
What kind of physique are you? One of the nine constitutions - peaceful

author:Dandelion said that medicine and medicinal food are of the same origin

Since the 1970s, modern physicians have conducted in-depth research on the classification criteria of TCM physique, and the academic community has mostly taken Wang Qi's physique nine-point method as the standard. The physique nine-point method divides the physique into nine basic types: peaceful quality, qi deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, phlegm wet, moist heat, blood stasis, qi depression, and special temperament.

What kind of physique are you? One of the nine constitutions - peaceful

Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Wang Qi

It should be noted that there are many factors that affect the physique, in reality, many people may have both the characteristics of this physique and the performance of that physique, and this situation is called "cum-clamp physique". Such as the combination of qi deficiency and phlegm wetness, the combination of damp heat and blood stasis, and so on. clamp physique can refer to several physiques at the same time.

The characteristics of the nine physique types in terms of physical characteristics, physiological characteristics, psychological characteristics, pathological reaction states, pathogenesis tendencies, etc., as well as the general principles and methods of medicinal dietary care, are briefly introduced as follows:

First, peace and quality

The main causes: good innate endowment, proper nurturing.

General characteristics: It is mainly characterized by the harmony of yin and yang qi and blood, moderate posture, full of energy, and strong functional state of internal organs.

Physical characteristics: the body shape is symmetrical and robust.

Common manifestations: face color, skin color, dense and shiny hair, eyes with spirit, nose color is bright, smell is clear, taste is normal, lips are rosy, energetic, not easy to fatigue, tolerant of cold and heat, sleep peacefully, good stomach, normal urination. The tongue is reddish in color, the moss is thin and white, and the veins are gentle and powerful.

Psychological characteristics: easy-going and cheerful personality.

Propensity: Plain plains are less common.

Adaptability to the external environment: Strong adaptability to the natural environment and social environment.

Diet and care: People with a peaceful quality have the physiological characteristics of yin and yang harmony, smooth blood circulation, and even balance of the five internal organs. The first principle of dietary care is dietary balance, the harmony of the five flavors, requiring food diversification (commonly known as "mouth blessing"), reflecting the overall concept of traditional Chinese dietary balance. The diet should not be too cold or hot food to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body and ensure health.

Recommended medicinal food: three and first soup, miscellaneous mushroom pot, salt baked chicken, plum vegetable button meat, stuffed tofu, stuffed bitter melon, chicken wine, bitter bamboo shoot pot, golden cherry eucommia pot pig tail, golden cherry seed stew pig's trotter soup, Qing tonic cool, five-fingered peach stew keel (or native chicken) soup, Hakka niang wine boiled eggs, pork belly stew chicken, Aigen stew chicken soup, Aigen dog meat pot, cow milk tree root (stem) stewed native chicken, stone ginseng pot chicken soup, five-leaf god duck soup, spiced dried duck, ginger stuffy dog claw beans, vinegar fish, clear soup double pills, radish balls, open pot meat balls, yam glutinous rice porridge, Plum stew with bitter melon and so on.