
The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

author:Car market life

At present, cross-border culture is sweeping all walks of life, car companies make mobile phones, mobile phone factories to build cars is not a new thing.

So, who is more difficult to build a car or a mobile phone?

Anyway, everyone feels that it is difficult, such as Huawei said that it does not build cars, but it does not mean that it does not participate in car manufacturing, and Yu Chengdong, CEO of the terminal business, recently sighed: The product quality of many car companies cannot leave the factory under Huawei standards!

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

Does this mean that mobile phone safety standards are higher than car safety standards? In fact, in the field of communications, the failure rate of mobile phone security protection must be less than one in 100 million, which is already very high, but the standard of smart pure electric vehicles is higher.

Car safety and life are closely related, high standards are a must! As the "safety overlord" of the era of fuel vehicles, Volvo has just held a press conference, officially released the World Tree intelligent safety system, and unveiled a new pure electric flagship SUV - Volvo EX90. At the moment when tram safety problems are frequent, Volvo chooses to "open the book" directly for the safety of users!

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

You know, Volvo invented seat belts, rear-facing child seats in the era of fuel vehicles, and pioneered the cage body structure, which has pushed the active and passive safety of the car to the extreme.

Entering the era of electrification, Volvo is not piecemeal, and directly comes to a "safety quality change", bringing the World Tree intelligent safety system. In the World Tree, Volvo has expanded car safety into four different spaces: interior, exterior, body and human, forming a towering tree of comprehensive safety in the new era.

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

To prevent the driver from making mistakes, arrange black technology in the car

Tired driving, distracted driving... How many traffic accidents stem from inattentiveness! In order to prevent the driver from "deserting", Volvo has developed a dual-camera DUS driver perception system, which I think is more like a modern version of the "head suspension" device...

This system can be stricter than the old coach, it can determine the driver's state in real time and accurately, once the driver's state is found to be abnormal, it immediately takes corresponding reminders, and when necessary, it can also actively slow down and brake.

The DUS driver perception system can not only prevent accidents caused by human factors, but also help drivers correct bad driving habits, which is more effective than old coaches!

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

The strongest lidar on the surface, sweeping away the dangers outside the car

For example, EX90 is equipped with the "strongest on the surface" Luminar LiDAR, which can effectively work in extremely harsh environments such as heavy rain, heavy snow, and dense fog to ensure driving safety. With a detection range of up to 600 meters and a high resolution of 0.08°x0.06°, the lidar system can accurately identify everything that may threaten driving safety.

It is through advanced and innovative smart technology that Volvo has built a powerful environmental detection, perception and in-vehicle people monitoring system for the EX90, providing multiple safety guarantees for users from outside to inside.

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

Collision 0 deformation, body safety must be 100 points

Compared with fuel vehicles, electric vehicles really come with their own "halo" and "sadness", although it is smarter and more convenient, but the existence of battery packs has always been a major pain point for trams. To this end, Volvo continues to challenge new heights of safety in the direction of 100% battery safety.

Volvo's full-stack self-developed BMS battery management system, using boron steel covered integrated stamping battery pack, with a reinforced version of the cage safety body, gives the promise of "0 deformation" of 60km/h collision battery, setting a new standard in the industry.

Compared with the 1/100 million failure rate of mobile phone security protection, Volvo's "0" promise is tougher!

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

Safety is not limited, and Volvo people can see safety far enough

From the inside of the car, outside the car to the body, Volvo has built an unbreakable protection network for driving safety, which has refreshed the standard of electric vehicle safety in the new era. However, Volvo's vision is not limited to the present, but sees a more distant future, which is reflected in the "humanistic safe space".

Volvo wants to protect not only the safety of vehicles, but also a green future. Therefore, it has always adhered to sustainable development and adopted new materials for interior environmental protection, and is committed to creating a green and environmentally friendly environment for everyone. If all enterprises can take "green future" as the focus of development like Volvo in the process of transformation and upgrading, human safety will naturally be more guaranteed.

The Volvo EX90's all-round safety system ensures driving safety!

Written at the end:

As the automotive industry enters the era of electrification, it is time to update the safety standards of the automotive industry. Volvo bravely broke the game with the World Tree and took the lead in taking on this important task.

Perhaps, we are still a long way from achieving "zero collision" in human travel, and it will take a lot of effort to create absolute safety, but as long as Volvo is still there, the distance between human travel and "zero collision" will be shorter and shorter!