
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial

author:Nomad starry sky

Recently, the highly anticipated domestic game "Yanyun Sixteen Sounds" announced that it will participate in the Cologne Game Exhibition in Germany, and will open overseas version of the trial event at the exhibition. This is the second time the game has participated in this international event a year ago, which has aroused the eagerness of players. Since its debut at last year's Cologne exhibition, the game has undergone many live broadcasts and offline trials, and the rich game core is constantly being revealed.

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" is a domestic open world breaking work developed by EVERSTONE. Different from the aesthetic convergence of a large number of Korean martial arts games on the market, the game has attracted the attention of many players with its unique and hardcore style. With a rough texture like a knife, it breaks the soft aesthetic of previous games and brings players a new visual experience. This textured design complements the storyline of the game, allowing players to immerse themselves in the game world, feeling the tension and mystery in it.

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial

As one of the most influential game events, the Cologne Games Show attracts many world-renowned developers and manufacturers every year. Because of this, being able to participate in this exhibition is a great recognition of the strength and game quality of the "Yanyun Sixteen Voices" team. During the exhibition, the exhibition development team will have the opportunity to communicate and cooperate with other top international game developers to further improve their own game development level. At the same time, as a domestic game, being able to participate in the Cologne Game Show in Germany and attract the attention of domestic and foreign players is also an important milestone for "Yanyun Sixteen Voices". The game development team will make full use of the platform of the exhibition to showcase their efforts and ideas to the world, and deliver more excitement and shock to players.

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial

At the same time, players are excited to learn that the new live demo event of the overseas version will also be open at the booth. This trial event will bring players more undisclosed information and surprises, not only allowing domestic players to feel the excitement of the game again, but also giving overseas players the opportunity to experience this highly anticipated game in advance. The opening of this trial event is not only a re-verification of the quality and gameplay of the game, but also a new climax in the expectations and enthusiasm of players for "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun".

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" strives to bring martial arts games into a new field through its unique style and gameplay. The innovative texture design, carefully constructed game world, and innovative fusion of single and multiplayer modes all show the team's passion and determination to create. We can expect that at the Cologne Game Show and other international exhibitions, players will have the opportunity to experience and feel the unique charm brought by "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun". Fight Cologne again, create another surprise, let's wait and see.

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" confirmed to participate in the Cologne Game Show Open Overseas Version Trial