
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

I'm wondering!

Why is a good drama like "Huan Yan" not popular.

I'm because I've watched a few movies recently and didn't pay attention to it.

Everyone here is an old audience of spy war dramas, why don't many people watch it, I really don't understand, even if life is busy, you have to be happy, right?

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

But it doesn't matter, if you haven't watched it yet, then I think you're lucky, because there is a treasure spy war drama waiting for you.

At present, "Huan Yan" has been updated to 8 episodes, and I have also watched 8 episodes.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

The alternative drama style of this show caught my eye from the beginning.

Moreover, not only do I personally like it, but the feedback from netizens in the comment area is also surprisingly consistent, and they have given praise!

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

After watching 8 episodes in a row, I want to say: This spy war drama is a little unusual, this time, Liu Yunlong has an opponent.

Next, I will talk to you about some of my feelings when watching "Huan Yan" to give you a reference!

1: Blood into the play

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Xu Tian's Xu family has been doing business in Nanyang for generations, and the business has been very large, and has always funded revolutionary causes.

Uncle died, the Xu family only left Xu Tian, a single seedling, he wanted to go to Shanghai to marry his wife who he had never met, and do business in Shanghai, which would be more convenient to fund in the future.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

There were three gold bars to go to Shanghai with him, and after our side knew about the situation, we decided to send Lao Sun to escort Xu Tian.

In this way, Xu Tian and Lao Sun went on the road.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Of course, hitting the road is not the key, the key is what happens on the road. Originally, the journey was simple, taking the train all the way and then changing trains, and it was possible to reach Shanghai very quickly. However, something happened on the train.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Xu Tian and Lao Sun were robbed, and their wallets were robbed, which contained photos and letters of his wife.

Xu Tian was stubborn and wanted to return the wallet, but the other party did not give it, so there was a conflict.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Lao Sun divided three by five and killed the other party by two.

Lao Sun was lucky, the gold bar blocked the bullet, and he was only slightly injured.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Good guy, come up and start working in less than 10 minutes, what you want is a thrill. However, if you think that this is the end, you are very wrong. The real explosion scene of "Huan Yan" is still to come. Now kill 2 people, and then you have to work all the way to the end.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

I don't know, what everyone felt when they watched the first few episodes of "Huan Yan", anyway, when I saw Xu Tian and Lao Sun jump off the train and go to find a wallet, I officially entered the play. The moment the two of them jumped, the atmosphere instantly ignited.

Xu Tian and Lao Sun's journey officially began, and what kind of situation there was along the way also began.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

2: There is an orgasm after an orgasm

In order to find a wallet, Lao Sun and Xu Tian jumped the train.

As a result, things that were originally complicated gradually got out of control. Xu Tian's wallet was sold to the pawnshop by the gang, and they themselves clashed with the pawnshop, and the snatched things were directly swallowed by the other party.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Xu Tian and Lao Sun came to look for a wallet, and as soon as they entered and exited, the pawnshop asked them for 10 pieces of ocean.

They thought that they had met a good person and were willing to help him redeem his wallet, but they didn't expect that the other party had already remembered the three gold bars on Lao Sun's waist.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

The other party, taking advantage of Lao Sun's lack of attention, put something in his medicine, and directly left the gold bar.

In the blink of an eye, the gold bar arrived at the pawnshop, came out and deducted fifty percent, and this person just got the ticket, and he met the robbers who came to take revenge.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Good guys, a meal for both sides.

The two robbers took the thief who took three gold bars, and all the pawnshop people were killed. Lao Sun and Xu Tian had just finished asking for a wallet, and they came to ask for gold bars.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Seeing the miserable situation of the pawnshop, he also knew that the other party was not easy to mess with, so he promised to wait for their treasurer to come over the next day before speaking.

Of course, our grandson is not a vegetarian, first salute and then soldier, the reason does not make sense, so he can only be ruthless.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Lao Sun found his old partner "Demolition Ghost" Wang Pengju, and asked him to find 2 more people, ready to blow up the pawnshop and return the gold bars.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

To be honest, I don't know how everyone feels, anyway, I was full of praise when I saw Wang Pengju, played by Yang Haoyu, go online. The performance is too good, and the few rivalry scenes between him and Liao Fan don't look too comfortable.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Both of them deserve to be real drama bone strength, Lao Sun and Wang Pengju under the interpretation of Liao Fan and Yang Haoyu, from line dialogue, to body movements, to facial expressions, every second can lead you into the play, full of feelings, characters are flesh and blood, very infectious.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

In the end, Lao Sun and Wang Peng raised a gang and blew up the pawnshop.

However, the gold bar was taken away by the nonsense who saw the money, so they embarked on a journey to find the gold bar again.

And such a explosion made the entire drama of "Huan Yan" reach a climax, and at the same time, one climax after another, without stopping for a second. At present, the show has been updated to 8 episodes, and it is still high-energy everywhere.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

3: Follow-up points

At present, "Huan Yan" has been updated to 8 episodes.

Wang Pengju went offline, Lao Sun went offline, and Yu Yixiu and Xu Tian chased Hu Man to the casino.

Here, they meet Yu Zhou (Wu Xiaoliang) and start another adventure.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Xu Tian cut off a finger for Yu Yixiu, and Yu Yixiu was lucky to the end for Lao Sun's promise, and he also went offline.

The climax of "Huan Yan" continues, and there are 2 major highlights in the follow-up, which I think are worth paying attention to.

One: how the spy war plot will develop

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

When "Huan Yan" first started, it was Lao Sun who protected Xu Tian, and there were not many spy war plots.

But as the plot progressed, after Ma Tianfang appeared, the spy war plot of the play gradually emerged.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

According to the setting in the play, the reason why Ma Tianfang helped Xu Tian was to deliberately let him go. It was because the enemy wanted Xu Tian to successfully reach Shanghai, and followed all the way to find Xu Tian's docking person, and finally killed our sleeper agents.

I have a different opinion on this setting.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Because, at the beginning of the series, when the leader explained the task to Lao Sun, he said that Xu Tian was important, and the gold bar was also very important.

Usually, money is something outside the body, and although the three gold bars are worth a lot of money, they seem to be nothing compared to Xu Tian and Lao Sun's journey.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

This, from the reaction of the pawnshop guys, can also be seen, they spend more than this amount of money in a day, and three gold bars are also a drop in the bucket for them.

But why did the superior specifically explain that Lao Sun wanted to protect Xu Tian and also protect the gold bars?

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

I personally think that Lao Sun and Xu Tian are likely to hide some key information in the gold bars they protect.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to attach so much importance to the three gold bars.

Even, for the sake of these three gold bars, even his life was not needed.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

At the same time, I guess that this intelligence is likely to have a big effect, and it is definitely not simply to find the introduction of the docking person.

Of course, this is also my personal speculation, how the specific spy plot of "Huan Yan" will develop, it depends on the follow-up.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Second: whether Zhang Yi can set off another climax

"Huan Yan" has been updated for eight episodes, Liao Fan and Zhang Luyi have appeared, but Zhang Yi, as one of the important starring actors of the play, has not yet been launched.

In the first few episodes, Liao Fan's acting performance is undoubted, and he made a good start for the show with his solid acting skills.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

The old grandson he portrayed is brave and resourceful, and has the style of an ancient warrior, and as soon as he appears, he has an aura, which gives the whole drama a high-level texture.

It's a pity that Liao Fan's scenes are too few, only 4 episodes, and he was hurriedly offline, which is regrettable.

Liao Fan went off the line, Zhang Lu appeared, and although he played Yu Yixiu, he was also very outstanding.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

I haven't gone out for five years, and when I go out, I have to let myself go. In order to realize his dreams, he didn't even pay attention to the humiliation of his crotch. For the morality in his heart, in order to realize his promise to Lao Sun, he also gave everything for Xu Tian, and his temperament was impressive.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

At present, after Liao Fan and Zhang Lu got off the line, it was almost the turn of the big name Zhang Yi to appear. In the play, he plays Zhang Jiayi.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

What are the characteristics of this role, how Zhang Yi will perform, and whether it can set off another climax, it is worth looking forward to.

According to the plot trailer, Zhang Yi will be online in episode 10, everyone will wait and see!

4: Say more

Xu Bing, the director of "Huan Yan", in the spy war drama "Red" directed by him, he used almost supernatural spy warfare skills to open up another spy war road, Xu Tian in that drama is clever and clever, playing the enemy around, it doesn't look too cool.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

The audience jokingly called "Red", which is an upgraded version of Liu Yunlong's "Dark Calculation".

Xu Tian's abilities seem to be more ornamental than the blind A Bing and the mathematical genius Huang Yiyi.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

"Red" can be said to have made a spy war drama into a spy war drama in the new era.

And back to "Huan Yan", it seems to be different from the traditional spy war dramas that everyone watched before.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

In other dramas, the people in the play are intrigued, and in this drama, the people in the play start without saying a word. All the way to the wind and fire, not lively, director Xu Bing seems to have embarked on the road of road spy warfare again.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Xu Tian and three gold bars, from Nanyang to Shanghai, starting from Lao Sun, met strange people along the way, everyone started working without saying a word, and if the reason did not make sense, they simply did not say anything. Hit all the way, break all the way, smash everything unreasonably.

For the sake of dreams, for future generations to live a peaceful and good life, for everyone to be able to cultivate the land and children to go to school.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

Although tens of millions of people are going to it. Although thousands of miles day and night!

The main theme is a bloody romance!

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode
"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

If we talk about traditional spy war dramas, then Liu Yunlong is definitely the king of kings, and "Dark Calculation" and "Kite" are difficult to surpass. However, Xu Bing did the opposite and found another way to spy warfare, and he wanted to break everything.

"Huan Yan" looks better and better, Zhang Yi is about to appear, and the domestic spy war drama is finally about to explode

After watching 8 episodes of "Huan Yan", I can't hide my excitement!

I want to say: This time, Liu Yunlong really has an opponent. His opponent is a man who takes an unusual path.

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