
"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

author:Dr. Wu Health Science
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Uncle Wang is 82 years old this year, a retired teacher who has always maintained good living habits and a positive attitude.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Every morning when he wakes up, he goes for a walk in the park, does tai chi or square dancing to exercise. He also likes to read, write, listen to music, watch TV and other cultural and entertainment activities to enrich his spiritual life.

He often keeps in touch with his wife, children and friends, exchanging ideas, sharing happiness and enhancing relationships. Every week, I also go to the community university for the elderly to learn some new knowledge, new skills, and broaden my horizons.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

He also uses his smartphone to browse the news, send WeChat, and start live broadcasts to keep up with the trend of the times.

Although Uncle Wang has exceeded the age of "two hurdles", he is still full of spirit, healthy and happy in life.

"I feel like I'm young and there's a lot to do," he said. I don't want to turn myself into a 'lamb to be slaughtered' who 'eats, drinks and sleeps'. I want to make myself a "learner", "participatory" and "creative" "active old man". ”

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

What are the "two hurdles for old people"?

This is a common geriatric health topic and a concern for many elderly people and their children.

The quality of life and life expectancy of the elderly, in addition to being affected by genetic, environmental, medical and other factors, are also closely related to their own lifestyle, psychological state, health management, etc.

So, what does "two hurdles for old people" mean? How can we "survive" these two hurdles and achieve a long and healthy life?

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

The "two hurdles of old age" refers to two important turning points faced by the elderly in the life course, namely the age of 65 and 80.

These two ages are the period of significant changes in the physical functions, psychological state, and social roles of the elderly, and also the period of high incidence of chronic diseases, disabilities, and cognitive impairments.

Therefore, these two age groups have an important impact on the health and well-being of older adults.

According to the data of the seventh national census of the mainland, the elderly population aged 60 and above in the mainland is 264 million, accounting for 18.7% of the total population, of which 190 million are aged 65 and above, accounting for 13.5% of the total population; The elderly population aged 80 and over is 30.3 million, accounting for 2.1% of the total population. It is estimated that by 2025, the mainland's elderly population aged 65 and above will reach 250 million, accounting for 17.8% of the total population; The elderly population aged 80 and over will reach 40 million, accounting for 2.8% of the total population.

These data show that the mainland has entered a deeply aging society and is facing huge pension pressure and challenges.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Uncle Wang was able to "survive" these two hurdles and achieve a healthy and long life mainly for the following reasons:

1. He has a good lifestyle.

Maintain moderate physical exercise every day, enhance physical fitness, prevent and delay the occurrence of geriatric diseases.

He also pays attention to a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, controls the intake of cooking oil and salt, and avoids poor diets such as high fat, high sugar, high salt and high cholesterol.

He does not smoke, drinks less, gets a good night's sleep, and avoids overwork and mood swings.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

2. He has a positive state of mind.

He is optimistic and cheerful, actively faces various changes and challenges in old age, and does not complain, is not anxious, and does not depress. Have self-confidence and self-esteem, do not feel inferior, do not pity, do not give up.

He has a sense of self-worth and accomplishment, not empty, not boring, not idle. Have self-control and adaptability, be able to reasonably regulate their emotions and behaviors, and adapt to the new environment and new requirements of elderly life.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

3. He has a rich social engagement.

Maintain good communication and communication with family, friends, neighbors, etc., enjoy family warmth and social support, and enhance family affection and friendship.

He actively participates in various cultural and educational activities such as the Community University for the Elderly, expanding his knowledge and skill level, and improving cultural literacy and quality of life.

We also use information technology such as smartphones to expand cyberspace and social circles to keep pace with social developments and changes in the times.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

How to "get through" these two hurdles?

In order to "survive" these two hurdles and achieve a healthy and long life, it is necessary to start from many aspects and take comprehensive and effective measures.

Uncle Wang's story provides us with some inspiration and reference, so that we know how to "survive" these two hurdles and achieve a long and healthy life. Specifically, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Establish a healthy lifestyle.

According to your physical condition and hobbies, choose sports that suit you, such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, tai chi, etc.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

You should also pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more vegetables, fruits, milk, beans and other foods rich in vitamins, calcium, protein and other nutrients, and eat less fried, barbecued, pickles and other foods that are not conducive to health.

Stop smoking and limit alcohol, and avoid inhaling secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke. We must ensure sufficient sleep time and quality to avoid staying up late and insomnia.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Regular physical examinations should be carried out to detect and treat chronic diseases and geriatric diseases in time.

2. Develop a positive state of mind.

Establish a correct view of aging, correctly understand the changes and challenges in the life of the elderly, and actively respond to them. We should maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, look at the positive side of things, do more things that are beneficial to physical and mental health, and complain less, complain less, and be less pessimistic.

Establish self-confidence and self-esteem, do not inferiority, self-pity, self-abandonment due to age, body, economy and other reasons, but give full play to their advantages and specialties, show their style and value.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Establish a sense of self-worth and achievement, do not be empty, bored, and have nothing to do, but have some meaningful and interesting things to do, set yourself some reasonable and achievable goals, and strive to achieve them.

Self-control and adaptability should be established, and the health and happiness of oneself and others should not be affected by the loss of control of emotions or behaviors, but should learn to reasonably regulate their emotions and behaviors and adapt to the new environment and new requirements of elderly life.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

3. Increase social participation.

We should maintain good communication and exchanges with family, friends, neighbors, etc., enjoy family warmth and social support, and enhance family affection and friendship.

Actively participate in various cultural and educational activities such as community universities for the elderly, expand knowledge and skill level, and improve cultural literacy and quality of life.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Information technologies such as smartphones can be used to expand cyberspace and social circles to keep pace with social developments and changes in the times.

You can also participate in some volunteer services, public welfare activities, charity, etc., to give back to the society and contribute.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention


"Two hurdles for old people" is not an insurmountable obstacle, but a challenge that can be overcome.

As long as we have a healthy lifestyle, a positive psychological state, and a rich social participation, we can "survive" these two hurdles and achieve a healthy and long life.

"People are old and have two hurdles, and if they survive it, they will live long", and "two hurdles" refers to which 2? Elderly people should pay attention

Let us take Uncle Wang as an example, learn from his experience and methods, and make ourselves a "vigorous old man" and enjoy the beauty of old age.

What are some other good ways in life to achieve a long and healthy life? Welcome to the comment area to exchange and learn together.

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