
This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

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This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars


Editor: Chestnut


When it comes to Jim Carrey, I believe that many people are no strangers, he can be described as a professional in American comedy films, and even has countless Chinese fans.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

This 1994 American comedy film co-directed by Peter Farreary and Bobby Farrey.

The brothers made their mark in the film industry with their unique comedic talents and extended their influence to the entire field of comedy films.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

And this film is also his debut work for Jim Carrey.

Filmmaking background

The creative process of "Dumb and Agua" was not all smooth sailing.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter Farreary and Bobby Farreary are brothers who have extensive experience in the field of filmmaking.

Before choosing to make Dumb & Agua, they had co-directed several successful comedy films such as Thrill 1991 and Stupid and Dumb More.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

These productions have earned them a reputation in the comedy film industry.

However, it is not easy to adapt "Dumb and Agua" into a movie.

The story of the film was co-created by Peter Farreary and Bobby Farreary with screenwriter Jennifer Farrell.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

They encountered some challenges in the writing process of the script as they tried to maintain the coherence and appeal of the plot while being comedian and absurd.

They strive to ensure that each laugh point has enough logic and intrinsic humor to grab the audience's attention.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Directors Peter Farreary and Bobby Farreary excel at enhancing comedy through detail and visual effects. They used exaggerated makeup and costume design to make the protagonist look even more funny.

To bring more laughter and visual effects to the audience, their clever use of visual metaphors and visual contrasts makes the film stand out in the comedy world.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Some of these comedy elements include physical comedy, spoken word comedy, humorous dialogue, funny plots, and absurd situations.

By cleverly combining these elements, the directors created a cinematic world full of joy and hilarious things.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

The audience is drawn into the comedy atmosphere of the film, and laughter rises and falls.

Their creativity and sense of humor have made this film a classic in the history of comedy cinema. The success of the film is a testament to their deep understanding of comedy films and their unique way of creating them.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Story overview

The story takes place in an ordinary town in the United States, where Roy Cromart (Jim Carrey) and his friend Harry Dern (Jeff Daniels) are a pair of stupid buddies.

Not only do the two have low IQs, but they can't find a job.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Once, Roy gets a temporary job and drives modern girl Mary Swanson (Lawn Hawley) to the airport. Roy fell in love with Mary at first sight, and the two had a huge disparity in status.

Mary boarded the plane, and Roy found Mary forgetting a suitcase in the airport lounge.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

So, in pursuit of true love, Roy decides to drive with Harry to the plane destination mentioned by Mary, and he not only wants to return the suitcase, but also pursue Mary.

Along the way, they encounter all kinds of absurd events and characters. They misunderstood the intentions of a group of robbers and involved themselves in a criminal conspiracy.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

They meet a woman who pretends to be crazy and sells silly, and is implicated in more trouble by her.

They also bump into a friendly truck driver, who, despite their frequent irritation, is eventually helped out of the situation.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

When Harry and Roy finally arrive in Colorado, they find themselves in a crisis. Mary's luggage hides a mysterious briefcase filled with cash.

Unknowingly, they became the target of a gangster.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

After a series of hilarious scenes and unexpected events, Harry and Roy finally succeed in thwarting the gangsters' plot to save Mary.

Eventually, Harry and Roy realize that they are not fit to participate in Mary's life, and they let her live a happy life. Harry and Roy leave Colorado and return to their ordinary lives.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Although they did not achieve their original goal, they became true friends and gained an unforgettable adventure.

The theme and emotional expression of the film

"Dumb and Agua" revolves around the friendship between Harry and Roy. Although the two of them seem silly and naïve, their friendship is solid.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

No matter what difficulties they encounter in life, they always support and help each other. This sincere friendship reveals the preciousness and power of friendship.

Despite Harry and Roy's series of failures and difficulties, they never gave up on each other.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Their commitment to finding their lost girlfriend represents a kind of selfless loyalty.

They show tenacity and courage in the face of adversity, and this loyalty is emphasized in the film.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Through the image of Harry and Roy, the film explores the issues of social estrangement and self-esteem.

They are two marginalized people in society and are often seen as low IQs and losers. Their behavior and demeanor often provoked ridicule and ridicule, but they were able to maintain their authenticity and innocence.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Harry and Roy maintain a great challenge to their self-esteem. Despite their repeated setbacks, they never give up their pursuit of respect and worth.

This adherence to self-esteem demonstrates the positive strength and resilience in the film.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

"Dumb and Agua" as a comedy full of humor and jokes, it presents a series of absurd plots in a funny and funny way. However, the film also conveys a positive attitude towards life.

Harry and Roy have an optimistic and humorous attitude towards life, and no matter what difficulties they encounter, they always find a funny way to face it.

They approach the world in an innocent and naïve way, which allows them to enjoy the little things in life and get pleasure from them.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

This expression of life attitude makes the film not only a funny comedy, but also an advocacy of optimism in life and positive facing difficulties.

Peter Farreary and Bobby Farreary directing style

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter and Bobby are a pair of brother directors who work together tacitly, and their cooperation model has attracted a lot of attention in the film industry.

Through co-creation and decision-making, they form a close partnership that enables them to pursue artistic goals together.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

This collaborative model injected unique energy and creativity into their work, while also helping them realize their shared vision of comedy.

Peter and Bobby have a deep understanding and unique interpretation of comedy.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

They are good at discovering laughs from everyday life and transforming ordinary things into comedy elements.

They are adept at observing people's behavior, language and emotions, exaggerating, subverting and exaggerating them to create an effect that makes the audience laugh.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Their comedy style is characterized by humor, burlesque and absurdity, capable of resonating with the audience and bringing endless joy.

Peter and Bobby use a variety of comedy elements in the film and continue to innovate and break through. They skillfully use physical comedy to bring laughter through antics and acting skills.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

They excel at using puns and verbal humor, creating laughter through playfulness and pun interpretation between words. It also creates many ironic and absurd plots through character shaping and dialogue, making the audience laugh.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter and Bobby also have a unique comedic approach to characterization. Their characters are often naïve, silly and extremely cute, and their ignorance and naivety put them in awkward situations that lead to laughter.

This comedic effect reveals people's inner longing and confusion through exaggeration and irony of human nature, so that the audience can get an emotional catharsis and resonance in laughter.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter and Bobby's work incorporates reflections on attitudes towards life. Through humor, they face the challenges and difficulties in life with an optimistic and positive attitude.

Their work conveys a tolerance for humanity and optimism about life, encouraging viewers to look at problems with humor and find solutions to them.

While their films bring laughter to the audience, they also inspire the audience to think and understand life.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Analysis of laughter and comedy skills

In Dumb and Agua, they make extensive use of comical movements and body performances to elicit laughter from the audience.

In the process of pursuing their sweetheart, the protagonists Roy and Harry often fall into awkward and hilarious situations. Their antics and unexpected reactions made the audience laugh.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter Farreary and Bobby Farrey's films often use puns and verbal humor to create laughs. They are adept at using the ambiguity and fancy choice of words of language to create comical effects.

For example, the protagonists often say puns and funny lines, such as Roy's classic line: "So you're telling me there's a chance?" (So you're telling me, is there a chance?) This linguistic humor brings joy and entertainment to the audience.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

In the comedy films of Peter Farreary and Bobby Farrey, character creation plays an important comedic effect.

The characters they create are often stupid, naïve or eccentric, which makes the audience endure.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

In "Dumb and Agua", the protagonists Roy and Harry are portrayed as two idiotic but kind and cute guys.

Their actions and decisions are often laughable, but it's this character setting that makes the whole story more interesting and funny.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Peter Farreary and Bobby Farrey's films often use elements of irony and absurdity to create laughs. They are adept at revealing the weaknesses of human nature and the absurdity of social phenomena in ridiculous ways.

In Dumb and Agua, audiences often see the protagonists Roy and Harry caught up in a series of absurd situations and dilemmas.

Their erratic manners and approach to problems are often ironic, while also giving viewers a reflection on the absurdities of real life.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

The influence and evaluation of "Dumb and Agua"

With its bizarre and silly jokes, the film pioneered a new style of comedy, the "idiot comedy".

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

This style of comedy elicits laughter from the audience through exaggerated performances and silly plots.

"Dumb and Agua" was very successful in this regard, developing idiot comedy to the pinnacle and opening up new avenues for later comedy films.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

When the film was first released, audiences loved its humorous and funny performance.

They were impressed by the excellent comedic performances of Jim Cary and Jim Carrez, but also by the joke-filled dialogue in the script.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Audiences regard "Dumb and Agua" as a classic comedy movie, and its nonsensical humor has become the object of imitation and reference.

Critics' reviews of " Dumb and Agua " are also generally positive. They praised the film's unique comedy elements and humorous style, arguing that it injected fresh life into comedy films.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Although the plot of the movie is absurd and ridiculous, it can resonate with the audience and convey the optimism of life through laughter.

Critics believe that "Dumb and Agua" successfully combines stupidity and cleverness, making the audience think about some human nature while laughing.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

In addition to the evaluation of film critics, "Dumb and Agua" has also achieved great commercial success. The film grossed more than $240 million worldwide and became one of the most successful comedy films of its time.

This figure is a testament to the audience's love and recognition of the film, as well as the commercial appeal of Peter Farreary and Bobby Farreary as directors.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars

Due to the huge success of "Dumb and Agua", a series of sequels and spin-offs have been launched. These works continue the comedy elements of the original and further expand the worldview and characters of the film.

Although some sequels did not reach the level of the original, Dumb and Agua still became a benchmark for a series of comedies and provided inspiration for later comedy films.

Through an in-depth analysis of the director's style, laughter and comedy techniques, themes and emotional expressions, and the impact and evaluation of the film, we can better understand and appreciate this classic comedy film.

This masterpiece that can be called the ceiling of comedy, in 1994, it grossed as much as 240 million US dollars
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