
The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

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The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

In May 2023, Turner, known as the "Queen of Rock and Roll", died of illness in Switzerland at the age of 83.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

With 12 Grammy trophies, 200 million record sales, and the 17th greatest singer of all time on the Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Singers list, the Kennedy Center for the Arts presented her with the Lifetime Achievement Award, which represents the highest achievement of an American artist... Tina Turner's contributions to rock and roll have long been recognized by the world, and she has been dubbed the "Roaring Lioness" by fans.

But behind these honors, there are also a series of life tragedies such as domestic violence, suicide attempts, and the loss of a child in old age, and it is this huge gap that makes Tina's success particularly great.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

Tina Turner, formerly known as Anna Mae Bullock, was born on November 26, 1939 in Tennessee, USA. From an early age, his family was poor, and he began to work in the cotton fields at an early age.

For Tina, the cloud of her misery began to hang over her early in her life.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

When Tina was 11 years old, her mother ran away from home to escape domestic violence. Tina recalled these events and said:

"I thought she would come back, but she never did. She didn't have the income to take my sister with me. ”

Two years later, Tina's father also abandoned her and her sister, and they had to live with their grandmother. Three years later, her grandmother died and Tina had to find her own mother.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

At the age of 18, Tina met Ike Turner, and her singing career was on track, but although she was glamorous on the surface, Tina was often beaten and mentally tortured by Ike.

In 1968, Tina had suicidal thoughts because she couldn't stand Ike's violence. Luckily, in the early '70s, someone told Tina, "Maybe you should study Buddhism, it will save your life!" ”

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

"I was willing to try anything new, so I started chanting."

So, from then on, Tina took refuge in Buddhism and practiced the Myoho-renge-kyo-sutra in order to find inner peace.

Ike's abuse of Tina continues, but Tina begins chanting "Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo" every day.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...
The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

"Nam" (南無) is piety; "Myo" is mysterious; "Ho" (法) is law; "Renge" (lotus) means lotus; "Kyo" (sutra) is sutra. This sutra has the meaning of "refuge, relying on the Myoho-renge-kyo, this scripture".

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

Tina explains: "Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo is like a song. It is a sound and a rhythm that touches a certain place within you, which I believe is the highest place that can be reached, and if you communicate with it, you will gradually gain some information and understand what to do. ”

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

"The message from this verse is that those who live normal lives and persevere will eventually burst into life," says Tina.

At 44, Tina, who has successfully transitioned from R&B music to rock 'n' roll, said: "I believe anything is possible. "She did it, and she achieved a perfect transformation, not only in terms of musical style, but also in the fullness of her own personality.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

Tina said: "I don't have anyone and I don't have anything to rely on in life, so I have to do it myself. From the beginning, I had to come into the world and become strong to discover my purpose in life. My legacy is that I always persevere... From start to finish, because I believe in something inside me. ”

In 2000, Tina's farewell performance "One Last Time" was held at Wembley Stadium, England. She came from her 16-year-old youth, full of ups and downs, full of legends, and this performance in 2000 is a perfect farewell, like a undulating curve finally connected in a circle.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

In 2005, Tina collaborated with Tibetan Buddhist monks to begin a Buddhist music project under the name "Beyond." In a 2016 interview with Lion's Roar, she said she recited scripture every day.

In 2009, Tina collaborated with musicians Regula Curti, Seda Bagcan, Dechen Shak Dagsay and others to produce the album "Children Beyond - With Children United in Prayers" that combines Eastern Buddhist carols, conveying her strong desire for peace and equality.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

Poverty and misery are far gone, but Tina still has a reverence for life, no matter how busy she is, she still maintains the habit of chanting Buddhist scriptures every day.

Every time she was interviewed, she took the trouble to thank Buddhism and chanting for the boundless tranquility and immense power it brought her.

The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

Decades of ups and downs in life and music have given Tina a taste of the world, but she still insists on using her never-ending singing voice to bring people the same beauty for decades. At the same time, it was the quiet introspection and self-improvement in Buddhism that allowed her to find self-esteem, step out of the shadow of life, and leap out of the new color of her life!

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The American rock diva who converted to Buddhism died: 12 Grammys, 10 years of domestic violence, loss of a child in his old age...

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