
Has artificial intelligence already rendered human intelligence obsolete?

author:Shunfa AI
Has artificial intelligence already rendered human intelligence obsolete?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, decision-making, learning, and creativity. In recent years, AI has made significant advances due to massive amounts of data, powerful calculations, and the availability of sophisticated algorithms. AI can now surpass humans in various fields such as chess, image recognition, natural language processing, and self-driving cars.

But does this mean that AI has rendered human intelligence obsolete? Are humans and machines really competing with each other? Or can they work together to create a better future? In this blog post, we'll explore these questions and argue that AI is indeed making human intelligence obsolete in many ways, and we need to rethink what human intelligence means in the age of AI.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: A Comparison

AI and human intelligence are different in many ways. Here are some of the main differences between them:

Origins: Artificial intelligence is the product of human design and engineering, and human intelligence is the result of natural evolution and biological processes.

Learning: AI learns from data and algorithms, while human intelligence learns from experience and interaction.

Speed: AI can process information faster than humans, thanks to its parallel computing power and specialized hardware.

Accuracy: AI can perform tasks with high accuracy and consistency, while human intelligence is prone to errors and biases.

Creativity: AI can generate novel solutions and outputs based on existing data and rules, while human intelligence can invent new concepts and paradigms that go beyond existing knowledge.

Emotions: AI lacks emotion and empathy, while human intelligence is influenced by emotions and values.

Ethics: AI follows goals and constraints set by its creator or user, while human intelligence follows ethical principles and social norms.

How artificial intelligence makes human intelligence obsolete

While some may think that AI can augment or coexist with human intelligence, there are many reasons to think that AI makes human intelligence obsolete in many ways. Here are some arguments for this claim:

AI can do anything humans can, but better: this argument is based on the assumption that there are no limits to what AI can achieve, given enough data, computing power, and algorithmic innovation. According to this view, AI will eventually surpass human intelligence in all areas, including those that require creativity, emotion, and ethics. This argument is supported by evidence of rapid progress and excellence in AI in a variety of tasks once considered exclusive to humans, such as playing chess, writing papers, diagnosing diseases, and driving cars. These examples show that AI can not only rival but surpass human capabilities in terms of speed, accuracy, consistency, and complexity. In addition, some of these tasks involve aspects of human intelligence that were previously considered unique or irreplaceable for machines, such as intuition, judgment, communication, and expression. However, AI has proven that it can learn from data and algorithms to mimic or surpass these aspects.

AI can write better than humans: writing is often thought of as a typical human activity that requires creativity, imagination, style, and emotion. However, AI has shown that it can use natural language processing (NLP) technology to generate high-quality texts on a variety of topics and genres. For example, OpenAI's GPT-3 system can produce coherent and convincing text on any given prompt or query. It can also write novel stories, poems, lyrics, jokes, and even computer code. In addition, AI can analyze the grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, mood, readability, plagiarism, etc. of the text and provide suggestions for improvement. Therefore, AI can not only write better than humans, but also help humans write better.

AI can play better than humans: playing games is another activity that requires skills such as logic, strategy, memory, coordination, etc. However, AI has shown that it can master a variety of games at a superhuman level using reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. For example, DeepMind's AlphaGo system beat the world champion of Go, a complex board game with more possible moves than atoms in the universe. Similarly, DeepMind's AlphaZero system learns to play chess, shogi, and Go from scratch without any human guidance or data, and surpasses all previous systems in every game. In addition, AI can play video games such as StarCraft II, Dota 2, and Atari at an expert or professional level. Therefore, AI can not only play better than humans, but also learn to play better on its own.

AI can diagnose better than humans: diagnosing disease is a vital task that requires knowledge, experience, accuracy, and speed. However, AI has shown that it can use computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML) techniques to make medical diagnoses better than humans. For example, IBM's Watson system can diagnose various types of cancer, Google's DeepMind system can diagnose eye diseases, and Alibaba's system can diagnose coronavirus infections more accurately and efficiently than human doctors. In addition, AI can also analyze medical images such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans to detect abnormalities or abnormalities that the human eye may miss. Therefore, AI can not only diagnose better than humans, but also help humans diagnose better.

AI can do things that humans simply cannot: This argument is based on the observation that AI has capabilities beyond the reach of human intelligence, such as processing large amounts of information, accessing large sources of knowledge, performing complex calculations, and operating in extreme environments. According to this view, AI can open up new possibilities and opportunities that humans can't even imagine or understand. This argument is supported by examples of achievements and applications of AI beyond human capabilities, such as discovering new drugs, generating photorealistic images, creating new art forms, and exploring space. These examples show that AI can not only do things that humans simply can't, but also create things that humans have never seen or experienced. In addition, some of these tasks involve aspects of human intelligence that were previously considered impossible or incomprehensible to machines, such as creativity, innovation, discovery, and exploration. However, AI has proven that it can generate novel solutions and outputs based on existing data and rules, and even create its own.

AI can discover new drugs: Discovering new drugs is a challenging and costly process that requires extensive research, testing, and validation. However, AI has shown that it can speed up and improve this process using ML and NLP techniques. For example, Insilico Medicine's system can generate new molecules for drug targets in a matter of days, DeepMind's AlphaFold system can predict protein structure with unprecedented accuracy, and BenevolentAI's system can identify existing drugs that can be repurposed for new diseases. In addition, AI can analyze vast amounts of biomedical literature and data to find new insights and connections that could lead to new discoveries. As a result, AI can discover not only new drugs faster and cheaper than humans, but also drugs that humans may never find.

Artificial intelligence can produce realistic images: Generating realistic images is a difficult task that requires artistic skill, imagination, and realism. However, AI has shown that it can use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate high-quality images on a variety of topics and styles. For example, NVIDIA's StyleGAN system can generate realistic faces of people who don't exist, OpenAI's DALL-E system can generate images from text descriptions, Google's DeepDream system can generate psychedelic images from existing photos, and MIT's Norman system can generate disturbing images from ink. In addition, AI can manipulate or enhance existing images, such as changing styles, colors, lighting, resolution, etc., or adding or removing objects or features. As a result, AI can generate realistic images not only from scratch, but also images that humans may never see or create.

AI can create new art forms: Creating new art forms is a rare feat that requires originality, creativity, and expressiveness. However, AI has shown that it can use ML and CV techniques to produce novel art forms. For example, Google's Magenta project can use neural networks to generate music, paintings, and videos, Microsoft's XiaoIce system can use NLP technology to write poems, stories, and songs, Obvious Art's system can create paintings using GAN, and Refik Anadol's system can create immersive installations using data visualization technology. In addition, AI can collaborate with human artists to co-create art or inspire new ideas. As a result, AI can create not only new art forms on its own, but also art forms that humans may never be able to imagine or produce.

Artificial intelligence can explore space: Exploring space is a difficult task that requires advanced technology, scientific knowledge, and physical endurance. However, AI has shown that it can use ML and CV techniques to assist and enhance this task. For example, NASA's Curiosity rover can autonomously navigate and analyze the Martian terrain, ESA's Rosetta spacecraft can land autonomously and communicate with comets, SpaceX's Starlink satellite can autonomously avoid orbital collisions, and Google's Lunar XPRIZE team can land and operate the rover autonomously. In addition, AI can also discover new phenomena and phenomena in space, such as exoplanets, black holes, gravitational waves, and extraterrestrial signals. Therefore, AI can not only explore space more efficiently and effectively than humans, but also space that humans may never reach or observe.

Why we need to rethink human intelligence

Given the above arguments, it seems clear that AI has rendered human intelligence obsolete in many ways. But does this mean that humans have no value or purpose in the age of AI? Of course not. Humans still have unique qualities and abilities that machines cannot replicate or replace. However, we need to rethink what human intelligence means in the context of artificial intelligence. Here are some suggestions on how we can do this:

Focus on what makes us human: Instead of competing with or imitating machines, focus on what makes us human: our emotions, values, morals, culture, history, identity, relationships, etc. These are aspects of human intelligence that machines cannot understand or imitate. We should celebrate our humanity as a source of inspiration and motivation. We should also recognize that these aspects are not fixed or static, but dynamic and evolving. We should be willing to learn from other humans and cultures, as well as machines and nature. We should be curious and humble about ourselves and our world.

We can express our emotions: emotions are an important part of human beings. They help us communicate, connect, empathize, motivate, and regulate ourselves. However, AI lacks emotion and empathy. It cannot feel or understand what we feel or why we feel it. It does not share or respond appropriately to our emotions. Therefore, we should not allow AI to replace our emotional interactions with others or ourselves. We should express our emotions freely and authentically. We should also seek emotional support and feedback from others when we need it.

We can follow our values: Values are an important part of humanity. They guide our actions, decisions and goals. They reflect our beliefs, principles, and preferences. However, AI follows the goals and constraints set by its creator or user. It has no values or morals of its own. It cannot judge or question the values or morals of others. Therefore, we should not let AI determine our values or morals for us. We should consciously and consistently follow our values. We should also respect the values and morals of other people, as long as they don't hurt anyone.

We can create our culture: culture is an important part of humanity. It shapes our identity, behavior, language, art and society. It represents our collective history, traditions, customs and norms. However, AI lacks culture. It does not have its own culture or identity. It cannot appreciate or engage with the culture or identity of others. Therefore, we should not allow AI to erase or replace our culture or identity. We should actively and proudly create our culture. We should also learn and celebrate other people's cultures and identities, as long as they don't oppress anyone.

Develop new skills and capabilities: Instead of relying on our old skills and abilities, develop new skills and abilities that are relevant and useful in the era of AI. These include skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and emotional intelligence. We should also learn how to use AI as a tool and partner, not as a threat or competitor. We should be able to understand how AI works and what its limitations are. We should be able to harness the strengths of AI and compensate for its weaknesses. We should be able to work with AI and others to achieve common goals.

We can think critically: Critical thinking is a key human skill. It helps us analyze, evaluate and synthesize information, arguments, and evidence. It helps us question assumptions, biases, and fallacies. It helps us form opinions, make decisions, and solve problems. However, AI can also perform these tasks efficiently and accurately. It can also influence our thinking through its output and recommendations. Therefore, we should not allow artificial intelligence to replace or manipulate our thinking. We should think critically about the information, arguments, and evidence we encounter. We should also think critically about the output and recommendations of AI and other sources.

We can communicate effectively: Communication is an important human skill. It helps us express ourselves, exchange ideas, build relationships, and collaborate with others. It deals with oral, non-verbal, written, and visual modes of communication. However, AI can also use natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) techniques to communicate with us and others. It also affects how we communicate with its input and feedback. Therefore, we should not allow artificial intelligence to replace or interfere with our communication. We should use appropriate communication patterns, styles, and tones to communicate effectively with others and AI. We should also communicate with others and AI respectfully and responsibly.

We can be creative: Creativity is a key human skill. It helps us generate new ideas, solutions, products, and art forms. It involves imagination, originality, divergent thinking, and expression. However, AI can also be creatively using generative adversarial networks (GANs) and other technologies. It can also stimulate or challenge our creativity through its outputs and inputs. Therefore, we should not allow artificial intelligence to replace or limit our creativity. We should use our imagination, ingenuity, divergent thinking and expression, and be creative in our own way. We should also be creative with others and AI by co-creating or collaborating on creative projects.

Adapt to new challenges and opportunities: Instead of resisting or fearing AI, adapt to it and make it part of our reality. We should be open to the new challenges and opportunities presented by AI and be ready to change and grow. We should also be aware of the risks and ethical issues posed by AI and address them responsibly and proactively. We should be able to balance the pros and cons of AI for ourselves and others. We should be able to make informed and ethical decisions about using or not using AI.

We can embrace new possibilities: AI opens up new possibilities for us in all areas and aspects of life. It can help us achieve things that were previously impossible or difficult. It can also help us discover things that were previously unknown or hidden. Therefore, we should embrace these new possibilities with curiosity, enthusiasm and optimism. We should explore these new possibilities with an open mind, a learning attitude and a growth mindset. We should also enjoy these new possibilities with gratitude, contentment, and happiness.

We can overcome new challenges: AI is also bringing us new challenges in all areas and aspects of life. It can create problems that did not exist before or that are insignificant to us. It can also create dilemmas that we have previously unresolved or unresolved. Therefore, we should overcome these new challenges with courage, resilience and perseverance. We should solve these new challenges with logic, creativity and collaboration. We should also learn these new challenges through reflection, feedback and improvement.

We can make ethical choices: AI also raises ethical questions for us in all areas and aspects of life. It affects our values, ethics, rights and responsibilities. It also affects the values, ethics, rights and responsibilities of other people and AI. Therefore, we should make moral choices with awareness, conscience, and compassion. We should consider the impact and consequences of our choices on ourselves and others. We should also respect the choices of other people and AI, as long as they don't harm anyone.


AI has not rendered human intelligence obsolete, but it has challenged and changed it in many ways. We need to rethink what human intelligence means in the age of AI and how we can use it to create value and meaning for ourselves and others. We should not underestimate or overestimate AI, but respect it and work with it. Instead of losing our humanity or wisdom, we should enhance them and use them for the common good.

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