
An eel burrowed into the nose of a monk seal both sides have been rescued

author:Science Science

According to the news from the fisheries department of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there was a poor Hawaiian monk seal with a bean-spotted naked-breasted eel stuck in its nose, fortunately, now that both sides have been rescued in time, scientists on NOAA's seal response team this week successfully removed the eel from the seal's nasal cavity, and the two wild animals in the incident seem to have suffered no damage.

An eel burrowed into the nose of a monk seal both sides have been rescued

NoAA says that although it is rare, this phenomenon has occurred three or four times in recent years, and monk seals tend to stick their heads and noses into the gaps, rocks or sand of coral reefs in search of prey, and they like to look for hidden foods, such as eels or eels, and this eel may want to defend itself, or escape quickly into the seal's nasal cavity, otherwise it may be swallowed directly by the seal.