
This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

author:Shangguan News

Some parents like to buy their children cool glowing shoes in order to add fun to their children's walking. However, these shoes that can shine can also have unexpected safety risks.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

The principle of luminous shoes

LED light-emitting shoes refer to footwear products with LED light-emitting components on the sole or upper part, and the upper surface materials mainly include synthetic leather, leather, textiles and mixed materials, and the colorful light-emitting function makes it popular with children.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst
This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

LED light-emitting shoes come with batteries and light-emitting components, which are usually installed in the heel or forefoot outsole, and the power supply battery type is mainly coin cell batteries, and some are rechargeable batteries.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

Source: WLBT

Safety hazards of luminous shoes

In recent years, foreign media have repeatedly reported spontaneous combustion accidents in children's LED light-emitting shoes, and the cause of spontaneous combustion is mainly battery fire caused by short circuit, humidity, etc.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst


The biggest difference between LED light-emitting shoes and ordinary footwear products is the addition of light-emitting components and power supply components. If parents do not pay attention to observance, some children will even wear wet children's shoes for a long time without knowing it, if the battery or electronic components do not have good waterproof measures, it is easy to cause thermal runaway of the battery.

Common injury scenarios

Refer to the Guidelines for Consumer Product Safety Risk Assessment (GB/T 22760-2020) and the Risk Assessment of Electronic and Electrical Appliances for Consumer Product Recalls (GB/T 39063-2020) to construct injury scenarios.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

The severity of the injury

According to the injury cases that have occurred, some experts analyzed the severity of injuries from the hazard sources identified by monitoring children's luminous footwear products, and carried out risk assessment according to the risk matrix method in the GB/T 22760-2020 standard.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

The probability of injury

By estimating risk factors such as the probability of wearing children's LED light-emitting shoes and the probability of occurrence, the probability of each factor is multiplied and the probability of each injury scenario is calculated.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

Shoe making, buy shoes, wear shoes, look over

For producers

When producing LED light-emitting shoes, in addition to meeting the current mandatory national standard "Children's Shoes Safety Technical Specifications" (GB 30585-2014) and product standards, enterprises can increase the risk management and control of product batteries, and pay attention to the update of relevant standards.

"Safety Technical Specification for Lithium-ion Batteries and Battery Packs for Portable Electronic Products" (GB 31241-2022) will be officially implemented on April 1, 2024, the test methods for external short circuit and overcharge in the standard are greatly modified, it is recommended that enterprises pay attention to the development of the standard, obtain the latest standards in time, and adjust procurement and production strategies.

This kind of children's shoes is not only "hot", but also burst

Schematic diagram of the relationship between overcharge test voltage and charge limit voltage

For consumers

Choose disposable batteries→ When consumers choose children's LED light-emitting shoes, it is recommended to choose disposable battery-powered products over rechargeable batteries; If the removable insole sees the battery structure, it is recommended to give preference to resin injection molding and other products with a certain waterproof and thermal insulation structure, and the insole covered by the surface of the battery structure is as thick as possible.

Choose the right manufacturer→ purchase products produced by regular manufacturers through formal channels. The selected products must have clear implementation standards and contact information of enterprises that can bear product quality responsibility.

Learn to use → correctly Proper use and proper storage can also greatly reduce the risk of such shoes, such as: reminding children not to wear glowing shoes in rainy days or wading in water; Avoid overcharging when charging, keep away from children; Regularly check whether the battery in the shoe is leaking; Avoid direct immersion in water for cleaning; Store in a cool and dry place when not worn for a long time.

Glowing shoes are cool, but wear them carefully. In addition to purchasing products with quality assurance, parents should always pay attention to remind children to use them correctly.

Source: Shanghai Market Regulation

Editor: Wang Bo

Responsible editor: Yan Wenbin