
5 minutes to understand qi deficiency

author:Dandelion said that medicine and medicinal food are of the same origin

Main causes: congenital deficiency, acquired insufficiency or post-illness qi deficit.

General characteristics: Insufficient qi in the whole body, fatigue and shortness of breath, and low functional state of the internal organs are the main characteristics.

Physical characteristics: the body muscles are soft and untrue.

Common manifestations: plain shortness of breath and laziness, low voice, lack of energy, limbs are easy to fatigue, easy to sweat, yellow or pale, eyes less, light mouth, lips less Huahua, hair is not lustrous, dizziness, forgetfulness, normal stool, or although constipated but not hard, or stool is not formed, after the stool is still not exhausted, urination is normal or more. The tongue is reddish, fat and tender, with tooth marks on the sides, and the veins are sluggish.

5 minutes to understand qi deficiency

Psychological characteristics: introverted personality, emotional instability, timidity and dislike of risk-taking.

Tendency to disease: Plain is weak, susceptible to colds, prone to internal organ sagging, fatigue and other diseases; recovery after illness is slow, or even delayed.

Adaptability to the external environment: intolerant of wind, cold, heat, and humidity.

Dietary care: the spleen is the main transport, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and those with qi deficiency can choose to use products that strengthen the spleen and benefit qi. People with qi deficiency have a weak spleen and stomach, and the diet should be light and easy to digest, so as to avoid greasy food.

Recommended food or medicinal food: five-finger peach stewed keel (or native chicken) soup, yam glutinous rice porridge, Qing supplement cool lean porridge, glutinous rice ball wine stuffed egg flower soup, brown sugar ginger warm stomach porridge, golden cherry seed eucommia pot pig tail, golden cherry seed stewed pig's trotter soup, gui ginseng stewed black chicken, stone ginseng stewed dragon bone soup, cow milk tree root (stem) stewed native chicken, peanut pot pig's trotter, chicken tail soup, pork belly lotus seed soup, steamed Huaishan, corn carrot stewed dragon bone soup and so on.