
Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

author:Study abroad in the Lion City

With the end of the college entrance examination results released, many students have successively filled in the volunteers, the domestic college entrance examination filling volunteers are basically the turn of the second stage, has not yet entered the second stage, such as Zhejiang, the second paragraph of the general category, the second paragraph of the second batch of art and the second stage of the sports category parallel volunteers, arranged to fill in from 8:30 on July 24 to 17:30 on July 25.

Jiangsu, July 27-28 (deadline is 17:00 on July 28), fill in the professional group volunteers of colleges and universities, including general, sports, and art college volunteers.

It can be said that in the next period of time, this year's college entrance examination admission work is basically coming to an end, I believe that many students must have failed to apply for the ideal university, maybe they will be ready to repeat the "World War II".

Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

But before choosing World War II, there was actually an idea of further study, that is, to study abroad.

Overseas study is becoming more and more popular, before studying abroad, parents and candidates must keep their eyes open to prevent falling into the pit of "fake university"!

The difficulty in choosing a school for studying abroad is mainly due to the inability to know the bottom of the school. When it comes to choosing a school in Singapore, you need to do these things well.

Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

There are four points to look at when choosing a school to study in Singapore


To strengthen the management and supervision of private universities in Singapore, the Singapore Education Trust Protection Scheme accreditation was introduced in 2010.

When choosing a Singapore school, it depends on whether the institution has this accreditation, and only with this certification can the school have the legal right to recruit international students, and the interests of international students can be fully protected.


Students will eventually go to employment after graduation, and whether they can be recognized by employers and the employment rate of graduates have become an important criterion to measure the school.

Whether you can find a job after graduation is recognized by the market and recognized by the diploma is a successful study abroad.

On the contrary, if you can't find employment after graduation, even if the school you study in is good, it won't work! All investments will come to naught.


Generally speaking, private universities are mostly language and diploma course transition platforms, most of them have established partnerships with overseas universities, and Singapore's private schools have undergraduate and master's degrees awarded by well-known universities in third countries to attract students.

When selecting these schools, due attention should be paid to the status and credibility of the partner universities, and false and asymmetric information should be avoided.


Also pay attention to the school facilities, size, and history.

Almost all of Singapore's closed private schools are small schools, and fewer international students will not be able to function properly.

It is recommended that students choose private schools with deep qualifications, large scale and complete facilities when choosing a school.

Strong private education groups are not financially dependent on foreign students, and the entry threshold does not change due to changes in socio-economic conditions, so there is no phenomenon similar to sudden closure.


"EduTrust" certification

The Singapore Education Trust Scheme certification "EduTrust" is a measure implemented by the Singapore government for private education in Singapore under the new quality assurance scheme in 2009, and is developed and administered by the Council for Private Education (CPE) under the Ministry of Education (MOE).

EduTrust accreditation is mainly audited by the Singapore government on the academic standards, financial processes, administration, quality supervision and protection and welfare policies provided by non-public educational institutions in Singapore, and is a prerequisite for non-public higher education institutions in Singapore to recruit international students.

Only non-public institutions accredited by EduTrust are considered accredited schools in Singapore and can legally enroll.

Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

Private educational institutions must meet all calibrations and will be suspended or even terminated if there is a violation after obtaining EduTrust accreditation. Private institutions that do not pass the EduTrus accreditation will lose their eligibility to enroll international students.

According to the scoring criteria, EduTrust accreditation is achieved with a score of 600 to 749, which is achieved by all major private schools in Singapore, and EduTrust Star with a score of 750 and above, one of only three schools to receive this award.


School size

Almost all of Singapore's closed private schools are small schools, and fewer international students will not be able to function properly.

It is recommended that students choose private schools with deep qualifications, large scale and complete facilities when choosing a school.

Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

Strong private education groups are not financially dependent on foreign students, and the entry threshold does not change due to changes in socio-economic conditions, so there is no phenomenon similar to sudden closure.


Partner universities

Generally speaking, private universities are mostly language and diploma course transition platforms, most of them have established partnerships with overseas universities, and Singapore's private schools have undergraduate and master's degrees awarded by well-known universities in third countries to attract students.

When selecting these schools, due attention should be paid to the status and credibility of the partner universities, and false and asymmetric information should be avoided.

The more well-known private universities are:

Singapore Institute of Management

1. London School of Economics and Political Science

2. University of Birmingham

3. University of Wollongong, Australia

4. RMIT University

5. University of Stirling, UK

Kaplan College, Singapore

1. University College Dublin, Ireland

2. University of Essex, UK

3. Royal Holloway, London

PSB Academy, Singapore

1. University of Wollongong, Australia

2. University of Newcastle, Australia

3. Le Trobe University, Australia

4. Massey University, New Zealand


Graduate employment prospects

Students will eventually go to employment after graduation, and whether they can be recognized by employers and the employment rate of graduates have become an important criterion to measure the school.

Whether you can find a job after graduation is recognized by the market and recognized by the diploma is a successful study abroad.

On the contrary, if you can't find employment after graduation, even if the school you study in is good, it won't work! All investments will come to naught.

Failed to apply to your ideal university after the college entrance examination? This is a guide to studying in Singapore, please accept it!

The Council for Private Education regularly conducts the Employment Survey of Private School Graduates, which surveys private school students who graduated between May of the previous year and April last year, and the latest survey data shows that the overall employment rate of private schools has reached 85.3%, about 4 percentage points higher than the previous class.

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