
There is a dish in Zibo, and the Qianlong Emperor did not stop sniffing after eating it

author:Zibo Cultural Tourism
There is a dish in Zibo, and the Qianlong Emperor did not stop sniffing after eating it

Tofu box, also known as Shandong tofu box, Qiguo tofu box, is a local traditional dish in Zibo, which has a history of more than 300 years and has been rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Shandong. According to legend, when the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty toured the south, he once "linxing" Boshan, and when the local officials entertained the Qianlong Emperor for a meal, there was a dish of "tofu box", and Qianlong could not help but praise the delicious food after eating.

It is said that when Qianlong inspected Jiangnan, he had a bad appetite because of the fatigue of the boat and car. In order to please the emperor and avoid disobedience, the accompanying imperial cooks inquired about local delicacies in many ways everywhere they went, and finally found a dish in Boshan to make the emperor longyan very happy. According to the "Jiangnan Festival As usual", "At the third moment of the first month of the first month, Li'an Temple ate breakfast and used a folding table to set it up: duck eight fresh inlaid box tofu product; bird's nest fire smoked fat chicken one product..." Among them, this "box tofu" is today's tofu box, and the various meat and vegetarian fillings are stuffed in fried tofu blocks and steamed. The taste is delicate, the aroma is full of flavor, the skin is tough and tender, and the aftertaste is endless. The Qianlong Emperor was full of praise after eating, so he ordered people to reward this dish to Concubine Ling, who was receiving the grace at that time, which aroused the envy of many other concubines. Since then, in the emperor's meal bottom stall, the dish of "box tofu" has often appeared, which shows how much the Qianlong Emperor loves to eat this dish.

There is a dish in Zibo, and the Qianlong Emperor did not stop sniffing after eating it

"Box tofu" once appeared in the "Nine White Feasts" of the Manchu Han Dynasty during the Kangxi Dynasty, "four hot stir-fried products: wild duck peach kernels, stir-fried squid, box tofu, crispy fried golden cake", as a dish given by the emperor to entertain the envoys. "Box tofu" can also be regarded as a "state banquet dish". Its fragrance and beauty, I am afraid that it cannot be expressed in words, you have to come to Zibo to "pull grass" yourself.

The tofu box is so delicious, do you know how it is made? Look at the officials and see: first cut the tofu into six square cubes, two inches long squares, fry peanuts in oil until golden brown, and then cut a piece of skin on the side of the tofu block (one side is not cut, the role of the box lid), dig out the inner tofu, and then fill the mixed filling, cover the "box lid". There are various fillings, including three fresh fillings (sea rice, shrimp, pork), crab yellow filling, chicken filling, etc. Generally, pork filling, assorted filling or vegetarian filling are mostly used. The method of making pork filling is to soak the sea rice and fungus in warm water, and cut the pork, sea rice, fungus, green onion, ginger and meat into minced pieces; Put peanut oil in the wok, boil and sauté the green onion, ginger and meat until eight ripe, add sea rice, fungus and salt and stir-fry well into the dish, add sand kernel noodles or pepper noodles and mix well, fill the tofu box, cover the lid and put it on the plate, stack it into a tower shape, steam it for about 5 minutes. Put another spoon of sesame oil, add green onion, ginger, minced garlic after opening, cook vinegar, throw fungus, green vegetables, water shoots and soy sauce, juice soup, soup after opening, soup after opening, pour on the tofu box to make.

Tofu box, there is a common name for opening the box to get treasure. How' about it, isn't it particularly charming?

There is a dish in Zibo, and the Qianlong Emperor did not stop sniffing after eating it

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