
Cultivation methods and precautions for small-leaved boxwood

author:Shandong Zhongchuang Yifeng Fertilizer Group

Small-leaved boxwood, also known as mountain boxwood, melon seed boxwood, is a very popular bonsai plant, not only high ornamental value, but also has a good meaning, such as "home has boxwood, generations of beams", so if the potted small leaf boxwood, how to breed daily? What should I pay attention to? Let's take a look.

Cultivation methods and precautions for small-leaved boxwood

1. Potting soil

Small-leaved boxwood belongs to the shallow root plant, try to choose a large pot mouth, shallow depth, generally recommended to choose purple sand clay pot. Small-leaved boxwood is not strict on soil requirements and has strong alkali resistance. Of course, it is best to use loose and fertile sandy loam soil, and potted plants can also be used with vermiculite, peat or garden soil.

2. Water

Small-leaved boxwood bonsai to keep the potting soil moist, boxwood throughout the growth process needs a lot of water, potting soil slightly dry can be watered, in addition to watering according to the seasonal climate change to increase or decrease the frequency of watering, summer temperature can be appropriately increased the number of watering, winter dormancy period to water less.

3. Fertilization

Small-leaved boxwood can often be sprayed with some foliar fertilizers during the growth period, such as thin nitrogen fertilizers. Organic fertilizer can be applied in the pot every month, but uncorroed fertilizer can not be applied, nor can it be over-fertilized, seasonal fertilizer can be applied before the season is changed, such as spring germination fertilizer, summer fertilization of strong leaves, after pruning, some fertilizer is applied, and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer can also be added to the usual watering.

Cultivation methods and precautions for small-leaved boxwood

4. Trim

The trunk of the boxwood bonsai grows slowly, but the young branches grow faster, and the branches and leaves are too dense to appear that the whole bonsai is messy, so it is necessary to do a good job of pruning. Before the branches are lignified, one pair and two pairs of young leaves can be left, and the rest can be cut off, and then pruned after they have produced new shoots. Slowly, the branches will become thicker, and the branches and leaves should be regularly pruned and shaped to continuously improve their ornamentality.

5. Panza

When tying, you need to avoid the occurrence of branch breakage, generally commonly used aluminum or copper wire, novice pot friends can try to start from the sketch modeling, with rubber wire for wire modeling, to avoid branch damage. According to the thickness of the dry body, the appropriate metal wire is selected for the crabing, and the size of the wire is about 1/3 of the thickness of the base of the branch. Follow the order from bottom to top, from thick to thin, when the trunk should be inserted into the soil near the trunk of the fixed before winding, when winding the thread need to pay attention to the fit of the metal wire and the bark, to avoid too tight or loose situation. When tying the main branch and the side branches, it can be operated in a shoulder-shoulder manner, and the middle section of the wire is wrapped around the two adjacent branches respectively, so as to avoid the process of pulling and not finding a fixed point and loosening and slipping to achieve the intended purpose.

6. Change the pot

The best time to change pots is in the early spring, when changing pots for small-leaved boxwood, it is necessary to prune the root system, because the root system of boxwood is fleshy and fine roots, if the roots are long, they cannot be stretched in time after changing pots, and the bending plate fold is very unfavorable to the growth of small-leaf boxwood pots, so it is necessary to prune the long root system when changing pots, as well as dead roots, diseased roots, and messy roots. After changing the basin, it can be placed in a cool and ventilated environment for normal maintenance.

Cultivation methods and precautions for small-leaved boxwood

7. Precautions

Small-leaved boxwood is a light-loving, fertile plant, so the breeding should be placed in a sunny and semi-shaded environment, in addition to the low temperature in winter, to do a good job of small-leaf boxwood overwintering protection. The maintenance of small-leaved boxwood should pay attention to diseases and insect pests, common insect pests are mesophylls, boxwood inchworms, mesophylls can be manually brushed and eliminated; Inchworm is sprayed with 80% dichlorvos snipe powder, or sprayed with 40% oxidized fruit 1000 to 2000 times. The main disease is coal pollution, the key to prevention and control is to remove the shell worms, you can often spray foliar water, rinse dust.

Boxwood is known as "the gentleman in the wood", boxwood varieties are many, common are large-leaf boxwood, small-leaf boxwood, bird's tongue boxwood, melon seed boxwood, mountain yellow poplar, woolly fruit boxwood, water boxwood, etc., and small leaf boxwood is often used to make bonsai, ornamental value is very high, like can be planted and breeding to try.

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