
Chicken secrets: How many of the top ten "miracle drugs" in raising chickens have you used?

author:Dongdong Xiaolong Girl talks about raising chickens

1. Vitamin C.

During the high temperature season, layer chickens often have an increase in body temperature due to poor heat dissipation function (no sweat glands), accelerated breathing, and decreased feeding and egg laying rates. Vitamin C is involved in a variety of metabolism in the body, which can alleviate the adverse effects of heat stress, enhance appetite, and improve production performance. At a high temperature of 34 °C, the egg production rate can be increased by 8% by adding 200 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of diet, and the egg production rate can be increased by 10% with the addition of vitamin C 300 mg.

Chicken secrets: How many of the top ten "miracle drugs" in raising chickens have you used?

2. Tea.

The tea leaves are sweet, bitter, slightly cold, and contain a variety of vitamins. In summer, the tea leaves are soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes, and the tea juice is paired with water for the chickens to drink freely. Tea residue mixture feeding chickens can not only clear the heat and cool down, improve the egg production rate by 8%, but also anti-inflammatory sterilization, prevention and treatment of gastroenteritis and other diseases.

3. Baking soda.

It is a weak base that dissolves mucus, stomach and acid suppresses and promotes appetite. Adding 0.2% to 0.3% baking soda to the diet of layer chickens in summer can not only increase the palatability of feed, improve feed conversion rate, increase egg laying rate by 5%, but also reduce heat stress, prevent and treat diseases such as rumen acidosis caused by improper feeding of chickens. Baking soda is cheap and has promotional value.

Chicken secrets: How many of the top ten "miracle drugs" in raising chickens have you used?

4. Carrots.

Cool and tasty, nutrient-rich, with a variety of vitamins and carotene. Adding 10% to 20% chopped carrots to the diet of layer chickens can increase the weight of the egg body, increase the egg production rate by 6%, and enhance the heat resistance of chickens.

5. Celery.

Green and juicy, clear heat and dampness, feeding layer chickens can not only supplement vitamins, but also prevent and treat appetite loss caused by heat stress, and the egg production rate can be increased by 10%. Feeding method: (1) Feed celery once every 2 days, 40 grams each time. Celery leaves are fed alone, celery stems are chopped and mixed to feed. (2) 1 kg celery with 2 kg of water, fry for 15 minutes, take the juice and let the chicken drink freely.

6. Watermelon peel.

It has the effect of cooling down the heat and moisturizing the body. Each chicken is fed 50 to 100 grams of freshly chopped watermelon peel per day, and the egg production rate can be increased by 5%.

Chicken secrets: How many of the top ten "miracle drugs" in raising chickens have you used?

7. Mung bean soup.

Mung beans prevent heat and cool down, clear heat and detoxify. Take an appropriate amount of mung beans, wash and add 10 times water, cook until peeled, let the chicken drink beans and drink soup, several times a day, the egg production rate can be increased by 10%.

8. Bacitracin zinc.

It can relieve heat stress and reduce the heat production of chickens. At a high temperature of 34 °C, 100 mg of bacitracin zinc was added to each kilogram of diet, and the egg production rate was increased by 15%, and the heat production of chickens was reduced by 7%.

9. Aspirin.

Contributes to the thermal balance of the chicken body. Adding 0.05% aspirin to the diet of chickens can promote heat dissipation and increase egg production rate.

Chicken secrets: How many of the top ten "miracle drugs" in raising chickens have you used?

10. Serve plenty of fresh clean cool water.

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