
How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics


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How exactly was President Kennedy assassinated? This mystery is still debated to this day. One of the reliable claims is that he was assassinated by the mafia, and since this case is quite tortuous, we must first start with how Kennedy elected president...

1, the Kennedy family's "dream"

U.S. President John F. Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy Sr., was an Irish immigrant who made a windfall by selling moonshine.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

With the help of the underworld in New York and Chicago, the elder Kennedy's Samset Company secured the import and distribution of 3 of the most profitable moonshines in the country. This business has been going on until the 30s.

In addition, in the 20s, the elder Kennedy also got into the Hollywood film industry to engage in a lot of behind-the-scenes deals, and made a lot of money from it.

In 1929, on the eve of the American economic crisis, Kennedy Sr. and some industrial capitalists like Volkswagen, Darrett and Rockefeller, knew that the market was about to face a big collapse, and they took advantage of the market shortage to make millions of dollars before the market collapsed. In the words of those in the know, "they created the economic crisis."

In the '30s, Kennedy Sr. used the influence of his campaign to secure funding from the East Coast Regional Development Fund to secure himself the chairmanship of the National Security and Import Trade Committee in the U.S. government.

Four years later, in 1938, the Regional Development Foundation offered him the position of "fat, eye-catching" ambassador to Britain in exchange for a corresponding large sum.

Unlike other underworld figures, the elder Kennedy was bent on making his sons soar in American politics, not only for money, but also for power, for the whole of America.

With the support of the elder Kennedy, the brothers John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were already elected and re-elected to the US Senate in the mid-50s and were preparing to rush to the White House.

At this time, the elder Kennedy quarreled with his adviser, Frank Castro, a leading figure in the underworld.

So Frank contacted various gangster organizations in the United States and prepared to sign a treaty against the old Kennedy to bring down the Kennedy family. If this succeeds, the son of Kennedy Sr. will surely be ruined.

To this end, the elder Kennedy turned to the boss of the American underworld, and Moni, the chief leader of the Ofett (Chicago underworld group), came forward to eliminate it.

Sam Moni Giancana (1908.5.24~1975.6.19), originally an immigrant from Sicily, Italy (Sicily is the birthplace of the world-famous mafia), mixed in the street scoundrels as a teenager, and later joined the notorious underworld "No. 42" gang.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

In his decades, he controlled all of Chicago through conspiracies such as murder, violence, robbery, pornography, and other intrigues, and expanded his business to Cuba, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.

In 1953, a meeting of syndicate bosses of the underworld was held in Havana. At the meeting, the leaders of the 36 largest criminal gangs in the United States publicly recommended Moni as the general leader.

His influence permeated all industries in the United States, directly controlling most of the gambling, pornography, construction, transportation, as well as drugs, gemstones, arms smuggling, and so on. Annual input amounts to $1 billion.

In March 1956, the old Kennedy servant came to the Eastern Ambassador Hotel in Chicago to meet with Moni and asked him to stop and drive Frank away.

Moni pointed out that the elder Kennedy used to make a lot of money on Frank, but he crossed the river to tear down bridges, and now refuses to cover some of Frank's illegal assets, owes Frank a large amount of favors, and violates the rules of the underworld.

The elder Kennedy said, "I can't afford our friendship now, and my son can't afford our friendship now." ”

"It's an insult!" Moni roared. "What do you think? Yes? ... Do you know how he intends to take revenge on you? ”

"I know that, he has a treaty against me."

"So, how do you think I can do something about this? ... How do you want to be? ”

"You know, my son John F. Kennedy is constantly rising in politics... I hope one day he will become president. Now, I can't let him be threatened, can I? ”

Moni turned around: "So what do you want me to do?" ”

"Talk to Frank... Let him understand. If you don't let this treaty stop, I'm a flawed person. But as long as I live, I can help my son get into the White House. There's one of us in there, isn't that what we all yearn for? ”

Moni turned back to the window and turned his back to the old Kennedy: "If I negotiate with Frank... I don't see how this does Chicago any good... You don't promise us anything. ”

"I can reciprocate, I will. You help me now, Sam, I'll keep an eye on Chicago in the future... And you... You can sit in the White House office if you want. You will get the information you get from the president. However, I just need time. ”

He said anxiously, "I was forced to helpless, I think if there is this treaty, if my son is made into this background, he may not succeed in the election, now you understand why I want you to negotiate with Frank, right?" ”

Moni turned his body and looked into his eyes: "Let me see what I can do, but when your son is chosen, you have to fulfill your promise... That day was..."

The elder Kennedy chimed in: "That day was also the day you Sam Moni Giankana was elected. He will be your man, I swear. My son... The President of the United States of America... Will know that he owes you his father's life. He won't refuse you. Rest assured, my promise will be fulfilled. ”

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

That evening, Moni hung up a long-distance phone call to New York, and the treaty against Kennedy Sr. was canceled.

2. Moni's energy

Here, it is necessary to introduce Moni's relationship with the CIA.

Back in the early '50s, Moni's Offitel group (Chicago underworld group) had dealings with the CIA.

Moni helped the federal police in Chicago put CIA's Bob Maher on leadership, wresting him over the leadership from Theis, thus becoming an insider for the Ofett organization, and worked on it for many years.

In the Middle East, Guatemala and Asia, the CIA will help whenever the Ofitt (Chicago underworld group) needs it, providing protection for the organization's illegal activities.

In return for serving the underworld, the CIA draws $1 million a year in benefit fees from drug trafficking profits shipped from Havana to the continental United States. The CIA followed this practice elsewhere, generally extracting 10 percent of Offite's profits "for some squandering by them," mostly in Swiss, Italian, and Panamanian banks, and keeping account secrets, untouched for quite some time.

This mutually exploitative relationship constitutes an all-pervasive black force.

In the late 50s, as the riots and riots in Cuba escalated, the U.S. government wanted to send troops to support Cuban coup d'état to overthrow Batista's rule in order to protect the interests of the United States by the new rulers of the future.

Instead, the CIA sought help from Offeit, the Chicago underworld group. That is natural, since they have millions of dollars invested in Havana, and those interests are being affected by the unrest in Cuba.

Moni, the chief of the Offitel group (Chicago underworld), agreed to cooperate with the CIA.

He sent McAverli to serve as an assistant to Havana chief Rofekent (a former CIA-Tyce right-hand man who had worked with Offite's men in the arms and drug deal) to ensure the smooth implementation of the cooperation.

The CIA buys arms from Offett (the money comes from benefit fees drawn for the CIA from profits from Offett's other projects). Because there is no budget in the CIA's legitimate spending, it cannot support both the Batista government and the anti-government organizations covertly, and the arms supply to Cuban anti-government groups, including Castro's.

Offite (Chicago underworld group) contacts and buys arms, stores them in CIA warehouses, and finally arrives in Cuba by sea or air. The CIA is only responsible for receiving shipments from ships and aircraft. Offeitt's companies contract with government authorities (i.e., the CIA) to lease ships and aircraft to it.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

McAverly was responsible for liaising with the CIA and sending the guns to Los Angeles; Another of Rofekent's men, along with some CIA men, gave weapons to the rebels.

The whole operation went smoothly, and the Batista government was eventually overthrown by Castro's 72-man guerrilla group. To celebrate his victory, the mayor of Miami took the band and girls in military uniforms to Havana.

Moni had other deals with the CIA. Through Offite's (Chicago underworld group) relationship with the Vatican and secret banking transactions, Moni helped the CIA remit millions of dollars of illicitly proceeds into the "fund treasury" of Vatican adviser Cindona (used to buy government officials, engage in covert operations, etc.), in exchange, the CIA provided the Vatican with generous handouts...

In addition, Moni played a key role in the CIA's worldwide smuggling and money laundering ventures.

3. How to control Kennedy

1959 was a presidential election year in the United States.

The elder Kennedy knew that without the support and assistance of a powerful underworld, it was impossible for his son John F. Kennedy to overcome the obstacles and obtain the presidential nomination. So he once again turned to Moni by phone, the man who could bring the entire country's underworld forces to serve his son's seizure of the presidency.

Kennedy Sr. told Moni, "Together, we will be unstoppable." ”

Moni came to his conclusion that manipulating the president is more interesting than being president.

Moni decided to go all out to support John F. Kennedy in his bid for president of the United States.

Of course, this comes at a high price. Moni will never pay in vain. Now, the elder Kennedy had credited Moni with his life, but it was not enough, Moni wanted his soul, and the soul of his son.

Moni did not trust Kennedy, the old man, and in order to guarantee their loyalty and ensure that they paid their debts, Moni ordered Frank Sinatra, the chief of Hollywood, and Murray, another gang leader, to "provide John F. Kennedy with women to realize this plan." ”

Sinatra is Moni's most trusted helper and a friend of the Kennedy family, especially John F. Kennedy.

According to Moni's instructions, Sinatra has prepared the women Kennedy needs, and there are many more women waiting in line to go...

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

In Moni's eyes, it is no secret that the sons of Kennedy Sr. inherited their father's strong love of women's flesh.

The elder Kennedy often went in and out of Carnava, playing cards, gambling, and playing women. In the early 50s, John F. Kennedy followed in his father's footsteps and found a secluded cottage in Karnava to play in.

Moni himself attended Kennedy's "gatherings" at Carnava on several occasions. At parties, the men "or play with two and sometimes more women." In the bathhouse, in the hallway, in the attic, on the floor, but never in bed. ”

Moni happily tells others that the Kennedy family "loves that secret, perverse stimulus and excitement," and that "the more perverse the better."

Moni believed that with the right woman, he could take John F. Kennedy into his own hands.

4, the "mud" on Kennedy

In order to grasp the dirty secrets of the Kennedy family, Moni specially bought Karwana, and all the locations were connected by wiretaps.

"I'm going to prepare enough mud for this nationally famous family to smear on their faces when needed."

In the fall of 1959, the elder Kennedy and Moni held three secret talks at the Eastern Envoy Hotel in Chicago about the upcoming presidential election and other matters, and finally finalized the agreement between them, with John F. Kennedy present.

The preliminary plan was presented by Kennedy Sr. and Moni, and then John F. Kennedy and Moni finalized.

During the meeting, Moni mentioned his partnership with the CIA, which John F. Kennedy was amazed and kept in mind...

After the meeting, Moni got carried away, and he smiled and said to his brother:

"I've gotten enough mud from John F. Kennedy and his dirty dad to ruin the future of 10 politicians. I have a lot of their photographs, audio tapes, and films, all in the safe. The American public must be happy to see their president, comforted by 3 women. Hum! If I need to play an ace, the key is here! ”

In January 1960, after confirming that the mud he had collected was enough to force the Kennedy family to abide by the contract between the two parties, Moni instructed the famous American singer Sinatra to start a campaign in support of John F. Kennedy's election as president.

Sinatra mobilized all his forces in the film and television industry, allowing a large number of Hollywood stars to come forward in support of John F. Kennedy's campaign, all of whom were inextricably linked to Moni.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

At the same time, Sinatra came forward and invited John F. Kennedy to attend a lavish party held at the homes of several celebrities to support his campaign. As the finale, Sinatra invited Kennedy to a rally in Las Vegas hosted by his friends and supporters.

In Las Vegas, Kennedy was received as royalty. Everything in the house, from the bedroom to the washroom, is so magnificent and luxurious. Slowly, John F. Kennedy became more and more involved in Moni's world.

"Moni doesn't necessarily attend every party of the stars, but his influence is shown in every corner of every living room, hotel, ball, boudoir", all arranged by Moni's invisible hands.

Moni insisted that Sinatra find some suitable girls, and suggested that he invite John F. Kennedy to Sandy in Las Vegas again and introduce the "bait" to the future president (Moni called the women bait).

On February 7, 1960, in Sandy in Las Vegas, Sinatra introduced another of his beautiful brown beauty, Judy Campbell, to John F. Kennedy. In Moni's view, Judy was different from other women and more attractive to John F. Kennedy.

In March, John F. Kennedy officially shared a bed with Judy Campbell and often took time off from his political campaign to have trysts with her. Moni was ecstatic to learn the news. He wanted to place a "formal" sister-in-law around John F. Kennedy so that he could control Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy's frequent changes of women once made Moni very troubled, because it easily made John F. Kennedy lose control.

5. Counterattack election

The campaign began. During this time, Moni met with Kennedy Sr. and John F. Kennedy several times in New York, Chicago and Carnava.

John F. Kennedy was a little worried about several U.S. states, the most worried of which was West Virginia.

Moni also explained to the Kennedy fathers that the Truckers' Association would not publicly support John F. Kennedy at the moment, otherwise the McCarthy Commission would be suspicious of Hauff and his men.

"But after that, it's easy to do, there will be no problems."

Moni withdrew $2 million from the association to support John F. Kennedy's campaign on the condition that John F. Kennedy instruct his brother Robert F. Kennedy to leave the truckers' association alone.

John F. Kennedy agreed.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

The entire Kennedy family mobilized to solicit votes for John F. Kennedy in West Virginia. However, the real places to get votes are outside the big scenes, the camera lenses.

In July, at the Democratic National Convention, Kennedy defeated Humphrey to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

Before the meeting, Moni discussed John F. Kennedy's candidacy with the elder Kennedy. On behalf of the gangsters, Moni recommended a Texas senator named Lyndon Johnson to the elder Kennedy as John F. Kennedy's running mate.

Although the elder Kennedy didn't like Johnson, "we need Johnson to stay in the White House," so that "we can manipulate the whole country."

The elder Kennedy agreed.

"Because he owes Johnson a lot: as a favor to the elder Kennedy, Johnson put John F. Kennedy on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which laid the foundation for John F. Kennedy's political career."

Kennedy convinced his son to choose Johnson as his vice presidential mate. The decision led Kennedy's supporters, including Robert Kennedy, to scold.

6. Bets on both sides

Although Kennedy had the full support of Offitt (Chicago's underworld group), Offite was still a "two-sided bet" and they never bet on one family.

Moni and Marcero, another mafia leader, gave Republican presidential candidate Nixon $1 million. At the same time, it was also $1 million to Lyndon Johnson. But none of them match the amount given to John F. Kennedy.

Offite (Chicago underworld group) spent $8 million on John F. Kennedy's primary votes alone.

The Offitel Organization had always gotten along well with Nixon, and Moni met with him several times in Washington.

Nixon was vice president in the Eisenhower administration and was competing with Kennedy as a Republican presidential candidate.

Nixon helped Offete in government:

Moni was given some contracts for highway construction. Before that, in 1947, Moni, a gang leader in Texas, was spared by Robbie, from being questioned before parliament (of course, "Offeit also helped him and some of his CIA associates")...

Because Nixon and Offete (Chicago underworld group) had a good relationship and a long history, and knew and trusted each other, some people advocated supporting Nixon in the presidential race.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

But Moni believes that Ofett had already helped Nixon in California when he ran for the Senate, and now he has bet on his presidential bid, so he does not owe him favors. In particular, the elder Kennedy had already made a big wish, and that was the most important thing.

While supporting Nixon was "a safe path, but a safe path doesn't lead to where I want to go," for Moni, supporting Nixon got "milk" and supporting Kennedy got "the whole cow." "Do you want milk or cows? I want the whole cow! Moni said categorically.

On November 8, 1960, a close campaign began across the United States. To this end, Moni asked Sinatra to work in the campaign office, and received some campaign reports every half hour to inform Moni who was sitting behind the scenes.

In the previous period, Kennedy was ahead, but by midnight, the situation was reversed, and the NBC radio spokesman predicted that Nixon would win...

In a hurry, John F. Kennedy called Chicago gang leader Dali from Hainis Airport and quickly called for help. Dali found Moni, who sent urgent action orders to the gang leaders in the remaining areas where the results of the vote had not yet been announced, telling them to do everything in their power to reverse the defeat.

Moni's men mobilized in the name of John F. Kennedy, and used all the conspiracy methods that could be imagined and used.

7. The "winning" Kennedy

In order to secure votes, members of the Ofitt organization went around soliciting people from one constituency to another, from one polling place to another, so much so that they cast a large number of excess votes. Standing in front of the ballot box, they knew full well that all votes would go to Kennedy.

Occasionally, unknown citizens declared that they did not need such tyranny, so they were severely beaten by Moni's thugs, some of whose arms and leg bones were broken, so that polling stations were forced to close...

In many local constituencies (such as Chicago), ballots are deliberately forged.

In Nixon's stronghold, Illinois, he won just 4,500 votes. When the official request for a recounting, no one went to review, and at the same time, the Offitel Organization put pressure on Nixon...

Nixon himself admitted defeat.

In this way, John F. Kennedy defeated Nixon by less than 10%.

Moni later admitted that he could not succeed alone, that all members of the mafia played an important and irreplaceable role, and it was the collective power that barely put John F. Kennedy on the presidency. Without Offite's full support, the Kennedy family would never have entered the White House even if they vomited blood.

How did Kennedy get elected president of the United States? After reading it, I realized that "House of Cards" can only be regarded as pediatrics

As John F. Kennedy's biggest supporter, Moni agreed that Sinatra would go to Washington to prepare for the presidential inauguration, which would be the biggest celebration in American history...

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