
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

author:More than sound


National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Since the beginning of the summer vacation, the enthusiasm for visiting and explaining Beijing museums has continued to heat up, among which the National Museum is especially favored by tourists. On July 9, the National Museum issued a notice on regulating the order of interpretation in the museum, saying that since July 16, no unit or individual may carry out interpretation activities in the museum without permission. Journalists visit the scene...

After the implementation of the new regulations, can the interpretation service in the National Museum meet the needs of tourists?

Manual explanations are in short supply

At 9:30 a.m. on July 19, just half an hour after the admission time of the National Expo, tourists came to the information desk in an endless stream to ask the staff about the appointment explanation. In the face of tourists who came to consult, the staff of the National Expo Consultation Desk said that it is no longer possible to make an appointment for paid manual explanation, but they can choose to rent electronic guides:

Tourist: Hello, is there a rental guide?

Information desk: Machines can only be rented, 4th floor.

Ask Beijing previously reported:

Survey | Before the National Expo's "Explanation of the New Rules" landed...

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

July 19, 9:15 a.m., the entrance procession in front of the National Expo / July photo

Tourists: Manual explanations are more interactive

Mr. Chi, a tourist, told the reporter of "Ask Beijing" (Beijing News Broadcast News Hotline 651509053) that this was his first visit to the National Expo, and he wanted to make an appointment for a manual paid explanation, but he was unsuccessful. Although he can currently rent machine explanations, he still believes that the interactive experience brought by human explanations is better:

Mr. Chi: I don't have an appointment, I think (explanation) is necessary, otherwise you will go around and look at the flowers, in fact, it is not interesting. Manual explanation is sure that your questions can be answered at any time, if the machine explanation can not be answered at any time, can only follow his fixed questions or introduction, after the end will be pulled down, and this manual explanation he through verbal communication, you can communicate and derive more knowledge.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Tourists queuing to enter the museum / Photo by July

Tourists: Listen to the explanation outside the museum before entering the museum

Before the introduction of the new regulations of the National Expo, some tourists booked outside explanations in advance, but after the introduction of the new regulations, many tourists could only choose to cancel relevant services. Mr. Liu (surname changed), a tourist, told the "Ask Beijing" reporter that he chose to listen to the manual explanation of the online reservation with his family outside the venue before entering the venue to visit:

Mr. Liu: Because they can't come in to explain, we can't make an appointment, so we make an appointment on the APP and come in after talking outside.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Merchants do not provide recent National Expo explanation services/Source: E-commerce platform

Tourist: Not scientific

Ms. Li's family of three booked the explanation of the study group online, but due to the restrictions of the new regulations, they could only be canceled, and the official explanations could not be scheduled, and the foreign explanations could not enter, which made Ms. Li feel that the new rules are "a bit unscientific":

Ms. Li: There is no official appointment, how can they have it? At the beginning, I made an appointment with an outside study group, but when people canceled it, there was no more, it was very unscientific, and he did not have so many people (talk).

Information Desk: Paid explanations are not enough

So, is there any way for tourists to book an official explanation? The reporter "learned" from the staff at the information desk, and the staff opened the official appointment interface and told the "Ask Beijing" reporter that all official paid explanations from July 19 to July 26 have been sold out, and at present, you can only choose public welfare explanations or rent electronic explanations on the spot:

Information desk: If you can't make an appointment, you can explain for a fee in a certain exhibition hall (can't make an appointment). If you want to make an appointment for a paid explanation, you can make an appointment on your mobile phone in advance, there is no on-site. Now most people can't make an appointment within half a month. There were 20,000 or 30,000 people a day, and the explanation was definitely not enough.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Explanation of the reservation interface/July photo

Three options after the implementation of the new rules

What are the current explanation methods in the National Expo? The reporter's on-site visit found that after the implementation of the new regulations, tourists currently have three main choices. On July 19, the reporter saw in the official WeChat public account of the National Expo that there were arranged sessions in each exhibition hall from July 18 to 23, of which ancient China had the most sessions, and at the same time was subdivided into ancient China full explanation and part of the explanation, the on-site docent told the reporter that the whole explanation took about 2 hours, and some of the explanations were more detailed and lasted about 1 hour. After the explanation began, a child asked impromptu questions, but the docent told him that due to the limited time for explanation, he should focus on explanation:

Narrator: The Western Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Warring States, and the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han, then let's find out...

Child: What are you reading here?

Narrator: We will only have an hour for children, so I try to give everyone as much content as possible, so don't interrupt anymore, otherwise you will listen to less content, okay?

Nearby tourists: Don't make a fork.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Public welfare explanation session/National Expo official micro

Tourists: Public welfare explanations are crowded and inaudible

The official public welfare explanation content is authoritative, but there are many tourists who follow, which affects the experience to a certain extent, one tourist told reporters:

Tourist: I listened for a while, the sound of the horn was very small, basically inaudible, and it was very crowded, basically no effect.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Public welfare interpretation team/July photo

Manual paid explanations are difficult to make reservations

The second is a paid group explanation, each group is up to 15 people, you need to make an appointment 1 to 7 days in advance on the official website, but there is no announcement of the ticket release time for the explanation appointment, the reporter has logged in to the official website many times to view, and the remaining tickets for the reserved session are zero. Unlike public welfare lectures, paying tourists wear Bluetooth headsets connected to the docent's microphone, and the content of the explanation is only transmitted between the tour guide and the tourist. At the entrance of the exhibition hall in ancient China, a parent who made an appointment for a fee-based explanation told reporters that she thought that the fee-based explanation was obviously more comfortable than the experience of public welfare explanation, and the content of the official explanation also made parents feel at ease:

Parent: He will release the ticket at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it is not very easy to grab. We are with children, and I think other online lectures are definitely not as good as their own lectures in the museum. I looked at the guide, and they explained it okay. A lot of outside explanations may not be so professional, anyway, just come once and listen to him.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Paid tour team / July photo

The parent said that the parent-child session is the most cost-effective in the paid explanation, 225 yuan for one large and one small, and 200 yuan for one person in the adult session, and the explanation time is 2 hours. However, because parent-child sessions are more difficult to book, they can only buy adult sessions for children:

Parents: If there are children, parent-child is actually the most cost-effective. One group only needs more than 200 yuan, but because it is difficult to grab, because everyone goes to grab the cheap one, we finally robbed the adult group, which is 200 yuan per person.

Tourists: Manual explanations are more interactive

The third explanation service, you can choose the electronic explainer provided in the exhibition hall on the fourth floor, the rental equipment provided on the fourth floor is about nine, the average of each machine has 45 leasable equipment, the rental price is 48 yuan for three hours, but at ten o'clock in the morning, there are already three machines showing that there is no remaining equipment.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Tourists are renting electronic guides/July photography

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

There are three rental cabinets showing that the equipment available for rent is zero/July shooting

A tourist who is using an electronic explainer told reporters that she felt that the content of the explanation was good after using it for a period of time, and the fly in the ointment was that the electronic explanation mainly provided the ancient China exhibition hall and part of the exhibition hall on the 4th floor:

Tourist: I don't say that all the buildings have it, but there are explanations on the first floor and the fourth floor upstairs, which is quite good.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered
National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

An electronic guide being used by a tourist / July photo

Travel agency: can accept a small number of tourists

When the reporter visited the venue, he did not see any outside docents. However, the reporter consulted dozens of travel agencies online and by phone, and one of them, which has been operating for more than ten years, told reporters that they can still receive two or three tourists to explain:

Travel agency: Three people can, if the national expo, now we explain basically two and a half to three hours, 1500 lectures.

Reporter: Doesn't it mean that outside explanations are not allowed to enter?

Travel Agency: I have a way to say no? Two or three people can, if you want more people, I dare not respond.

The customer service of another online travel agency said that it is currently not possible to gather in front of the cultural relics display case to explain, but it can be explained by watching first and then speaking in the museum.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

The merchant said that he could read the chat history of the e-commerce platform in the museum

Licensed tour guides: The review criteria are not clear

The new regulations show that the National Expo does not completely prohibit the entry of foreign explanations, but needs to be approved and checked by the National Expo. However, some online travel agencies said that they had submitted the review materials to Guobo as required, but had not yet received the notice of approval.

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

The merchant said that there is no travel agency review / e-commerce platform chat record for the time being

Mr. Zhang, who has been engaged in the work of tour guides for more than ten years, told reporters that in the current notice issued by the National Expo, the review standards are not clear enough:

Mr. Zhang: In other institutions and institutions, if you have to report 5 days in advance, and you don't say which institutions have this qualification, there is no particularly clear statement, saying how you are a travel agency to report, how you are a school to report, so everyone is confused. So if the travel agency can go to report, is it a return to the previous study-style explanation, then everyone is equivalent to saying that I will report it?

National Expo tourists: The official appointment is not on, and the outside is not allowed to enter! Experts: Diverse needs should be considered

Full text of the notice/official website of Guobo

Cultural Heritage Bureau: A tourist guide pass is not a guide card

So can a staff member like Mr. Zhang who has a tourist guide pass represent that they have the qualifications to interpret the museum? The reporter consulted the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics, which is responsible for museum related work, and the staff of the Museum Department of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage said that the tour guide card is not equal to the explanation card, and at present, the city's museums have their own process of training and reviewing docents:

Museum Department: The tour guide card does not mean the explanation card, and each museum has its own standards, and some museums have their parent agencies are different from us, such as some of the garden bureau, they will generally follow the garden bureau's set of things.

Guobao: The content of the notice may be refined

The reporter noted that on July 9, the National Museum of China issued the "Notice of the National Museum of China on Standardizing the Order of Interpretation in the Museum", which pointed out that units that really need to carry out interpretation activities in the museum due to work must apply 5 days in advance and report materials such as explanation content, explanation personnel, activity process, and safety responsibilities; Article 4 mentions that enterprises, institutions and social groups that have been engaged in social education activities for more than 3 years (inclusive) and have a good reputation in the industry can apply for the National Erpoly Research Qualification, so are the two qualifications the same review standard? What form will be notified after the review is passed? The reporter consulted the Ministry of Social Education of the National Museum, which is responsible for explaining the review work:

Reporter: Are there any requirements for the qualification of the unit?

Guobao: That is, what can be provided on the table can be provided according to the requirements.

Reporter: Are there any requirements for the interpreters? For example, do you have to have a tourist guide card or something?

Guobo: There are no such requirements.

Reporter: What content do we mainly look at in the review?

Guobao: Look at our explanation content, process and unit qualification specifications.

Reporter: How long will it take to get this reply?

Guobao: Look at the number of applications every day, if it passes the review, we will reply to the email, and if it does not pass, we will not reply.

Reporter: I think we (Article 4) still have an enterprise and institution with a good reputation that has been engaged in social education for three years?

Guobao: He is applying for the authorization qualification of explanation.

Reporter: Unlike the third one, this is equivalent to a long-term qualification?

Guobao: That's right.

Reporter: So what is a good reputation in the industry?

Guobo: The industry has a good reputation, but there are no violations of laws and regulations.

Reporter: Isn't it okay to run travel agencies and so on?

Guobao: You can apply and wait for us to review it.

Reporter: Will our standard be more refined later?

Guobao: Maybe.

Expert: There are pros and cons after the implementation of the new rules

In this regard, Lou Jiajun, professor of the Department of Tourism of the School of Business Administration of East China Normal University, analyzed that the museum's docents are generally normalized and can meet the needs of tourists during the peak period, but the demand for explanations during the peak summer vacation period surges, and the introduction of this regulation optimizes the visiting environment in the museum, but also affects the visiting experience of some tourists:

Lou Jiajun: Because the staffing of the National Expo's own interpretation staff is a normal configuration, it is to cope with the flow of ordinary tourists. In the face of peaks or when there are many tourists, the explanation is definitely insufficient. (After the implementation of the new regulations) the phenomenon of less serious content has been much less, and at present, it is mainly the docents of the National Museum to undertake the explanation activities, and the current environment is naturally good. But the problem is that tourists want to get better quality of explanations, for example, because your docents are still limited, and now when the audience traffic is peaking, there will definitely be such and such deficiencies.

Expert: It is difficult to fill the gap in docents

Liu Simin, a tourism expert and vice president of the Tourism Branch of the China Future Research Association, believes that after the implementation of the new regulations, it will be difficult to fill the gap of docents in a short period of time:

Liu Simin: The problem is that it is a tour guide with a travel agency license, and it is a certificate issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism through a strict examination. Because they are too late to study now, it is equivalent to setting a limit for them, especially in the current peak season, where to find so many certified docents? In this way, the first cannot be found, the second will compress the time, tourists will not get good service, and the third will definitely increase the cost of the tour group, but also increase the cost of tourists. Therefore, I think we should call on the administrative department to coordinate this matter in a timely manner.

Experts: Diverse needs should be taken into account

Lou Jiajun pointed out that the National Expo should further refine the content of the notice, make the qualification requirements for the review clearer, and try to meet the diversified needs of tourists:

Lou Jiajun: When the policy was introduced, what kind of remedial measures were prepared? The difficulty is in the operation rules, the operation rules come out is another matter, the tour guide can meet the requirements of the National Expo explanation of the docent, that is not 2 days a day (training out). Because tourists are different, their needs are different, because the levels are different, and the points of interest he hopes to understand are also very different. There will be a problem involved, explaining the problem of his diversity. Because the interpreter is only a job, not every interpreter, are all expert level, which requires us to explain the composition of the team, the composition of the source to be diversified.

Little Ask says

Tourist demand continues to flow,

It is difficult to get a ticket for a visit.

How to meet the diverse needs of tourists?

I want to refine the content of the notice as soon as possible,

Make the audit criteria clearer,

Give visitors more choice.