-renowned local enterprises to build the road "Reyi Road" without spending a penny of land requisition and demolition funds, achieving a win-win situation for local enterprises, benefiting the masses, and uniting the hearts of the people.

  "As a grassroots people's congress deputy and the person in charge of a local central enterprise, we saw the difficulties of local people going up and down the mountain and transporting mangoes, so we took the road construction as our own business. This is the responsibility of people's congress deputies, as well as the responsibility of our central enterprises! Ma Tan, vice president of Ipuli and deputy to the township people's congress, said, "We are very happy to do something practical for the local people!" ”

  The green fishery aquaculture in Hot Water Village is also famous, and 520 mu of freshwater fish breeding base (Nahuwan Fishing Farm) in Panxi District has been built, and the title of "Green Aquaculture Base" was awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture. In order to give better play to the industrial advantages, on the basis of in-depth investigation by county and township people's congress deputies, Hot Water Village broke the traditional planting mode of planting "wheat, corn and rice", built a new pattern of three-dimensional agricultural industry development of "low-altitude fishery, medium-altitude grapes and high-altitude mangoes", and developed 11,000 mu of late-ripening mangoes, 720 mu of high-quality grapes, and 230 mu of grain-economic complex agriculture. The completed 520 mu of freshwater fish breeding base in Panxi area (Nahuwan Fishery) was awarded the title of "Green Aquaculture Base" by the Ministry of Agriculture, and more than 60 large breeding households with an annual income of more than 500,000 yuan, more than 270 households with an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan, and the annual output value of Nahuwan fishery increased from more than 200,000 yuan in the early 90s to more than 36 million yuan now.

  Today, Hot Water Village is a typical example of common prosperity led by deputies to the county and township people's congresses and village cadres in Miyi County, and has become a collective economic strong village in the county, and has successively won the honors of provincial civilized village and provincial rural governance demonstration village.

  The "road of concentricity" between people's congress deputies and the masses of the people has drawn a happy circle of rural revitalization in the new era.

【New Path, New Action】Happy Miyi All the way to the "sun" - a glimpse of the work of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress

Guard the Anning River together and write a new answer sheet

  Looking into the distance from the shore of the Green Pine Forest Agricultural Park in Salian Town, Miyi County, the red slogan "The Second Granary of Tianfu" stands between the green and golden rice fields, forming a colorful and beautiful picture under the bright sun. In this "Only This Green and Green" scroll, a pool of blue water meanders through it, which is the Anning River that flows for thousands of years in the Panxi Rift Valley.

  The Anning River flows through Yonglang Town, Dechang County, into Miyi, passes through Baima, Panlian, Binggu, Salian and other townships, runs through the central hinterland, and flows into the Yalong River. The length of the river in the county is 76 kilometers, and the drainage basin area is 1441.06 square kilometers, accounting for 69.25% of the total area of the county, and the cultivated land accounts for 84.2% of the total cultivated land in the county.

  "For Miyi, the Anning River is our mother river." Wang Zonglan, member of the leading party group and director of the office of the county people's congress standing committee, told reporters with a smile, "Without the irrigation of the Anning River, there would be no happy and comfortable life for Miyi." ”

  It is reported that the formulation of the "Regulations on the Protection of the Anning River Basin in Panzhihua City" and the "Regulations on the Protection of the Anning River Basin in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture" is currently actively and steadily advancing as planned, and it is planned to be implemented after being submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for approval in September this year.

  A pulse of clear water, linked to climb the west.

  As the first port where the Anning River enters Panzhihua, in order to protect the mother river, the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress actively cooperated with the coordinated legislation for the protection of the Anning River Basin, formulated the "Miyi County Cooperation Plan on the Coordinated (Joint) Legislative Promotion of the Protection Area of the Panzhihua City-Liangshan Prefecture, actively cooperated with the provincial and municipal people's congresses to carry out legislative research and research more than 10 times, assisted in convening relevant legislative meetings more than 10 times, and put forward 33 legislative suggestions, helping the coordinated legislative work on the protection of the Anning River Basin to advance smoothly. At the same time, strengthen the legal supervision of the people's congress, give play to the leading role of the rule of law, and urge the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the Panzhihua City People's Congress on Strengthening the Joint Protection of the Anning River Basin and Promoting High-quality Development" and other laws and regulations in Miyi, and make positive efforts to promote the high-quality development of the Anning River Basin.

  Zeng Maohong, deputy to the People's Congress of Salian Town and secretary of the general branch of the Party of Safety Village, told reporters that the embankment project of the river section of Salian Bay Lai Village, the main stream of the Anning River, is currently advancing as planned, and after the completion of the project, it can protect 1,990 mu of cultivated land along the coast and improve regional flood control capacity. "It is hoped that through the joint efforts of our people's congress deputies at all levels, we will transform and upgrade our shortcomings in industrial development and living environment, and contribute to accelerating the construction of socialist modernization with strong industry, excellent ecology and humanistic beauty."

  Riding the wind and breaking the waves, it is time to set sail. The Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress will base itself on its post, have the courage to take responsibility, perform its duties and responsibilities, continuously improve its ability and level of doing a good job in the work of the people's congress, write new answers in promoting people's democracy and the high-quality development of Miyi in the whole process, and promote the happiness of Miyi in the new era and new journey all the way to the "sunshine".

【New Path, New Action】Happy Miyi All the way to the "sun" - a glimpse of the work of the Standing Committee of the Miyi County People's Congress

Text source: Liu Hongyan

Image source: Synthesis


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