
The "little blue piece" in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect and does not hurt the body, but also helps the body to replenish.

author:Urology Gong Yanchao

Our male friends are most afraid of the disharmony of husband and wife life, especially after staying up late, tired, and frequently consuming kidney essence during intercourse, they will always feel that the time is shortened, the strength is insufficient, and the weakness is easy to slip. You can only rely on "little blue tablets" to refresh and help.

The "little blue piece" in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect and does not hurt the body, but also helps the body to replenish.

But after all, this medicine is a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause, only a temporary effect, and it also has a burden on our heart, and it is easy to have some side effects of palpitations, chest tightness and chest pain. Today, Dr. Gong will introduce you to a few "little blue tablets" in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which can not only replenish the yang and rejuvenate, strengthen the kidney and add essence, but also make up from the root, but also not easy to hurt the body.

"Soft" men, choose Seikyomaru

People with insufficient kidney essence will be more "soft"; First, the kidney essence cannot metamorphosis bone marrow, nourish the bones, and it is easy to have a sore back and soft legs. Second, the seminal chamber is deficient, which will have a decline in libido, relatively weak, easy to account too early or frequent leakage. And it is easy to lose gray hair, tinnitus and dizziness, dark face, and look older. This is necessary to replenish the kidneys and help the yang, and improve the essence and fill the essence. It is possible to use Seilixiong pills.

The "little blue piece" in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect and does not hurt the body, but also helps the body to replenish.

"Cold" men, suitable for Bajin Zhenyang capsules

If the fire is weak and the yang is weak, the person is "cold". Fear of cold; The hands and feet are cold and not hot, especially in winter, like big ice cubes; The waist and abdomen are always cold, easy to bloated, frequent urination. The desire is extremely weak, and there is always a heart that is powerless to get up, and at this time it is necessary to rejuvenate the sun. You can refer to Balquor Zhenyang capsules to replenish kidney yang.

The "little blue piece" in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect and does not hurt the body, but also helps the body to replenish.

"Dry" men, suitable for yang solo capsules

If your whole person is deficient in fluid, sweats more, sleeps poorly at night, and night sweats are quite bad; The lips are dry and contracted, and the mouth is often dry and thirsty. Dry eyes, sore eyes, and often easy to dizziness, waist and legs are sore and do not like to move. This kind of not only to supplement the kidney and yang but also to replenish the yin and jinjin, it is more suitable for using yang cord capsules.

The "little blue piece" in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect and does not hurt the body, but also helps the body to replenish.

However, everyone's situation is different, and the symptoms will be different, which need to be distinguished separately; Therefore, everyone needs to use medicine under the diagnosis and guidance of professional doctors, and avoid blind medication.