
Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

author:Physician of Health Science Week

Smoking and drinking are common unhealthy habits in modern society. These behaviors have long been linked to many health problems, including cancer. According to the World Health Organization, smoking and alcohol abuse are among the main risk factors for many cancer types.

First, let's look at the link between smoking and cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking is a major contributor to lung cancer.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

In fact, about 85% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking. Smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also increases the risk of cancer in the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, bladder, kidneys, and many other organs.

In addition, secondhand smoke also increases the risk of cancer in non-smokers.

In addition to smoking, alcohol abuse is also positively associated with a variety of cancers. Alcohol is metabolized in the body to produce a chemical called acetaldehyde.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Acetaldehyde is listed as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The most obvious example is the association between alcohol and breast cancer in the mouth, throat, pharynx, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer.

In addition, heavy alcohol consumption can damage substances in the body, such as antioxidants and vitamins, which control cancer risk.

According to data published by the World Health Organization, smoking and alcohol abuse are one of the main reasons for the rapid growth of cancer worldwide.

According to their research, about 30 percent of cancer cases are related to smoking, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates that alcohol abuse is associated with about 6 percent of newly diagnosed cancers.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

These data suggest that changing smoking and drinking habits is key to cancer prevention.

In this article, we will mainly explore the adverse effects of tobacco and alcohol on the human body and the relationship with cancer.

Here are some data related to smoking and drinking.

One. Data on smoking and drinking

(1) Smoking

1. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more than 7 million people worldwide each year, of which about 600,000 are caused by secondhand smoke from non-smokers.

2. Smoking is closely related to a variety of chronic diseases, such as lung cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, tracheitis, etc. According to statistics, among smokers, 70% die from smoking-related diseases.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

3. According to the China Tobacco Control study, as of 2020, more than 300 million people smoked in China, of which more than 50% of men smoked.

(2) Drinking

1. Alcohol abuse is closely linked to many health problems such as liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. According to the World Health Organization, 3.1 million people worldwide died from alcoholism-related causes in 2016.

2. According to statistics, nearly 400,000 people die of alcoholism-related diseases in China every year, of which liver cancer is the most common.

3. Drinking alcohol can also lead to traffic accidents, with the World Health Organization estimating that about 25% of road accidents worldwide are related to drunk driving.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Data such as these show that smoking and alcohol abuse have a huge negative impact on individual health and society.

To this end, many countries have taken steps to limit these practices, such as increasing tobacco taxes, banning indoor smoking, and implementing zero-tolerance policies for drunk driving.

These measures have played a control role to a certain extent, but the harm of tobacco and alcohol to the human body still requires us to be vigilant at all times.

Two. The relationship between alcohol and tobacco and cancer

1. The relationship between smoking and cancer

Cancer is a malignant tumor whose development is associated with mutations and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.

Early diagnosis and effective treatment are critical to the survival rate of cancer patients. Understanding the relationship between smoking and cancer is good for our health awareness

Various scientific studies have pointed out that smoking is one of the main causes of cancer.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 7 million people die from smoking-related cancers worldwide each year.

Worldwide, about 1 million people die each year from cancer caused by passive smoking who has never smoked. This figure is shocking and shows that smoking is extremely closely related to cancer.

So, how does smoking cause cancer?

Many chemicals and toxic substances released by smoking enter our lungs directly and cause many changes in the smoker's body.

These include inducing DNA mutations, damaging genes, activating tumor suppressor genes, etc., which in turn cause cells to lose normal regulation and develop into cancer.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Smoking also triggers a series of inflammatory responses that expose the body to long-term inflammatory conditions and increase the risk of cancer.

According to statistics, the relationship between smoking and lung cancer is the closest.

Studies have shown that smokers have a more than 10-fold risk of lung cancer in non-smokers.

In addition, smoking also has a strong correlation with other cancer types such as the mouth, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidneys, bladder, and more.

In fact, there are more than 15 types of cancer associated with smoking. Smoking has an important impact on the risk of developing cancer.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Smoking directly leads to DNA mutations and genetic damage, increasing the risk of cancer.

Lung cancer is the most obvious example of this, and it is also associated with cancers in other parts of the body.

In order to reduce the risk of cancer, smoking cessation is one of the most important and effective measures.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), smokers have almost the same risk of developing lung cancer as non-smokers within 10 years of quitting.

This shows that quitting smoking not only reduces the risk of cancer, but also significantly improves health.

2. The relationship between drinking alcohol and cancer

The relationship between drinking alcohol and cancer has long attracted much attention. Numerous studies have shown that binge drinking or chronically excessive drinking increases the risk of developing many types of cancer.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Globally, there is a strong relationship between alcohol consumption and many forms of cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol is the third most preventable cause of cancer, after smoking and obesity.

Alcohol-related deaths among cancer patients worldwide are estimated to be caused each year.

Specifically, there is a significant association between alcohol and breast cancer.

Studies have shown that women who drink one glass of alcohol a day have a 10% higher risk of breast cancer than women who don't drink alcohol at all. Women who drank more than three cups had an increased risk of breast cancer by more than 40 percent.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

In addition, the incidence of alcohol and esophageal, laryngeal, and oral cancers has also increased.

According to the American Cancer Society, people who drink three drinks a day have twice the relative risk of developing esophageal cancer compared to people who do not drink; People who drink more than three cups have a threefold relative risk of developing esophageal cancer.

In addition to the above cancer types, alcohol abuse has also been linked to a variety of cancers such as liver, colon, rectum, and lung cancer.

A study by the World Health Organization states that alcoholics have a more than 3-fold higher risk of liver cancer than non-alcoholics.

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can impair liver function, reduce the liver's ability to detoxify, and increase the risk of exposure to other carcinogens.

However, not every type of alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Moderate alcohol consumption, especially red wine, may help reduce the risk of heart disease according to some studies. Note, however, that this does not mean that moderate drinking does not carry other health risks.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

There is a strong association between alcohol abuse and excessive alcohol consumption and several forms of cancer. To protect your health, it is essential to control the amount of alcohol you drink.

According to medical research, men can have a maximum of two glasses of wine a day, while women cannot have more than one drink.

Not drinking alcohol is the best choice for preventing cancer risk, and it is best to drink without drinking, not a drop.

Next, let's talk about how to quit smoking and alcohol that is so harmful.

Three. How to quit smoking and alcohol

1. Quit smoking

(1) It is important to understand the physical and psychological reactions when quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, depression, headaches, and weight gain. The process of quitting smoking can also cause anxiety, increased stress, and loss of confidence in oneself. Maintaining a positive mindset and a patient attitude is key when it comes to quitting smoking.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

(2) Drug treatment can help smokers quit.

Nicotine replacement therapy is a widely used method to gradually reduce dependence on nicotine by using nicotine gums, patches, or nebulizers, among others.

This approach relieves withdrawal symptoms while avoiding the discomfort of experiencing a drastic decrease in nicotine intake.

In addition to nicotine replacement therapy, anti-tobacco drugs are a commonly used treatment option.

For example, anti-tobacco drugs, including varenicline and haloperidine, can help reduce tobacco dependence, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and increase the probability of successful smoking cessation.

Both drugs act on the brain's reward center and reduce the pleasure of smoking, thereby helping people quit smoking more easily.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

(3) Psychological counseling and support is also a very important part of the process of quitting smoking.

Talking to a professional health professional or counsellor and seeking support can help people deal with emotional problems during the process of quitting smoking and provide positive support and advice.

Attending smoking cessation classes, joining smoking cessation groups, or working with others are also effective smoking cessation strategies.

(4) Maintain good lifestyle habits and find healthy alternatives

Moderate exercise, a balanced diet, a regular routine, and relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing, meditation, etc.) can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

2. Abstain from alcohol

(1) Psychological counseling is a crucial part of the process of alcohol abstinence.

There is no doubt that the process of abstinence from alcohol is accompanied by a series of inner struggles and emotional changes.

Counselors can provide professional support and guidance to help abstainers understand the root causes of their drinking and provide effective strategies for coping with stress and emotional issues.

This approach can help abstainers increase self-control and build a sound state of mind.

(2) Drug treatment is another scientific method of alcohol abstinence.

The most commonly used medications are alcohol withdrawal aids, such as:

Alcohol cessation spots: This drug helps abstainers gradually stop drinking by reducing withdrawal symptoms.

Paired enzyme inhibitors: These drugs stop alcohol from breaking down into harmful substances, making alcohol intake unattractive.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Spironolactone: Spironosulton can help reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse.

(3) Lifestyle changes are one of the key factors for abstinence from alcohol. Alcoholics should avoid drinking-related environments and crowds, such as bars or drinking parties.

Establishing new hobbies and healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercise and fitness, can help abstainers find new sources of happiness and improve their physical and mental health.

(4) Seeking social support is a vital part of the process of abstinence. Joining an alcoholics anonymous group, such as an alcoholics mutual aid organization, can provide encouragement and support, and abstainers can share experiences and coping strategies with each other and gain courage and confidence in fighting alcohol addiction.

Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"


Smoking and alcohol abuse are important public health problems worldwide. By understanding the data associated with these habits, we can better understand the harm they pose to individuals and society, and take appropriate measures to reduce their impact and promote people's health and well-being.

With the advancement of medicine, people are paying more and more attention to the health hazards of smoking and alcohol. Many countries have taken steps to limit smoking and promote cessation campaigns. For example, the prohibition of smoking in public places has become a common legal requirement.

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Dripping wine does not stick and has a shorter life? Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderer"

Various awareness campaigns have been conducted by medical institutions and non-profit organizations to increase awareness of the dangers of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Smoking and drinking are one of the main culprits of cancer, and both are habits with a relatively high fatality rate. Today, there are still many people who smoke and drink and do not know what bad effects these things will bring to themselves, and they are still unscrupulously smoking and drinking wantonly, which is tantamount to being an enemy of their own health and leaving their families and children behind.