
Embrace change

author:Return to the heart of the deer
Embrace change

The heart is like a rock

Adapt to change

Face it calmly

Every metamorphosis

Every ditch

All prompt that you are walking

uphill road

Happiness is made from the heart


It is a gift from God

Embrace change

People who don't slacken tend to

When it comes to change, it is chaotic

Because change broke him

The original order of life

Slack people are steady as a rock

Embrace change with confidence


Face everything

Meaningful growth

It always happens in change

Change drives lives

The power to move forward

Embrace change

Everyone has their own boundaries

That is, to external things

Control range

Instead of being afraid of change

It's better to embrace change

Every change represents

Select once

Will lead her to become

A more ideal version of yourself

People are growing throughout their lives

It's constantly changing

When I look back one day

You will find

Every metamorphosis that has ever been

It's all pushing you

Grow forward

Embrace change

Remarks: "Sense of Relaxation" Ono's book excerpt feelings