
2023 "Top 10 Global Breakthrough Technologies"


When I wrote this topic, I was actually a little unconfident. Out of sensitivity to cutting-edge science and technology, and worship of scientific and technological power, while paying close attention to the direction, path, and even future possibilities of international and domestic scientific and technological development, I got a copy of the information from MIT.

Please ignore the attributes behind MIT and focus only on the perspective of "science and technology changing human process", or "scientific and technological innovation determines national strength", to read the following text.

I try to use my own plain language to explain where the main resources of the global tech community are concentrated today, but there is no denying that I must quote or even excerpt most of the terms that are a little more technical. If you care a lot about the authority and accuracy of the language, I have to.

The origin of this information comes from a study that began in 2001, that is, from big data, massive scientific research topics and achievements, the "seed players" who were most likely to "change the world" were selected.

This has been going on for 22 consecutive years, and the results show that most of the 22 "Big 10" formed in the past have become decisive "forces" for promoting world change. Looking back on many things, one sentence can be summed up: human beings are too smart and great!

Oh, I forgot to say that every year on this list, the world's top technology celebrities of that year joined the selection team, such as 2019, Bill. Gates joined and introduced "seeking and enhancing human welfare" into the selection criteria.

Once again, this list for 2023 is limited to 2023. That is to say, the information that has existed in previous years will not be repeated. Moreover, some of the "breakthrough technologies" of that year are closely related to the major human events of that year, and more technologies are based on this to achieve greater breakthroughs.

For example, in 2021, one of the selected "mRNA vaccine" technology saved hundreds of millions of human lives during the new crown epidemic. The 2022 selection "First Static Energy Gain in Nuclear Fusion Reactions" demonstrates the feasibility of the "controlled nuclear fusion" technology that mankind has always dreamed of. Although this technology was later "proven" by a domestic university: it could not be verified. But such high-tech stuff, trying to figure out the process and principle just by describing it in a public paper, is itself unrealistic. Who would be stupid to that extent and pour out the belly and intestines without reservation.

Without further ado. Serving.

1. James. Webb Space Telescope.

This thing has revolutionized humanity's perception and perception of the early universe, with an estimated lifespan of 20 years. In the next 7,000 days, mankind's insight into the vast universe will be refreshed every day. But this thing seems too far away from our real life. This is the opinion of ordinary people.

2. CRISPR for high cholesterol.

That letter combination is the acronym for "a repetitive sequence in the prokaryotic genome". I still have to quote a profound scientific term, but you can understand: in the history of the evolution of life on Earth, bacteria and viruses have produced immune weapons in the process of fighting, simply put, viruses can integrate their genes into bacteria, use bacterial cellular tools to serve their gene replication, bacteria in order to remove the virus's foreign invasion genes, evolved the CRISPR-Cas9 system, using this system, bacteria can quietly remove viral genes from their genomes, This is the immune system unique to bacteria, and it is an acquired immune system in which archaea and bacteria resist the invasion of foreign genetic materials such as viruses.

In fact, this technology is almost clear to you, that is, now humans use this gene editing technology to treat the "high cholesterol" in the "three highs". Recently, there is news that the probability of human beings will achieve a complete treatment of AIDS in 2030, and the technology used is "gene editing". By extension, gene editing may be the most powerful weapon for human beings to extend their lives in the future.

3. AI (artificial intelligence) for making images.

This does not need to be verbose, ChatGPT, which has been popular since the beginning of this year, has begun to subvert the common sense cognition of many human beings in the past. During this period, because of the hot topic of selecting majors after the college entrance examination, whether many majors are worth applying for has been related to whether they will be replaced by AI as quickly and completely as possible.

4. On-demand organ production.

It is still a biomedical field. The technology is still in its infancy and maturity is expected to take 10-15 years, but the outlook is very optimistic. In recent years, the use of animal organs, combined with the above-mentioned gene editing technology, to cultivate organs that humans urgently need to replace, the direction is not only clear, the results are very effective.

5. Telemedicine abortion pills.

Needless to say, this is a "major" technological breakthrough in the care of women's bodies. The reason behind this is actually a bit ridiculous, because the legal provisions for abortion vary greatly from state to state, and 13 states strictly prohibit abortion. What this technology can do, you can see at a glance.

6. Chip design that changes everything.

This may be "big" good news for us. As we all know, the United States is most committed to suppressing us at present, which is the semiconductor field. This first starts with chip design, and the United States starts with "difficult to obtain permission" and jams our necks.

Now that open standard chip design is here, that's all about to change. Intel has announced a $1 billion fund to support chip design companies that develop open standards.

It's a bit funny. Because there are many people who may not understand some of the practices of "capitalists". In layman's terms, the US government and the mainland government are not in the same eye, but many capitalists really have the ideological foundation of "serving the toiling masses wholeheartedly". For example, if some companies in the United States do not open patents, many of our highly effective drugs will not be able to produce, and human life will not be able to be quickly extended. If you're interested, search for information about people giving up tens of billions of dollars in royalties to allow us and India to produce sky-high quantities of generic drugs.

Therefore, it is difficult to say what the future result will be about the chip being stuck in the neck.

7. Ancient DNA analysis.

This technology is still related to genes. No, since humans have almost fully mastered the technology of gene sequencing, many breakthrough technologies have been iterating. Including previous research on ancient human remains, and even fossils, it directly changed a track. Now, through the analysis of ancient DNA, human beings have more clearly understood the relevant information of ancient humans.

What's the use of this? Heck, what is the plain language to describe it?

To put it this way, understanding the trajectories and evolution of ancient humans in each branch is crucial to understanding the geography of the earth, climate change, and how humans living today face the future.

8. Battery recycling.

People who do environmental protection know that the disposal of waste batteries has always been the first "environmental factor". Now, human beings are like plastic recycling and waste paper recycling to achieve the recycling of waste batteries.

In fact, the biggest inducing factor of this technological breakthrough is not "environmental factors", it should be the available things in waste batteries, and it is the greatest motivation and motivation. I figured it out myself.

9. The inevitable arrival of electric vehicles.

Have you found that there are many people around who disdain electric vehicles, or even criticize them. Many times, I see it this way, when a new thing hits habitual forces, or even seriously impacts "old interests", it should be the norm to be poured with dirty water. And, not surprisingly.

Just like cola drinks since their birth, there have been N "hazards" in rumors, and the power behind them mainly comes from other types of drinks that are struggling to survive and want to kill a bloody path.

Haha, you can almost understand at a glance how much traditional energy vehicles grit their teeth and hate new energy vehicles.

10. Mass-produced military UAVs.

In fact, I have talked about this topic many times before, saying that in future wars, the most powerful spear that can be predicted for the time being is sky-high and intensive drone attacks. Because, shield, has not yet appeared.

Some people say that the use of electronic jamming or shielding can make all drones "blind" in an instant. That's when you temporarily look up at the electronic weapons capabilities on this path. For example, when we built the world's largest 5G network, Western countries led by the United States gave birth to a more powerful "Starlink". Whether this is 6G technology or 7H technology is still being observed. Because the application scenario has completely changed the track.

Each of the above technologies can at least become one of the key references for you to judge future technology trends. Of course, while each technology promotes the rapid development of human civilization, it will have some side effects, which depend on human conscience.

Just like what cutting-edge technology brings to modern civilization, in fact, most people in the world will have a common pursuit and answer. In the heart of civilization, there is a bright light.