
Understand how OpenAI APIs are billed

author:Software architecture

The OpenAI API is a natural language processing API trained on deep learning models designed to help users generate, understand, and process natural language text.

Understand how OpenAI APIs are billed

In terms of use, OpenAI API provides client libraries in a variety of programming languages, the official provides Python and Nodejs libraries, and the community also contributes client libraries in Java, Ruby, Go and other languages, which can make it easier for developers to use APIs.

It is important to note that the OpenAI API is a commercial service and there is a fee to pay for using the API. Its price is determined based on the time of use of the model and the computing resources. Different models have different costs.

OpenAI's API uses every 1,000 tokens as a billing unit. A token is the smallest sequence of characters that OpenAI splits text into after natural language processing word segmentation.

Generally speaking, a token in English corresponds to about 4 characters, which is equivalent to about 3/4 of a word, so 100 tokens as a whole is about 75 English words. And 1 Chinese character roughly occupies 2~2.5 tokens.

If we want to query how many tokens a string of text needs to consume, we can use the official free query calculator to calculate it:

Understand how OpenAI APIs are billed

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Understand how OpenAI APIs are billed

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