
The 10 most influential science fiction movies

author:Little fairy in the car
The 10 most influential science fiction movies

One recurring theme you'll find in this article is how ahead of time these films were when they were released.

Science fiction is a difficult genre to define because it is not a genre with its own fixed rules. While most sci-fi movies have deep philosophical themes, they also blend genres like comedy, horror, and drama. Considering that the genre has so much potential to cover, I think it's time to talk about the 10 most influential sci-fi movies of the past few decades.

Even though these films are decades old, they still stand the test of today's performance in terms of expression, virtual effects, and messaging. The fact that the films released today still draw inspiration from the films on this list is a great proof of this.

10. "Contact of the Third Kind" (1977)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

If you don't start humming the soundtrack as soon as you think of Third Contact, then this movie might not be for you. If that's the case, I'm wondering why you should read a list of the most influential sci-fi movies. It's one thing for a film to be a commercial and critical success, but few films enjoy the honor of being selected for preservation by the American Library Institute, and Third Contact received that honor in 2007.

If I'm going to give my opinion and direct your viewing, I would recommend watching the 137-minute director's cut. While each version of the film has cultural significance, Spielberg was unhappy with a second "special edition" that shortened some scenes and added others. He made the right decision, because not looking inside the mothership adds some mystery and ultimately favors the movie.

9. Independence Day (1996)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

Although Independence Day has a professional rating of only 68% on Rotten Tomatoes, it is generally considered to be one of the best summer blockbusters of all time. The summer blockbusters that followed had a self-evident golden rule: Movies needed to have a broad reach in order to appeal to the largest crowds, and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. If you want children, adults, science fiction lovers, and ordinary moviegoers to see the content of a movie, then you need to express it very directly.

Apparently, this method worked, as "Independence Day" became the second-highest-grossing film at the time after its release, after "Jurassic Park". So just looking at the numbers, it's clear that the film has a wide reach and impact on the market.

Although "Independence Day" has been criticized for the generally bland character of the characters, the brilliance of the special effects cannot be ignored. From the aliens blowing up the White House, to the alien dissection of Area 51, to Will Smith's classic "Welcome to Earth" phrase, to Bill Pullman's role as Thomas Smith. With President J. Whitmore's touching speech, Independence Day is the kind of movie you need to see because it's still entertaining even from a current point of view.

8. Minority Report (2002)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

In all cases of Philip S. Among the film adaptations of K. Dick's novels, "Minority Report" is one of the best. Although Tom Cruise can't seem to make a bad movie right now, it's equally fair to say that this dystopian sci-fi movie that takes place in 2054 is one of his best.

The story revolves around three prescient human "prophets" who can foresee crimes. Director John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise, is the director of the project. The conflict in the Minority Report is that Anderton must prove his innocence before being imprisoned by the program he helped develop.

The Minority Report raises many important philosophical questions, and the success of this science fiction film is the moral dilemmas it raises. How can a person be considered guilty, even if he has not yet committed the crime?

If you like moral dilemmas and dystopian science fiction, then you'll agree that Minority Report deserves to have its current 90% professional rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

7. "A Shot in a Thousand Shots" (1997)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

Like the Minority Report, "A Thousand Shots" presents its own philosophical conspimmies, but in the form of genetic engineering. Around the idea that a person is predetermined for social status based on genetics, "One Shot at a Time" plays with the concept of eugenics and how a person overcomes being labeled "inferior." "A Shot in Time" revolves around Ethan Hawke's Vincent Freeman, a man considered genetically inferior, but who dreams of a career in space travel.

But that changed for Vincent when he masqueraded as Jerome Eugene Moreau, a one-time swimming star who was paralyzed after a car accident but was considered genetically superior. Although Vincent had to take extraordinary steps to conceal his identity, he proved his worth through his work attitude and determination.

Although it wasn't a commercial success, it earned a professional rating of 82% on Rotten Tomatoes and was credited with criticizing genetic engineering and the nature of science as we know it. It is worth mentioning that the field of bioethics uses this film as a powerful case against the act of genetic profiling. In other words, although "One Shot in a Minute" didn't sell well at the box office, its message and presentation were not worthless.

6. "Escape from Underground Paradise" (1976)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

Although "Escape from the Underground" is based on William M. F. Nolan's 1967 novel of the same name, but very different from the original. There is a lot of creative freedom in film adaptations, but David Zelag Goodman's script still adheres to two core principles: everyone is set to die at a predetermined age in a "utopian" society, and Logan and Jessica try to escape this fate and become "fugitives".

The glow of Escape from Underground Paradise was initially overshadowed by 1977's Star Wars episode IV, A New Hope, but its most avid fans later hailed it as a marvel of narrative and photographic art. Like Escape from Underground Paradise, Escape from Underground Paradise does an excellent job of telling an engaging story of overcoming social pressures and determinism. Don't be fooled by the 60% professional rating on Rotten Tomatoes, because Escape from Underground Paradise explores complex philosophical issues, but it is presented in a way that gives a sense of mass use, which is why it is still loved by fans of science fiction movies to this day.

5. "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

1968's 2001: A Space Odyssey is the kind of movie you have to see to believe. The film was controversial at the time of its release, but it was also influential, and one of the reasons it was ahead of its time. 2001: A Space Odyssey brilliantly attempts to tell a cautionary tale about technology, especially artificial intelligence, something we're only beginning to understand in 2023.

Watching Hal's interactions with Dave and Frank clearly shows us the conflicts that can arise between humans and machines while on a mission and traveling through deep space. In many ways, Hal is a perfect computer because it has an inherent ability to follow orders, to avoid deviating from the task at hand and to treat humans as something deprecible.

Although critics were harsh on the film when it was released, Roger Ebert gave the film a perfect rating, saying it "successfully presents philosophy on a cosmic scale." In other words, film critics at the time could not fully understand the concept it proposed when 2001: A Space Odyssey was released.

But as time has shown, the film still maintains a high standard and is a must-see for any sci-fi movie fan.

4. "Alien" (1979)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

One way to measure the impact of a sci-fi movie is its number of sequels. So far, the Alien series has produced three sequels and two prequels, and if that's not enough to tell, it's the "Alien" it creates and the fear it brings to its victims. If you consider the entire series, it's clear that the likes of Ridley Scott know that they're working on some of the most thrilling sci-fi thrillers we've ever come across. The mere scene of a ruptured chest is enough to give goosebumps to your skin, and a baby alien bursts out of Kane's chest, causing everyone's horror.

It's worth noting that special effects were already ahead of their time, and if you watch Alien for the first time today, it's hard to believe that the film that started the entire series was released in 1979.

3. "Predator" (1987)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

It is impossible to mention "Predator" without mentioning "Alien". Just like the Alien series, the Predator series has produced four sequels, which shows that with influence comes staying power. But Predator has a special place in our hearts because of its vividness, action and special effects.

What sets Predator apart from the other films on this list is its rhythmic and action use. We witness Arnold Schwarzenegger's Alan Dynasty Major Schneifer of the Netherlands soon realized that he and his team were facing something extraordinary, and we were relentlessly bombarded with nearly two hours of violence.

An alien killer robot with advanced weapons, stealth capabilities, infrared vision, and cool braids was unprecedented at the time of the release of Ultimate Warrior, and looking back at history, the character design clearly has staying power.

2. "Men in Black" (1997)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

Returning to the Will Smith summer blockbuster category, there's no doubt that Men in Black is one of those movies for the whole family. It can be said that in his career, Will Smith is unbeatable at this time. But what makes Men in Black so popular and influential is its sense of humor. Unlike Independence Day, Men in Black is a pure comedy about how government agencies keep the public quiet by covering up extraterrestrial activity on Earth.

Just ask people who were growing up when the film came out in 1997, and we all want the kind of device that erases memories.

Men in Black is a science fiction movie with all its merits, it's fun, action-packed, and fast-paced, and Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith's charisma and rapport are unmatched. Unlike other sci-fi movies, Men in Black is far from a niche movie, earning a 91% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

1. "E.T. Aliens" (1982)

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

There's no denying that Steven Spielberg's E.T. Aliens had a huge impact when it was released, and the best way to do that is to point out how many works have spoofed the amazing sci-fi movie since then. Once a movie is aptly parodied by The Simpsons, it's safe to say it's legendary. Notably, Spielberg's film, like Contact of the Third Kind, was recognized by the Library of Congress' Film Registry as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," an honor that was received in 1994.

"E.T. Alien" also became the highest-grossing film of all time, surpassing "Star Wars" and held the record for 11 years until Spielberg launched Jurassic Park in 1993. Many people fell in love with Swiss chocolate beans by watching the film and loved to quote the classic "E.T. Call Home!" ”

E.T. Alien sparked our imagination in 1982, and even though it was released more than 40 years ago, it is still an excellent depiction of childhood.

The 10 most influential science fiction movies

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